

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2020-01-13 13:23:30
一. IS-IS简介 IS-IS(Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System intra-domain routing information exchange protocol,中间系统到中间系统的域内路由信息交换协议)最初是国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization,ISO)为它的无连接网络协议(ConnectionLess Network Protocol,CLNP)设计的一种动态路由协议。 为了提供对IP的路由支持,IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force,因特网工程任务组)在RFC 1195中对IS-IS进行了扩充和修改,使它能够同时应用在TCP/IP和OSI环境中,称为集成化IS-IS(Integrated IS-IS或Dual IS-IS)。 IS-IS属于内部网关协议(Interior Gateway Protocol,IGP),用于自治系统内部。IS-IS是一种链路状态协议,使用最短路径优先(Shortest Path First,SPF)算法进行路由计算。 1. 基本概念 1) IS-IS路由协议的基本术语 l IS(Intermediate System):中间系统。相当于TCP/IP中的路由器,是IS


时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-01-01 13:55:57
随着国内智能手机市场的饱和,越来越多的国产品牌,移动互联网手机厂商选择出海淘金,触角已经遍布到港澳台、印度、东南亚、南美、俄罗斯、西班牙各地,相信明后两年西欧和北美两大市场也会被攻陷。而作为海外国家法规必须支持的Cell Broadcast Service(CBS)功能,以及衍生的PWS系统,如北美CMAS、日本印尼等海啸地震频发地区的ETWS,由于国内三大运营商都不支持,厂商毫无经验地出海常常出现以下三大类问题: 1. 设置中无相关UI,导致用户无法开启或关闭有关频道的小区广播。 就在某移动互联网厂商的客户论坛里,Haykey哥亲眼看见有用户漫游到日本,发现亲友的手机会自动播报ETWS消息,而本司手机始终未收到,也无法开启,发的质问帖子; 2. 开启监听的频道不对 ,造成会漏掉一些国家区域强制的小区广播,或者会在一些国家监听不需要的小区广播,造成频繁弹框,影响用户体验,尤其是当用户漫游在俄罗斯、西班牙等非英语国家,当隔三差五就收到一堆乱码文字框,真会不知所然,以为手机中毒了。在下期的真实案例分析里,Haykey哥会带来国内某互联网手机全球化过程中,在俄罗斯遇到的CBS频繁弹框事件; 3. 开启监听的频道正确,但反馈没有接收到CBS小区广播消息; 由于篇幅长度有限,我将分三期阐述。第一期偏重于理论,只讲GSM和UMTS下的CBS和Common的东西

How to handle delivery report in GSM Modem?

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-23 04:12:27
问题 i want to use GSM Modem in an application for some purpose. what i want is handling SMS delivery report for list of sent sms. GSM Modem inbox & outbox are limited to 15 items. every time i read the inbox the gsm modem return a list an clear the list. how to check delivery status of sms that had been deleted from GSM Modem inbox ? i need something unique that enables me to identify each message. 回答1: every time i read the inbox the gsm modem return a list an clear the list. Messages that are

How to handle delivery report in GSM Modem?

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-23 04:12:12
问题 i want to use GSM Modem in an application for some purpose. what i want is handling SMS delivery report for list of sent sms. GSM Modem inbox & outbox are limited to 15 items. every time i read the inbox the gsm modem return a list an clear the list. how to check delivery status of sms that had been deleted from GSM Modem inbox ? i need something unique that enables me to identify each message. 回答1: every time i read the inbox the gsm modem return a list an clear the list. Messages that are

Create PDU for Android

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-21 20:50:04
问题 I am currently writing and application, that is sending/receiving SMS messages. For unit-testing purposes I need to create PDU programmatically. Decoding is quite easy: Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras(); if (bundle != null) { /* Get all messages contained in the Intent*/ Object[] pdusObj = (Object[]) bundle.get("pdus"); for (int i = 0; i < pdusObj.length; i++) { SmsMessage msg = SmsMessage.createFromPdu((byte[])pdusObj[i]); } } Is there any appropriate way to create PDU programamtically? 回答1

When I encode/decode SMS PDU (GSM 7 Bit) user data, do I need prepend the UDH first?

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-20 10:44:36
问题 While I can successfully encode and decode the user data part of an SMS message when a UDH is not present, I'm having trouble doing so when a UDH is present (in this case, for concatenated SMS). When I decode or encode the user data, do I need to prepend the UDH to the text before doing so? This article provides an encoding routine sample that compensates for the UDH with padding bits (which I still don't completely understand) but it doesn't give an example of data being passed to the

Python - telnet - automation APC PDU

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-19 11:34:21
问题 I am attempting to automation turning off connected devices to an APC PDU using python's built in telnet functionality. I believe I am able to enter in the username and password, but I cannot proceed after that. My code is as follows: telnet_session = telnetlib.Telnet(host=self.apc_ip) self.logger.info("Entering APC Username") telnet_session.read_until("User Name :") telnet_session.write(self.apc_username + "\n") self.logger.info("Entering APC Password") telnet_session.read_until("Password :"


試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-14 11:01:50
一. 为什么需要计算机网络体系结构?   众所周知,计算机网络是个非常复杂的系统。比如,连接在网络上的两台计算机需要进行通信时,由于计算机网络的 复杂性 和 异质性 ,需要考虑很多复杂的因素,比如:   (1). 这两台计算机之间必须有一条传送数据的通路;   (2). 告诉网络如何识别接收数据的计算机;   (3). 发起通信的计算机必须保证要传送的数据能在这条通路上正确发送和接收;   (4). 对出现的各种差错和意外事故,如数据传送错误、网络中某个节点交换机出现故障等问题,应该有可靠完善的措施保证对方计算机最终能正确收到数据。   计算机网络体系结构标准的制定正是为了解决这些问题从而让两台计算机(网络设备)能够像两个知心朋友那样能够互相准确理解对方的意思并做出优雅的回应。也就是说,要想完成这种网络通信就必须保证相互通信的这两个计算机系统达成 高度默契 。事实上,在网络通信领域,两台计算机(网络设备)之间的通信并不像人与人之间的交流那样自然天然,这种 计算机间高度默契的交流(通信) 背后需要十分复杂、完备的网络体系结构作为支撑。那么,用什么方法才能合理地组织网络的结构,以保证其具有结构清晰、设计与实现简化、便于更新和维护、较强的独立性和适应性,从而使网络设备之间具有这种 “高度默契” 呢?   答案是分而治之,更进一步地说就是分层思想。 二. 计算机网络体系结构设计基本思想  

Decode PDU encoded SMS in PHP

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-13 03:39:25
问题 I've searched the web for quite a while now - but nothing usable passed my way :( Do you know a class/library to decode PDU encoded SMS using PHP? Doing all the decode by hand using the official documentation scares me a bit. There seem to be libraries for use in Java (Android) but that does not help. 回答1: Here is a javaScript based GUI. paste your pdu message in middle box in click convert button. 回答2: My solution in PHP based on python answer: <?php /** * Decode 7-bit packed PDU messages */

how to send long message using node smpp?

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-11 14:59:52
问题 exports.sendSMS = function (session, to, text, sourceAddress, jsonMessageHistoryIds, callback) { console.log('messege',text); session.submit_multi({ source_addr: sourceAddress, dest_address: to, short_message: text }, function (pdu) { console.log('submit_multi: ', pdu.command_status); console.log("PDU", pdu); if (pdu.command_status == 0) { // insert into sms smpp logs var values = { type: 'bulk', message: text, numbers: JSON.stringify(to) }; console.log(pdu.message_id); callback(null, pdu