

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-08-19 05:49:22
若该文为原创文章,未经允许不得转载 原博主博客地址: https://blog.csdn.net/qq21497936 原博主博客导航: https://blog.csdn.net/qq21497936/article/details/102478062 本文章博客地址: https://blog.csdn.net/qq21497936/article/details/107787359 各位读者,知识无穷而人力有穷,要么改需求,要么找专业人士,要么自己研究 红胖子(红模仿)的博文大全:开发技术集合(包含Qt实用技术、树莓派、三维、OpenCV、OpenGL、ffmpeg、OSG、单片机、软硬结合等等)持续更新中…(点击传送门) Qt开发专栏:开发技术(点击传送门) 《 Qt开发技术:QCharts(一)QCharts基本介绍以及图表框架详解 》 《 Qt开发技术:QCharts(二)QCharts折线图介绍、Demo以及代码详解 》  敬请期待... <br> 前言   红胖子,来也!   介绍了整体框架,开始动手码代码,按照顺序,从折线图开始。 <br> 补充   QCharts所有的图表都依赖《 Qt开发技术:QCharts(一)QCharts基本介绍以及图表框架详解 》中的QChart、QChartView、QLegend、QValueAxis。 <br> Demo   


老子叫甜甜 提交于 2020-08-16 22:20:02
若该文为原创文章,未经允许不得转载 原博主博客地址: https://blog.csdn.net/qq21497936 原博主博客导航: https://blog.csdn.net/qq21497936/article/details/102478062 本文章博客地址: https://blog.csdn.net/qq21497936/article/details/108022984 各位读者,知识无穷而人力有穷,要么改需求,要么找专业人士,要么自己研究 红胖子(红模仿)的博文大全:开发技术集合(包含Qt实用技术、树莓派、三维、OpenCV、OpenGL、ffmpeg、OSG、单片机、软硬结合等等)持续更新中…(点击传送门) Qt开发专栏:开发技术(点击传送门) 上一篇:《 Qt开发技术:QCharts(二)QCharts折线图介绍、Demo以及代码详解 》 下一篇: 敬请期待... <br> 前言   红胖子,来也!   按照顺序,本章为样条曲线图。 <br> 补充   QCharts所有的图表都依赖《 Qt开发技术:QCharts(一)QCharts基本介绍以及图表框架详解 》中的QChart、QChartView、QLegend、QValueAxis。 <br> Demo       Demo下载地址   CSDN: https://download.csdn.net

pchart pie chart legend and graph not correlating

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-25 04:50:44
问题 I have ten values in the dataset, numbers 1 - 10 and corresponding values. Some of the values are coming back as zero, so they are not added to the chart, BUT, the legend is still listing 1 - 10. Because there is values missing in the chart, the colour coding is knocked off. ie Item 1, has a value of zero, its passed over in the chart, the colour in the legend is red, Item 2, has a value of 4, the percentage is calculated, and the chart gives it the colour red which is the colour for item 1

MySQL: select query, 5 minute increment

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-22 10:08:22
问题 I have a weather database which gets datasets about every 70 seconds (depends on when the weather-station delivers the data). I want to graph it using Pchart but i have too many samples so the X axis is screwed up. So i want the data for about every 5 minutes. (or every 30 minutes) The query i currently have is this: SELECT time, temp_out FROM wmr200 WHERE date(time) = curdate() This gets the samples for the last 24 hours but there are too many. 回答1: The following will get you a sample

pChart timeline with gaps

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-12 03:17:43
问题 I want to use pChart to render a simple line graph of a sample value vs. the date. I have the basics working, but how do I handle gaps in the date? The samples are already averaged by the quarter year, but not every quarter has a sample. Sometimes it skips a quarter or two. Currently, these gaps are compressed on the X axis one after another, instead of being spaced out in their natural order in a number line. The data is coming from a MySQL database. I'm probably missing something simple.

How do I save an image created by pChart to a file?

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-10 16:14:33
问题 I am using the following: $chartImage->autoOutput('/statistics/'.$image.'.png'); The problem is that this code outputs the image to the browser. I would prefer it if it saved the image to a file with the directory and name I specified. How do I do this? I was looking at the pChart wiki, and its very confusing with all this pCache stuff. I don't have a need for any caching or anything like that... I just want to save the image. 回答1: Try to use: $chartImage->render("image_name.png"); It worked

MySQL: select query, 5 minute increment

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-05 22:37:43
I have a weather database which gets datasets about every 70 seconds (depends on when the weather-station delivers the data). I want to graph it using Pchart but i have too many samples so the X axis is screwed up. So i want the data for about every 5 minutes. (or every 30 minutes) The query i currently have is this: SELECT time, temp_out FROM wmr200 WHERE date(time) = curdate() This gets the samples for the last 24 hours but there are too many. The following will get you a sample consisting of any data with a timestamp at :00, :05, :10 ... SELECT time, temp_out FROM wmr200 WHERE date(time) =

PHP: duplicate value removal

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-04 06:32:54
问题 I have 2 arrays with for example 1000 key's each, one holds a temperature value and the other the hour. Example array temp: [0] = 3.1 [1] = 4.3 [2] = 4.1 [3] = 5.1 [4] = 4.1 Example hour array: [0] = 0 [1] = 1 [2] = 2 [3] = 3 [4] = 3 The problem with this is that when i combine these to arrays and plot this in for example pchart i have too many values on the X and it gets cluttered. So what i need to to remove the duplicate hours and replace then with "NULL", so that the unneeded hours are