
霸气de小男生 提交于 2021-02-19 05:51:27
1,部署jumpserver 建立阿里云公网源yum仓库 清除缓存重新建立缓存 ip后面直接回车,下面输入y 地址端口账户密码直接回车 ,询问跳过输入y,是否继续输入y 用户名回车,输入自己要设置的密码,再次确认设置的密码,过滤一下8000端口查看开启状态 用浏览器去访问它,会出现下图这个界面,输入用户名和密码进行登录 登录成功后的界面如下图 经过以上操作后,跳板机jumpserver就搭建成功了。 特别注意的是:jumpserver的包绝不能解压在root目录里,会出现权限问题。 2,jumpserver的基本使用 ①添加用户 流程:用户管理-查看用户-添加用户 注册用户以后会出现下图所示:登陆密码及密钥密码,请务必作记录 ②修改用户的Web登陆密码 ③下载账户xshell远程登录密钥 下载密钥以后,妥善保存。 ④xshell远程登录工具导入密钥对 客户机xshell导入密钥:工具-用户密钥管理者 ⑤xshell建立通过密钥对访问的远程连接 ⑥账户资产授权 流程:资产管理-查看资产-添加资产 ⑦添加sudo 流程:授权管理-sudo-添加别名 ⑧添加系统用户 流程:授权管理-系统用户-添加 注意: 必须先在管理服务器主机上创建系统用户 ⑨推送系统用户 ⑩添加授权规则 ⑪再次测试登录 上传和下载文件(自己玩) 跳板机登陆日志审计 来源: oschina 链接: https://my

OpenSSL pads keys in aes encryption?

点点圈 提交于 2021-02-19 05:34:20
问题 I'm trying to use aes-128-cbc encryption with openssl, and I would expect that the key needs to be 32 digits. However, I noticed that when I put in a key length of 18, openssl does not give me an error. echo hello | openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -A -a -nosalt -K 123456789012345678 -iv 66666666666666666666666666666666 output:zBN+65infn74QK+prfY6kw== But if I add 0's after the key until it's 32 digits, I still get the same result. echo hello | openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -A -a -nosalt -K

certificate unknown(46)

寵の児 提交于 2021-02-19 04:33:10
因为腾讯云的网站备案迟迟没有批下来,因此使用了朋友在阿里云的域名yk,我则申请了一台阿里云服务器,并将域名解析映射至该服务器。SSL证书则是在腾讯云上申请的,使用了Apache文件夹中的文件,放置在cowboy的priv/ssl目录下,1_root_bundle为根证书,2_yk.crt为网站证书,3_yk.key为密钥。一切布置妥当后,在PC的chrome、android的chrome、苹果手机的微信等环境中均可以正常访问,但是在android的微信中访问时服务器报如下错误: client alert Fatal: unknown certificate(46) RFC中的解释是: certificate_unknown Some other (unspecified) issue arose in processing the certificate, rendering it unacceptable. 搜索到一些信息,如: 也使用wireshark抓包排查了流程,但是由于对SSL不是非常了解,始终没有找到进一步的原因和方向。后来向一些朋友请教,整理了思路。对于这种问题,首先要到SSL测试网站上测试具体的问题:

Windows .crl to .pem for nginx

限于喜欢 提交于 2021-02-19 01:52:12
问题 I have windows .crl file. Can I convert it into a .pem file to nginx using openssl? openssl crl -in crl.crl -noout -text unable to load CRL 139765490861728:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:703:Expecting: X509 CRL 回答1: The error means that your crl file is not encoded properly in PEM format with right header and footer. Have the right PEM encoded crl file. If the CRL is in DER format: openssl crl -in your_current.crl -inform DER -out crl.pem Now you can use crl

Windows .crl to .pem for nginx

风格不统一 提交于 2021-02-19 01:51:43
问题 I have windows .crl file. Can I convert it into a .pem file to nginx using openssl? openssl crl -in crl.crl -noout -text unable to load CRL 139765490861728:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:703:Expecting: X509 CRL 回答1: The error means that your crl file is not encoded properly in PEM format with right header and footer. Have the right PEM encoded crl file. If the CRL is in DER format: openssl crl -in your_current.crl -inform DER -out crl.pem Now you can use crl

What does the B in BIO stand for?

馋奶兔 提交于 2021-02-18 21:34:32
问题 OpenSSL uses an I/O abstraction called BIO, but nowhere in the documentation I can find does it say what the B stands for (IO is obviously input/output). Various websites suggest that the B stands for basic or buffered , but these are things like blog posts and forum posts without any degree of authority. Does anyone have an official citation from the documentation, source code, or an OpenSSL developer on exactly what it stands for? 回答1: Basic Input Output. According to RSA's BIO SSL

Ruby install aborted due to missing extensions: openssl, readline, zlib compilation error

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2021-02-18 18:51:02
问题 I'm using macOs Catalina. I'm trying to install older version of Ruby (1.9.3, 2.1.2) via rbenv. However, I keep getting the errors below, when trying installing older version. *It was fine when installing 2.4 or newer. I already try brew install openssl brew install readline brew install zlib as well as brew update. I have everything installed and up-to-dated but still the errors below keeps coming up. I also did tried to install with configure option RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--with-readline-dir=

Ruby install aborted due to missing extensions: openssl, readline, zlib compilation error

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2021-02-18 18:50:54
问题 I'm using macOs Catalina. I'm trying to install older version of Ruby (1.9.3, 2.1.2) via rbenv. However, I keep getting the errors below, when trying installing older version. *It was fine when installing 2.4 or newer. I already try brew install openssl brew install readline brew install zlib as well as brew update. I have everything installed and up-to-dated but still the errors below keeps coming up. I also did tried to install with configure option RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--with-readline-dir=

How to read a rsa public key file in java?

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-02-18 17:14:49
问题 I have a RSA public key file like this: -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- this is content -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- and i use java to read it: KeyFactory factory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA"); KeySpec spec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(bytesFromThisFile); // bytesFromThisFile is created and filled correctly PublicKey publicKey = factory.generatePublic(spec); then i get an exception: invalid key format How to read the


…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2021-02-18 13:42:17
  一、Nginxi简介   Nginx是什么?它是一个开源、高性能的WEB服务器软件和代理服务器软件,由俄罗斯人Igor Sysoev 开发实现。它的功能主要分三类,第一是它作为一个WEB服务软件使用;第二它可作为一个反向代理服务器使用,邮件代理服务(通常邮件代理用的非常少);第三它可以基于upstream 或stream模块实现负载均衡,这种负载均衡是基于前面的反向代理增加的功能,它可以基于http协议进行应用层代理,也可以基于tcp协议进行伪四层代理(它不是真正意义上的四层代理,因为它工作在应用层);   二、Nginx的程序架构   Nginx是master/worker架构,由一个master主控进程和一个或多个worker进程组成;master进程主要功能是负责加载和分析配置文件、管理worker进程、平滑升级;worker进程主要负责处理并响应客户端的请求。每个worker进程依靠各种模块以流水线的形式实现各种功能处理;面向客户端网络IO连接请求,nginx的worker进程是基于事件驱动模型使用epoll机制来实现一个worker进程可以处理响应多路请求,如果是BSD系统,它可以使用kevent事件驱动模型实现一个worker进程处理并响应多路请求,从而实现高并发请求处理;面向本地磁盘IO连接请求,它是基于高级IO的sendfile机制