
PHP image pixelate?

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-03 03:37:18
I need to make this effect with php. I know that there is IMG_FILTER_PIXELATE in PHP image filter. But I need it to be smoother and embossed? like in this image: This effect will make any image uploaded by user become pixelated and the edge of the picture become red (I know IMG_FILTER_EDGEDETECT but I don't know how to use it to change edge color). I have no idea how to do this. Henrik Peinar As the last answer was theoretical and seemed to be not enough, I've created a practical example: Note: This is far from the "ideal" and perfect pixelate effect function, but it does it's job. Feel free

How to convert from alphabets to pixels

一世执手 提交于 2019-11-28 14:34:08
Do you know a program or script that converts from a letter to a matrix (consisting of 0 and 1) representing the letter? For example, from letter I to a matrix something like this: (it's an LED pannel showing letter I): Please let me know a way to create such matrix other than hand typing Thx. The only solution is to use font. well for HW implementation I usually used EGA/VGA 8x8 font extracted from gfx card BIOS you can do it easy in MS-DOS environment another way is to extract font programaticaly from image draw entire font to bitmap (in line or in matrix ..., or use some already created

algorithm to rasterize and fill a hypersphere?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-11-27 16:17:34
I'm trying to rasterize and fill a hypersphere. In essence, I have a d-dimensional grid of fixed size and a sphere (center, radius) and want to find out which cells of the grid overlap with the sphere and store their coordinates. I am aware of the Midpoint circle algorithm which takes advantage of 8-way mirroring and produces the outer cells (border) of a circle. I have also altered the linked wikipedia code so as to fill the circle (that is, to produce the coordinates of all cells inside the border). However I am unaware of any algorithms for higher dimension. For example in 4d, I've been

How to convert from alphabets to pixels

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-11-27 08:25:34
问题 Do you know a program or script that converts from a letter to a matrix (consisting of 0 and 1) representing the letter? For example, from letter I to a matrix something like this: (it's an LED pannel showing letter I): Please let me know a way to create such matrix other than hand typing Thx. 回答1: The only solution is to use font. well for HW implementation I usually used EGA/VGA 8x8 font extracted from gfx card BIOS you can do it easy in MS-DOS environment another way is to extract font

when scaling an element with css3 scale, it becomes pixelated until just after the animation is complete. I'm animating an element with a border

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-11-27 08:22:46
http://jsfiddle.net/nicktheandroid/5Ytnj/ When I add -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; to the .circ element, it causes it to stay pixelated even after the animation is complete. I'm wondering if there's a way to get it to not pixelate while animating. I've viewing it in the dev version of Google Chrome. Okay so i think i've come up with a work around; essentially; don't use "scale". use "scale3d" and have it setup so that the largest you want the image is scale3d(1,1,1) . Here is an example with the circle thing you had in there. I changed the scale to 5, because i didn't want to put 0

algorithm to rasterize and fill a hypersphere?

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-11-26 18:35:16
问题 I'm trying to rasterize and fill a hypersphere. In essence, I have a d-dimensional grid of fixed size and a sphere (center, radius) and want to find out which cells of the grid overlap with the sphere and store their coordinates. I am aware of the Midpoint circle algorithm which takes advantage of 8-way mirroring and produces the outer cells (border) of a circle. I have also altered the linked wikipedia code so as to fill the circle (that is, to produce the coordinates of all cells inside the

How to downsample images correctly?

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-11-26 13:45:39
Background Creating an app that has a lot of high quality images, I've decided to downscale the images to the needed size (meaning that if the image is larger than the screen , I downscale it ) . The problem I've noticed that on some devices, if the images are downscaled, they become blurry/pixelated, yet on the same devices, for the same target imageView size, if the images aren't downscaled, they look just fine. What I've tried I've decided to check this issue further, and created a small POC app that shows the issue. Before showing you code, here's a demo of what I'm talking about : it's a

How to downsample images correctly?

不问归期 提交于 2019-11-26 03:44:09
问题 Background Creating an app that has a lot of high quality images, I\'ve decided to downscale the images to the needed size (meaning that if the image is larger than the screen , I downscale it ) . The problem I\'ve noticed that on some devices, if the images are downscaled, they become blurry/pixelated, yet on the same devices, for the same target imageView size, if the images aren\'t downscaled, they look just fine. What I\'ve tried I\'ve decided to check this issue further, and created a