
How does the Groovy in operator work?

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-01 03:14:01
The Groovy "in" operator seems to mean different things in different cases. Sometimes x in y means y.contains(x) and sometimes it seems to call y.isCase(x) . How does Groovy know which one to call? Is there a particular class or set of classes that Groovy knows about which use the .contains method? Or is the behavior triggered by the existence of a method on one of the objects? Are there any cases where the in operator gets changed into something else entirely? Dónal I did some experimentation and it looks like the in operator is based on the isCase method only as demonstrated by the following

How does the Groovy in operator work?

随声附和 提交于 2019-11-30 22:37:17
问题 The Groovy "in" operator seems to mean different things in different cases. Sometimes x in y means y.contains(x) and sometimes it seems to call y.isCase(x) . How does Groovy know which one to call? Is there a particular class or set of classes that Groovy knows about which use the .contains method? Or is the behavior triggered by the existence of a method on one of the objects? Are there any cases where the in operator gets changed into something else entirely? 回答1: I did some experimentation

Performance differences between equal (=) and IN with one value

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-11-30 12:24:00
问题 How does SQL engines differ when we use equal sign and IN operator have same value? Does execution time changes? 1st one using equality check operator WHERE column_value = 'All' 2nd one using OR operator and single value WHERE column_value IN ('All') Does SQL engine changes IN to = if only one value is there? Is there any difference for same in MySQL and PostgreSQL? 回答1: There is no difference between those two statements, and the optimiser will transform the IN to the = when IN have just one

Performance differences between equal (=) and IN with one value

为君一笑 提交于 2019-11-30 02:37:51
How does SQL engines differ when we use equal sign and IN operator have same value? Does execution time changes? 1st one using equality check operator WHERE column_value = 'All' 2nd one using OR operator and single value WHERE column_value IN ('All') Does SQL engine changes IN to = if only one value is there? Is there any difference for same in MySQL and PostgreSQL? sagi There is no difference between those two statements, and the optimiser will transform the IN to the = when IN have just one element in it. Though when you have a question like this, just run both statements, run their

how using SQL IN operator in find method of cakephp ORM

北城以北 提交于 2019-11-29 03:59:32
i am beginner in cakephp , and i want use SQL IN operator in find method , i have words table. my code is : $this->Word->find('Word.wordid in (83,82)'); , and this code create this query : SELECT `Userword`.`userwordid`, `Userword`.`userid`, `Userword`.`wordid`, `Userword`.`date`, `Userword`.`levelid` FROM `userwords` AS `Userword` WHERE `Userword`.`wordid` = (82) but i need this query SELECT `Userword`.`userwordid`, `Userword`.`userid`, `Userword`.`wordid`, Userword`.`date`, `Userword`.`levelid` FROM `userwords` AS `Userword` WHERE `Userword`.`wordid` IN (83,82) how can getting like this

Using IN clause in a native sql query

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-11-29 03:42:55
We are trying to dynamically generate an IN clause for a native sql query to return a JPA entity. Hibernate is our JPA provider. Our code looks something like this. @NamedQuery( name="fooQuery", queryString="select f from Foo f where f.status in (?1)" ) .... Query q = entityManager.createNamedQuery("fooQuery"); q.setParameter(1, "('NEW','OLD')"); return q.getResultList(); This doesn't work, the in clause does not recognize any of the values passed in via this manner. Does anyone know of a solution to this problem? topchef JPA supports named list parameters, in your case: @NamedQuery( name=

Java in operator

无人久伴 提交于 2019-11-28 20:11:54
For the one millionth time, I would have liked to use an IN operator in Java, similar to the IN operator in SQL. It could just be implemented as compiler syntactic sugar. So this if (value in (a, b, c)) { } else if (value in (d, e)) { } ...would really be awesome. In fact, the above is the same as the rather verbose (and not adapted for primitives) construct here: if (Arrays.asList(a, b, c).contains(value)) { } else if (Arrays.asList(d, e).contains(value)) { } Or like this for int , long and similar types: switch (value) { case a: case b: case c: // .. break; case d: case e: // .. break; } Or

Is there a C# IN operator?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-11-28 05:09:53
In SQL, you can use the following syntax: SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE WHERE VALUE_1 IN (1, 2, 3) Is there an equivalent in C#? The IDE seems to recognise "in" as a keyword, but I don't seem to be able to find any information on it. So, is it possible to do something like the following: int myValue = 1; if (myValue in (1, 2, 3)) // Do something Instead of int myValue = 1; if (myValue == 1 || myValue == 2 || myValue == 3) // Do something If you wanted to write .In then you could create an extension that allows you to do that. static class Extensions { public static bool In<T>(this T item, params T[]

avoid Sorting by the MYSQL IN Keyword

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-11-28 04:47:04
问题 When querying the db for a set of ids, mysql doesnot provide the results in the order by which the ids were specified. The query i am using is the following: SELECT id ,title, date FROM Table WHERE id in (7,1,5,9,3) in return the result provided is in the order 1,3,5,7,9. How can i avoid this auto sorting 回答1: If you want to order your result by id in the order specified in the in clause you can make use of FIND_IN_SET as: SELECT id ,title, date FROM Table WHERE id in (7,1,5,9,3) ORDER BY

MySQL in-operator must match all values?

寵の児 提交于 2019-11-27 14:50:59
问题 I've made my own forum. When doing a search I want to find any threads where two (or more) specific users have participated. I came up with this: SELECT * FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.threadid=table2.threadid WHERE table2.threadcontributor IN ('1','52512') Before realizing that it actually means '1' OR '52512' . Is there any way to make it work so that all id's has to match? 回答1: SELECT * FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.threadid=table2.threadid WHERE table2