
What is the availability of 'vector long long'?

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-13 16:50:50
问题 I'm testing on an old PowerMac G5, which is a Power4 machine. The build is failing: $ make ... g++ -DNDEBUG -g2 -O3 -mcpu=power4 -maltivec -c ppc-simd.cpp ppc-crypto.h:36: error: use of 'long long' in AltiVec types is invalid make: *** [ppc-simd.o] Error 1 The failure is due to: typedef __vector unsigned long long uint64x2_p8; I'm having trouble determining when I should make the typedef available. With -mcpu=power4 -maltivec the machine reports 64-bit availability: $ gcc -mcpu=power4

Error: matching constraint not valid in output operand

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-13 08:07:45
问题 I'm having trouble getting GCC inline assembler to accept some inline assembly for Power9. The regular assembly I am trying to get GCC to accept is darn 3, 1 , where 3 is r3 and 1 is parameter called L in the docs. It disassembles to this on big-endian: 0: e6 05 61 7c darn r3,1 And on little-endian: 0: 7c 61 05 e6 darn r3,1 Due to various reasons and problems, including old compilers and compilers that pretend to be other compilers, I want to issue byte codes for the instruction. My test

Alternative to v8 for exposing C++ objects to JavaScript (on PowerPC)

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-13 03:58:53
问题 I need to expose C++ classes (packed as shared libraries) to the magic world of JavaScript. The most obvious solution is to use Node.js/v8. Problem is that it has to run on PowerPC (please no comments on this...) and - alas! - v8 doesn't run on PowerPC (the v8-powerpc project seems to be dead). I'm trying to understand if there's any other viable solution, at the moment some possibilities are: emscripten, which converts LLVM bitcode into JavaScript; WebKit's JavaScriptCore, although I'm not

How can I know what type of debug info is in an ELF object file?

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-12 07:46:40
问题 I have an ELF object file. I want to know which type of debugging info it contains. It was compiled with the Diab compiler (C source) for the PPC architecture. I'm pretty sure it was built with debugging symbols. I have tried extracting the debugging info with dwarfdump but I doesn't work so I guess the debugging information is not of type DWARF. $ dwarfdump file.elf No DWARF information present in file.elf Using objdump to show debugging information comes up empty. $ objdump -g file.elf file

qemu running powerpc u-boot failed

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-12 01:44:24
问题 I'm trying to emulate freescale powerpc with QEMU,but faced some problem. When I try to run ppc u-boot,it fails with the infomation below: $ qemu-system-ppc -M ppce500 -nographic -kernel u-boot qemu: fatal: Trying to execute code outside RAM or ROM at 0xeff40000 NIP eff40000 LR 00000000 CTR 00000000 XER 00000000 MSR 00000000 HID0 00000000 HF 00000000 idx 1 TB 00000000 05858550 DECR 00000000 GPR00 0000000000000000 0000000000fffff8 0000000000000000 00000000f1800000 GPR04 0000000000000000

How to run openwrt for ppc on qemu?

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-11 21:27:39
问题 I need to test some compiled files for MPC8377EWLANA And i don't have hardware yet Any one knows how to run openwrt on qemu-ppc or may be on some other virtual machine? 回答1: For arm you can Run like this qemu-system-arm -M realview-eb-mpcore -kernel openwrt-realview-vmlinux.elf -net nic -net user -nographic similarway you can try qemu-system-ppc -M (machine) -kernel (kernel image) -net nic -net user -nographic 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18890866/how-to-run-openwrt-for-ppc-on-qemu

PowerPC Inline Assembly: Load C Value into Register

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-11 16:59:15
问题 Using GCC and inline assembly , I want to load an immediate into a specific register r0 . However, I'm not getting the right results. unsigned short value = 0x1337; asm volatile ( "li 0, %0\n\t" "sc\n\t" "blr" : /* Output registers */ :"r"(value) /* Input registers */ : /* No clobbered registers */ ); When compiled, this gives li r0, 9 sc blr Where does the 9 come from? I wanted the specified value 0x1337 instead. Here is a tutorial I looked at. 回答1: 9 is the register containing 0x1337 ,

How to write a function which return a pointer to the stack

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-11 13:04:07
问题 After reading the following question, I understand that there no such thing exist (at least not 'portable'). However I am starring at the following piece of code from mono code base, which return a pointer to the stack: static void * return_stack_ptr () { gpointer i; return &i; } I am surprised that the above code can even work on arch such as PowerPC, I would have assumed this would only work on x86 (and maybe only gcc). Is this going to work on PowerPC ? 回答1: The purpose of the stack is

Is it possible to rotate a 128-bit value in Altivec?

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-11 12:45:00
问题 I'm trying to port some ARM NEON code to AltiVec. Our NEON code has two LOAD's, one ROT, one XOR and a STORE so it seems like a simple test case. According to IBM's vec_rl documentation: Each element of the result is obtained by rotating the corresponding element of a left by the number of bits specified by the corresponding element of b. The docs go on to say vector unsigned int is the largest data type unless -qarch=power8 , in which case vector unsigned long long applies. I'd like to

Is there an Android SDK for Linux ppc64?

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-11 10:43:48
问题 I'm trying to understand if there is an Android SDK available for Linux ppc64. I downloaded the Linux SDK tools only package from here ( android-sdk_r24.3.3-linux.tgz at the time of downloading), but when I try to run tools/android from the downloaded package, I get an error message saying: SWT folder `/home/user/android-sdk-linux/lib/ppc64` does not exist. Please export ANDROID_SWT to point to the folder containing swt.jar for your installation. It appears that the error is correct; only x86