
数据库pgpool-II 4.1.4 高可用集群之VIP漂移

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2021-02-01 12:54:51
问题描述: 在一次部署PostgreSQL12.3流复制+pgpool-ii 4.1.4高可用集群的时候,遇到了很奇怪的vip漂移问题:PostgreSQL主库down掉后,vip不会漂移到备库,但是当我把主库启动后,vip反而漂移到了备库。 解决思路: 第一反应就是failover_stream.sh切换脚本有问题,于是手动执行了一下脚本,发现这个脚本只是用来切换PostgreSQL数据库主、备角色的,VIP并没有发生什么变化;期间参考了百度十几种方法和建议,都没有解决这个问题。最终,我在PostgreSQL官网找到了答案,与大家分享。 问题排查: 其实这个问题是pgpool-ii 4.1.4配置文件参数导致的,我看了网上很多的部署教程,在配置pgpool的时候都没有注意这个地方,如下: 3.1.vi进入pgpool配置文件pgpool.conf,找到以下部分; 修改如下: watchdog 发生故障后, 处理的相关配置(宕机, pgpool进程终止) #- Watchdog consensus settings for failover – failover_when_quorum_exists = on failover_require_consensus = on allow_multiple_failover_requests_from_node = on

Cannot configure pgpool with master and slave nodes

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2021-01-29 22:02:12
问题 I have created a master-slave postgreSQL (I have one cluster as main and the other one as hot_standby). All local host. I used the "pgpool.conf.sample" and changed the backend 1+2 for my master and slave nodes. whenever I open the pgpool and run show pool_nodes; I can see the master + slave but slave is on waiting status. If I return to the configuration file and turn on the master_slave_mode, now both nodes are "up" but they're standby and all goes through the master one. What i'm trying to

Cannot configure pgpool with master and slave nodes

房东的猫 提交于 2021-01-29 17:24:54
问题 I have created a master-slave postgreSQL (I have one cluster as main and the other one as hot_standby). All local host. I used the "pgpool.conf.sample" and changed the backend 1+2 for my master and slave nodes. whenever I open the pgpool and run show pool_nodes; I can see the master + slave but slave is on waiting status. If I return to the configuration file and turn on the master_slave_mode, now both nodes are "up" but they're standby and all goes through the master one. What i'm trying to

pid file disappears after starting pgpool with ubuntu and postgresql

五迷三道 提交于 2021-01-27 06:25:11
问题 I´ve installed postgresql 9.1 on ubuntu 12.04 with pgpoolII-3.3.3 and pgPoolAdmin If I try to run pgpool from a terminal with sudo pgpool it seems to start. Viewing ubuntu file explorer I can see how a file is created at /var/run/pgpool/ (this is the path in pgpool.conf) But after one second the file disappears. I have tried to change the owner of the directory and the directory permissions but nothing seems to fix it. If after that I try to stop pgpool wiht sudo pgpool -m

pid file disappears after starting pgpool with ubuntu and postgresql

随声附和 提交于 2021-01-27 06:25:08
问题 I´ve installed postgresql 9.1 on ubuntu 12.04 with pgpoolII-3.3.3 and pgPoolAdmin If I try to run pgpool from a terminal with sudo pgpool it seems to start. Viewing ubuntu file explorer I can see how a file is created at /var/run/pgpool/ (this is the path in pgpool.conf) But after one second the file disappears. I have tried to change the owner of the directory and the directory permissions but nothing seems to fix it. If after that I try to stop pgpool wiht sudo pgpool -m

Multiple bitnami pgpool-II container

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2021-01-07 01:31:12
问题 Need clarification if this is doable. I have successfully ran Postgres with 2 containers namely master and slave . I would like to know if I can run more than one pgpool container ? If yes, is there any specific environment variables i need to set ? Can I just take the below command and run in another pgpool VM ? My intention is to have a load balancer round robin between the 2 pgpool that connects to the backend of master (rw) and slave (ro). docker run --detach --rm --name pgpool \ -

Multiple bitnami pgpool-II container

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2021-01-07 01:27:24
问题 Need clarification if this is doable. I have successfully ran Postgres with 2 containers namely master and slave . I would like to know if I can run more than one pgpool container ? If yes, is there any specific environment variables i need to set ? Can I just take the below command and run in another pgpool VM ? My intention is to have a load balancer round robin between the 2 pgpool that connects to the backend of master (rw) and slave (ro). docker run --detach --rm --name pgpool \ -

PostgreSQL.Live生而全球 敢于颠覆

寵の児 提交于 2020-08-16 06:11:39
这,是开源技术的未来 这,汇集中外大咖 分享核心技术 这,畅聊主流话题 交流顶尖技术 这,与顶级企业联手,合作共赢 PostgreSQL.Live简介 PostgreSQL.Live由中国PostgreSQL分会与PostgreSQL国际社区共同筹备、知名PostgreSQL生态链企业参与,live沙龙将以在线直播+按需学习相结合的方式,面向全球开发者、架构师、PostgreSQL用户和爱好者免费开放;同时设有线上专家一对一、技术团队面对面等环节。 PostgreSQL.Live云端技术沙龙 第一期:未来的PostgreSQL分片 主讲人:Bruce Momjian 简介: Bruce Momjian是PostgreSQL全球开发小组的联合创始人和核心团队成员,也是Ad-dison-Wesley出版的《PostgreSQL的简介和概念》一书的作者。Bruce Momjian从2006年开始受聘于EnterpriseDB,目前担任EnterpriseDB副总裁一职。 主题分享: 探讨分片的优点和未来PostgreSQL分片实现的需求。 活动详情点击下方链接 未来的PostgreSQL分片 第二期:Postgres中的表分区 主讲人:Amit Langote 简介: Amit Langote是PostgreSQL社区的主要开发者之一,来自EnterpriseDB日本公司

Pgpool-II 模式初步浅析

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-07-27 11:33:36
Pgpool-II 模式初步浅析 1.什么是pgpool-II 简单通俗的来讲,pgpool-II 是一个位于 PostgreSQL 服务器和 PostgreSQL 数据库客户端之间的中间件。pgpool-II主要提供负载均衡、连接池、复制、并行查询等等功能。Pgpool-ll可以运行在linux、solaris、FreeBSD以及基本上所有的类UNIX架构的平台。不支持Windows系统。 2.Pgpool-ll提供以下几种模式: 1)连接池模式 在连接池模式中,所有在原始模式中的功能以及连接池功能都可以使用连接池模,pgpool-ll保持已经连接到PostgreSql的服务器连接,通过使用相同参数连接重用,减少连接开销,增加系统总体吞吐量。使用连接池模式需要配置max_pool参数。 2)复制模式 通过管理连接多个PostgreSql服务器,使在两台及以上更多的后端节点中建立一个备份节点。要启用数据库复制功能,需要设置 pgpool.conf 文件中的 replication_mode 为 true。 replication_mode = true (pgpool-II 发送一份接收到的查询的拷贝到所有的数据库节点) load_balance_mode = true(pgpool-II在数据库节点之间分发 SELECT 查询) 3)并行模式 为了在 pgpool-II

Pgpool-II: Delegated IP is not available when disconnected Primary or Standby Node Failed

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2020-05-17 07:06:22
问题 I'm trying to setup postgres cluster of two nodes (primary and standby). In order to activate automatic failover, I'm using pgpool-II. I followed the following article: and the only thing difference I did is installing postgresql version 12 instead of version 11. Knowing that I'm trying it useing two centos7 images on Proxmox. I faced the following issues: When I run systemctl status pgpool.service on both nodes, it returned success.