
Xdebug post requests with PhpStorm

醉酒当歌 提交于 2021-02-20 19:08:19
问题 I am using PphpStorm 2016.1. The php engine is php 7.0.4 and xdebug version is 2.4.0. I am using ubuntu 16.04 as well. The problem is that I can debug every request. But when I want to debug post request, $_POST global variable is getting empty variable. With debug mode posting a form is working but when enabling debug with PhpStorm I can't see $_POST variable's data. I did everything but but I did not find the solution. 回答1: docs: If you want to debug a script started through a web browser,

PHPstorm FTP can't upload files

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2021-02-16 16:24:46
问题 Im trying to configure my PHPstorm with FTP so after a file is saved, it needs to be uploaded to the host. I can connect (i did the test) but i can't upload a file unless i change the file permission to 777 of my file. Any idea how this is possible? Here is the error: [31/01/16 17:11] Failed to transfer file '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/': cant open output connection for file "ftp://mm.server/app/Http/Controllers/Website

Sass not detecting changes made by used files @use

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-02-11 15:40:56
问题 Alright so I am trying to detect changes that happened in the files that are used (@use) with SASS and PHPSTORM but whenever I compile the used file, it doesnt compile the original. Example: I save _global.sass, it doesnt compile style.sass, but it should. So basically my issue is that whenever I make changes to _global.sass or _home.sass, I have to manually go to style.sass, insert or delete empty line (make some changes) and then save for it to compile... style.sass @use "_global.sass" @use

Sass not detecting changes made by used files @use

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2021-02-11 15:40:42
问题 Alright so I am trying to detect changes that happened in the files that are used (@use) with SASS and PHPSTORM but whenever I compile the used file, it doesnt compile the original. Example: I save _global.sass, it doesnt compile style.sass, but it should. So basically my issue is that whenever I make changes to _global.sass or _home.sass, I have to manually go to style.sass, insert or delete empty line (make some changes) and then save for it to compile... style.sass @use "_global.sass" @use

PhpStorm Show/Hide Main Menu

柔情痞子 提交于 2021-02-11 12:50:25
问题 I mistakenly hide PhpStorm's main menu using "View > Appearance" unchecked the menu. I tried many searches on how to show me the main menu again, after long I found a very simple way to do it. 回答1: Press Double Shift for Search Everywhere. Now search for any setting or anything you want to change. For main menu show/hide Press Double Shift > Actions Search for View | Appearance main Menu Then simply enable the setting. This might also work for Jetbrains, Intellij, Pycharm, Clion, or any

How to configure Xdebug for JetBrains PhpStorm 2020.1?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2021-02-10 14:16:32
问题 So, I was quite happily debugging my PHP code with PhpStorm - until Windows became severely corrupted ... and my backup regime turned out to not quite as good as I had thought (let that be a lesson to many of us :-( ) Here's the relevant part of my php.ini : [PHP] [Xdebug] ; ---- trying to follow PHP storm's advice zend_extension = "e:\coding\Web_development\php\php\ext\php_xdebug-3.0.1-7.3-vc15-x86_64.dll" xdebug.remote_enable = 1 xdebug.remote_handler = dbgp xdebug.remote_host =

Laravel + PhpStorm: is it possible jump to function from routes definition in one step?

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2021-02-10 04:13:50
问题 We have quite a lot routes, such as: Route::get('/','WebController@index'); When I want to jump to function, I have to: go to the class WebController go to the function index() Is it possible jump to function from routes definition in one step? 回答1: You should have to install plugin for laravel in php strom. - Under Settings (Preferences) | Plugins, click the Browse repositories... button and search for Laravel . Next, we can use the Install plugin button or the context menu to proceed with

How to typehint context in an IDE?

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2021-02-08 15:55:28
问题 I am using Closure::call ( to call an external closure inside a class context. Here's a simple repro: class Foo { private $bar = 'baz'; /** * Executes a closure in $this context and returns whatever the closure returns. * * @param \Closure $closure * @return mixed */ public function callClosureInThisContext(\Closure $closure) { return $closure->call($this); } } class Closures { /** * @return \Closure */ public function getClosureForFoo() : \Closure {

Why PhpStorm inspection says `Exception` is undefined?

China☆狼群 提交于 2021-02-08 08:33:28
问题 PhpStorm doesn't recognize Exception from some reason. The code executes fine, but I cannot "go to" code (which should send me to Core_c.php ): 回答1: Windows OS has "try rebooting the OS" advice which helps in a lot of "does not work / suddenly stopped working" scenarios. File | Invalidate Caches is the one for PhpStorm, especially after IDE/OS crash or after upgrading your IDE to a newer version. P.S. I had to make up some text, otherwise it's too short for an answer. 来源: https:/

PhpStorm header.php file is greyed out

无人久伴 提交于 2021-02-08 07:51:01
问题 I'm using PhpStorm and for some reason in all of my projects the header.php file got messed up. It's just greyed out and PhpStorm doesn't recognize the PHP in the specific files named header.php . The rest is working fine. It's driving me crazy and I can't figure it out. I already checked file templates, reset it to default. Nothing helps. I would appreciate any solution, thanks. 回答1: Go to Settings/Preferences | Editor | File Types Locate Text entry in top table Locate and remove header.php