
iOS - How to achieve a particle animation like effect on iOS

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-24 00:53:09
问题 I have seen a particle scattering effect on a number of websites and app design concepts on dribbble. The effect is like this:- The effect can also be seen as shown in this link:- How can we achieve such an effect in an iOS application? 回答1: If you're looking for something simple, check out CAEmitterLayer and CAEmitterCell . Just do a CAEmitterLayer with an emitterShape of kCAEmitterLayerRectangle and you can crop

particles.js not covering entire page

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-23 19:23:48
问题 I'm trying to use particles.js as background, but I am not able to set the canvas as a full-size background. I tried at least 10 different solution from similar issues but nothing worked. The canvas always results as as an element having width-height ratio as the screen but it doesn't cover it as a whole when it is resized. In addiction, it won't set as background but as a child of the body, over or below the remaining elements. I simplified the code as much as possible and the problem still

Simulating a candle flame in Objective C

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-22 09:41:57
问题 As part of a current project I've been asked to display a candle onscreen. Users should be able to tilt the device to tilt the flame, and perform an action (eg. tap) to blow out the flame. I'm at a real loss on how to achieve this. Some ideas I've had: purchase a movie of a candle from a stock video site. This won't let me tilt or blow out the flame though obtain a number of frames and animate them to give the appearance of a flickering flame use some form of particle emitter I guess my

Drawing particles

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-22 04:18:22
问题 One part of my app shows a landscape, but it's kinda boring as of now. Therefore, I'm planning to animate some particles over the screen (think of something like tiny wings - However, i have not yet found any built-in particle system; How can i do this memory-efficiently? I've already implemented my own animation system for some clouds animating over the landscape using CADisplayLink, and it's kind of sluggish (though i hope to make it faster soon)

Most performant image format for SCNParticles?

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-22 04:12:16
问题 I've been using 24bit .png with Alpha, from Photoshop, and just tried a .psd which worked fine with OpenGL ES, but Metal didn't see the Alpha channel. What's the absolutely most performant texture format for particles within SceneKit? Here's a sheet to test on, if needs be. It looks white... right click and save as in the blank space. It's an alpha heavy set of rings. You can probably barely make them out if you squint at the screen: exaggerated example use case:

tweening particles in buffergeometry

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-13 18:40:00
问题 This question piggybacks on the following questions: Three.js - Buffer geometry particles, need to animate random groups of particles in system How to quickly update a large BufferGeometry? I'm starting a new project that will have tens of thousands of particles in the scene at any time. The concept is that there will be clusters of particles that look like galaxies spread throughout the scene. Sometimes I will need animate a galaxy and its thousands of particles. Can I do this while the

Three.js Particles of various sizes

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-13 18:19:05
问题 I'm new to three.js and am trying to figure out the best way to add a 1000 particles each being a different size and color. The texture for each particle is created by drawing a canvas. By using a ParticleSystem all the particles are the same color and size. Creating a ParticleSystem for each particle is very inefficient. Is there an efficient way to handle this? 回答1: The best way to go about this, in my experience, is to create a customized shader material; you can then include attributes,

Properly play Particule System component?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-13 13:23:44
问题 How can I properly play the particle system component, which is attached to a GameObject? I also attached the following script to my GameObject but the Particle System does not play. How do I fix this? public Transform gameobject1; public Transform gameobject2; public ParticleSystem particules; void Start() { float distance = Vector3.Distance(gameobject1.position, gameobject2.position); } void Update() { if(distance == 20) { particules.Play(); } } 回答1: I don't see you declaring distance in

Processing Particle

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-13 05:51:36
问题 I've been trying to do something with this project I have but failed always so far :) so decided to ask here :) I want the particles to go around the ellipse from Rock class, not through it but around it, like a rock inside a river that water flows around it. Any suggestions ? int NUM_PARTICLES = 1000; ParticleSystem p; Rock r; void setup() { smooth(); fullScreen(P2D); //size(700,700,P2D); //background(0); p = new ParticleSystem(); r = new Rock(); } void draw() { background(0); p.update(); p

Performance for particle system

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-12 11:26:30
问题 Situation I created a particle system with JavaFX using the following technique: Each particle is an ImageView which contains an Image with a radial gradient: The particle handling loop is an AnimationTimer in which the list of particles is handled via the list's stream().parallel() method, it actually gives the whole system a boost. Something like this: loop = new AnimationTimer() { @Override public void handle(long now) { addParticle(); // apply force: gravity