
How do you verify that the notification to the Silent Post URL is indeed from PayPal Payflow and not a hacker?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-23 03:43:16
问题 Payflow supports a Silent Post URL, which is a page that will be notified upon completion of a successful transaction (payment, refund, etc...). The Silent Post URL can be configured via the PayPal manager. Most similar payment systems implement the notion of a "post back" where the receiving software can post back the results to make sure that the transaction information is legitimate and not originating from a hacker. Payflow doesn't appear to support a post back and the Payflow Pro

How to create Payflow link sandbox account

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-23 02:17:11
问题 I need to create payflow link module for website and I need test account. I do not want to buy Payflow link, but I want to create something like Sandbox offers. Is there any solutions to get it? Not just paypal sandbox account, but Payflow link, with Partner, Merchant login and other details 回答1: Paypal is retiring Payflow link in favor of Website Payments Standard and Pro. I had to sign up for a Website Payments account and then send a support ticket to change it back to Payflow. In my

How to create Payflow link sandbox account

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-06 16:07:56
I need to create payflow link module for website and I need test account. I do not want to buy Payflow link, but I want to create something like Sandbox offers. Is there any solutions to get it? Not just paypal sandbox account, but Payflow link, with Partner, Merchant login and other details Paypal is retiring Payflow link in favor of Website Payments Standard and Pro. I had to sign up for a Website Payments account and then send a support ticket to change it back to Payflow. In my support ticket I explained that I already had an app using Payflow and needed to be able to test it still. They