
Partial String Match in R using the %in% operator?

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-01-28 12:20:15
问题 I'm curious to know if it is possible to do partial string matches using the %in% operator in R. I know that there are many ways to use stringr, etc. to find partial string matches, but my current code works easier using the %in% operator. For instance, imagine this vector: x <- c("Withdrawn", "withdrawn", "5-Withdrawn", "2-WITHDRAWN", "withdrawnn") I want each of these to be TRUE because the string contains "Withdrawn", but only the first is TRUE: x %in% c("Withdrawn") [1] TRUE FALSE FALSE

how using SQL IN operator in find method of cakephp ORM

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2020-01-20 04:02:28
问题 i am beginner in cakephp , and i want use SQL IN operator in find method , i have words table. my code is : $this->Word->find('Word.wordid in (83,82)'); , and this code create this query : SELECT `Userword`.`userwordid`, `Userword`.`userid`, `Userword`.`wordid`, `Userword`.`date`, `Userword`.`levelid` FROM `userwords` AS `Userword` WHERE `Userword`.`wordid` = (82) but i need this query SELECT `Userword`.`userwordid`, `Userword`.`userid`, `Userword`.`wordid`, Userword`.`date`, `Userword`.

Mongo $in with order indexing

久未见 提交于 2020-01-15 01:50:16
问题 I have a collection following this "schema" : { _id: ObjectId, order: Number, fieldA: ObjectId, fieldB: Array[ObjectId] } And an index defined like this : { fieldA: 1, fieldB: 1, order: 1 } When running a find query like this one : { $and: [ {fieldA: {$in: [{"$oid":"592edae196232608d00f78f5"},{"$oid":"592edadc96232608d00f5614"}]}}, {fieldB: {$in:[{"$oid":"592edace96232608d00ef77f"},{"$oid":"592edacd96232608d00ef34b"}]}} ] } with sort defined as { order: 1 } The query runs fine, the index

What's more efficient in Python: `key not in list` or `not key in list`? [duplicate]

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2020-01-13 19:43:57
问题 This question already has answers here : “x not in y” or “not x in y” (6 answers) Closed 2 years ago . Just found out that both syntax ways are valid. Which is more efficient? element not in list Or: not element in list ? 回答1: They behave identically, to the point of producing identical byte code; they're equally efficient. That said, element not in list is usually considered preferred. PEP8 doesn't have a specific recommendation on not ... in vs. ... not in , but it does for not ... is vs. .

100 strings in IN operator, oracle pl/sql

前提是你 提交于 2020-01-06 10:43:49
问题 I am passing 100 table_names in the IN operator as strings, but I am getting numeric overflow error due to too many operands. Is there a way where I can use something else besides IN ? set serveroutput on DECLARE ... BEGIN FOR r IN ( SELECT table_name, column_name FROM all_tab_columns WHERE table_name IN (...100 strings) ) AND data_type = 'NUMBER' ORDER BY table_name, column_id ) LOOP execute immediate 'SELECT COUNT("' || r.column_name || '") ,COUNT(nvl2("' || r.column_name || '", NULL, 1))

100 strings in IN operator, oracle pl/sql

心已入冬 提交于 2020-01-06 10:42:25
问题 I am passing 100 table_names in the IN operator as strings, but I am getting numeric overflow error due to too many operands. Is there a way where I can use something else besides IN ? set serveroutput on DECLARE ... BEGIN FOR r IN ( SELECT table_name, column_name FROM all_tab_columns WHERE table_name IN (...100 strings) ) AND data_type = 'NUMBER' ORDER BY table_name, column_id ) LOOP execute immediate 'SELECT COUNT("' || r.column_name || '") ,COUNT(nvl2("' || r.column_name || '", NULL, 1))

100 strings in IN operator, oracle pl/sql

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-01-06 10:42:22
问题 I am passing 100 table_names in the IN operator as strings, but I am getting numeric overflow error due to too many operands. Is there a way where I can use something else besides IN ? set serveroutput on DECLARE ... BEGIN FOR r IN ( SELECT table_name, column_name FROM all_tab_columns WHERE table_name IN (...100 strings) ) AND data_type = 'NUMBER' ORDER BY table_name, column_id ) LOOP execute immediate 'SELECT COUNT("' || r.column_name || '") ,COUNT(nvl2("' || r.column_name || '", NULL, 1))

Using IN clause in a native sql query

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-29 05:57:32
问题 We are trying to dynamically generate an IN clause for a native sql query to return a JPA entity. Hibernate is our JPA provider. Our code looks something like this. @NamedQuery( name="fooQuery", queryString="select f from Foo f where f.status in (?1)" ) .... Query q = entityManager.createNamedQuery("fooQuery"); q.setParameter(1, "('NEW','OLD')"); return q.getResultList(); This doesn't work, the in clause does not recognize any of the values passed in via this manner. Does anyone know of a

Python “in” operator speed

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-19 17:42:26
问题 Is the in operator's speed in python proportional to the length of the iterable? So, len(x) #10 if(a in x): #lets say this takes time A pass len(y) #10000 if(a in y): #lets say this takes time B pass Is A > B? 回答1: A summary for in: list - Average: O(n) set/dict - Average: O(1), Worst: O(n) See this for more details. 回答2: There's no general answer to this: it depends on the types of a and especially of b . If, for example, b is a list, then yes, in takes worst-case time O(len(b)) . But if,

mysqli_stmt, arrays, & IN operator

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-12 05:47:21
问题 I've looked all over, but I can't find any details on whether or not it's possible to easily and conveniently pass an array directly into the argument of the IN operator in a MySQL prepared statement. Most places suggest manually breaking up the array and building the statement, but there's got to be a better way. Is there? Many thanks in advance! EDIT Sorry, left out that this is for a prepared statement via mysqli_stmt not the traditional way. :( 回答1: Because IN operator takes values in