
Phonics 自然拼读法 s,a,t,i,p,n Teacher:Lamb

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-05-08 10:33:37
# 音节(syllables)拆分 # 拆分练习 # LIoyd 分类法——“七步决” # 元音拆词法 # s,a,t,i,p,n S A T I P N # 自然拼音拼读练习表 a mat n. 垫;垫子;衬边 vt. 缠结;铺席于……上 vi. 纠缠在一起 adj. 无光泽的 n. (Mat)人名;(土)马特;(柬)马;(英)马特,玛特(女名)(教名Matthew、Martha、Matilda的昵称) fan vt. 煽动;刺激;吹拂 vi. 成扇形散开;飘动 n. 迷;风扇;爱好者 n. (Fan)人名;(法、俄)法恩;(柬)方 e hen n. 母鸡;女人;雌禽 n. (Hen)人名;(日)边(姓);(法)昂;(波、柬)亨 bell n. 铃,钟;钟声,铃声;钟状物 vt. 装钟于,系铃于 vi. 鸣钟;成钟状鼓起 i lick vt. 舔;卷过;鞭打 vt. (非正式)战胜 vi. 舔;轻轻拍打 n. 舔;打;少许 n. (Lick)人名;(英、匈)利克 bib n. 围嘴,围涎;围裙的上部 vi. 饮酒,不断地饮酒 vt. 不断地饮,大量喝酒 n. (Bib)人名;(阿尔巴、法)比布 pin n. 大头针,别针,针;栓;琐碎物 vt. 钉住;压住;将……用针别住 o octopus n. 章鱼 章鱼肉 operate vi. 运转;动手术;起作用 vt. 操作;经营


為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2020-02-26 04:09:15
前面讲过在 Python 中,子类继承了父类,那么子类就拥有了父类所有的类变量和类函数。通常情况下,子类会在此基础上,扩展一些新的类变量和类函数。 但凡事都有例外,我们可能会遇到这样一种情况,即子类从父类继承得来的类函数中,大部分是适合子类使用的,但有个别的类函数,并不能直接照搬父类的,如果不对这部分类函数进行修改,子类对象无法使用。针对这种情况,我们就需要在子类中重复父类的函数。 举个例子,鸟通常是有翅膀的,也会飞,因此我们可以像如下这样定义个和鸟相关的类: class Bird: # 鸟有翅膀 def isWing(self): print("鸟有翅膀") #鸟会飞 def fly(self): print("鸟会飞") 但是,对于鸵鸟来说,它虽然也属于鸟类,也有翅膀,但是它只会奔跑,并不会飞。针对这种情况,可以这样定义鸵鸟类: class Ostrich(Bird): # 重写Bird类的fly()函数 def fly(self): print("鸵鸟不会飞") 可以看到,因为 Ostrich 继承自 Bird,因此 Ostrich 类拥有 Bird 类的 isWing() 和 fly() 函数。其中,isWing() 方法同样适合 Ostrich,但 fly() 明显不适合,因此我们在 Ostrich 类中对 fly() 方法进行重写。 重写,有时又称覆盖,是一个意思

How is Ostrich used for configuration?

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-20 09:55:49
问题 I need a way to configure my scala application. Configgy seemed the way to go in Scala but it is deprecated https://github.com/robey/configgy#readme and now this functionality is in Ostrich. Is there a code example on how to use Ostrich only for configuration? I'm not interested in collecting the statistics. 回答1: I'd like to know the official answer as well, but nobody answered so I decided to poke around. Sorry if this answer isn't quite comprehensive. The best example I found was in com

How is Ostrich used for configuration?

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-02 20:46:00
I need a way to configure my scala application. Configgy seemed the way to go in Scala but it is deprecated https://github.com/robey/configgy#readme and now this functionality is in Ostrich. Is there a code example on how to use Ostrich only for configuration? I'm not interested in collecting the statistics. I'd like to know the official answer as well, but nobody answered so I decided to poke around. Sorry if this answer isn't quite comprehensive. The best example I found was in com.twitter.ostrich.admin.RuntimeEnvironment , especially if you look mainly at loadConfig . Say you want to