

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-04-14 15:34:42
【推荐阅读】微服务还能火多久?>>> 再生龙教程——对于Centos7进行备份和还原前言 来源: oschina 链接:

Confluence 6 启用 OpenSearch

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2020-04-07 13:18:45
在 OpenSearch autodiscovery 自动发现,你可以添加 Confluence 搜索到你的的 Firefox 或者 IE7 查找对话框中(请参考 Searching Confluence from your Browser's Search Box )。在默认情况下 ,OpenSearch autodiscovery 是启用的。这个功能可以按照下面的方法启用或者禁用。 启用或者禁用 OpenSearch autodiscovery: 在屏幕的右上角单击 控制台按钮 ,然后选择 General Configuration 链接。 在左侧面板中选择 进一步配置(Further Configuration) 。 选择 编辑(Edit) Choose . 选择 开放搜索(Open Search) 选择对话框来启用这个功能(取消选择就禁用这个功能了)。 选择 保存(Save)。 来源: oschina 链接:


大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-03-09 11:08:33
公司介绍 趣店集团,成立于2014年3月,是中国领先的金融科技企业,并于2017年10月在美国纽约证券交易所挂牌上市。截止2018年第四季度,趣店集团的注册人数已超过7000万。 业务痛点 趣店集团专注于两大核心业务“现金业务”、“商城业务”高速发展,但伴随着业务量的快速增长,趣店商城在商品品牌、数量、检索数量及难度上,对搜索技术提出了越来越高的要求,急切地需要强大的搜索服务为业务发展提供坚实的技术支持。 解决方案 解决方案逻辑图 应用开放搜索,从创建、数据上传、搜索调试到发布上线,3天完成初级工程,节省时间和人力成本,并获得了更好的搜索功能支持。 将原部署在DB上的数据和搜索服务迁移至阿里云开放搜索,解决了伴随数据量增加而引起的性能问题,避免高延迟的搜索反应对产品体验造成的负面影响。 将开放搜索应用在趣店商城,利用产品的搜索分词、解析能力,配合达摩院分词以及阿里系电商平台的高关联度,很好地支持了用户对商品的搜索匹配度需求。 应用开放搜索的弹性扩容,预估容量峰值,通过调参、配置类目干预和搜索干预的方式,零代码操作,满足例如双十一大促等特殊时段的搜索服务需求。 对开放搜索在代码功能上做嵌入式改造,进行A/B测试,经统计和测算后,加入了“销量数据”,调整开放搜索粗排和精排的公式权重,定制个性化的搜索权重策略,提高了搜索的成交量。 上云价值 商品交易额增长: 通过搜索服务增加了商品曝光率

Returning Json results without property names

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-12 18:00:16
问题 Very likely a rather trivial question, but I simply couldn't find an appropriate answer. I want to return a "JsonResult" without the actual result having ANY property names whatsoever. Here is a little example of what I want to achieve: ["xbox", ["Xbox 360", "Xbox cheats", "Xbox 360 games"], ["The official Xbox website from Microsoft", "Codes and walkthroughs", "Games and accessories"], ["","", ""]] Yes,

Confused about namespaces in Atom feed

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-10 15:26:43
问题 Is there any difference between <opensearch:totalResults>1000</opensearch:totalResults> and <totalResults xmlns="opensearch">1000</totalResults> I'm using the SyndicationFeed class in .NET to generate an Atom feed, and I need to add some elements for the opensearch standard, but it keeps adding elements like the latter one above when I want it to add them like the former one. The code: feed.ElementExtensions.Add("totalResults", "opensearch", "2"); EDIT The root feed tag looks like this <feed

Firefox says could not download the search plugin from

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-07 14:10:19
问题 Backstory: I'm trying to dynamically generate an OpenSearch search plugin for Firefox based on user entered values as part of a larger add-on. I'm not including the forms and cruft surrounding it, because I've narrowed it down to a simple failing test case trying to import any XML. Code: Simplified JS var browserSearchService = Components .classes[";1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIBrowserSearchService); var EngineProperties = { xml : 'http:/

OpenSearch description document discovery and Chrome

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-07 00:51:47
问题 I'm trying to figure out how to advertise my web application's search endpoint using OpenSearch (see, but even my simplest example does not work. I have index.html with: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr"> <head profile=""> <link title=

Making usage of Google Chrome's OmniBox [TAB] Feature for/on personal website?

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-03 05:08:55
问题 I think the title explains it all but I am going deeper into my question anyway: How can I make use of the Chrome's Omnibox [TAB] feature for my website? As many users requested me to implement that feature on the site, I did research on the OpenSearchDescription and was very successful in implementation with the FireFox and IE7/IE8 Searchbar. Yet the implementation didn't quite work for the Chrome Omnibox [TAB] feature.. Can you help me with that? My OSD.xml code: <OpenSearchDescription

Making usage of Google Chrome's OmniBox [TAB] Feature for/on personal website?

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-02 18:24:29
I think the title explains it all but I am going deeper into my question anyway: How can I make use of the Chrome's Omnibox [TAB] feature for my website? As many users requested me to implement that feature on the site, I did research on the OpenSearchDescription and was very successful in implementation with the FireFox and IE7/IE8 Searchbar. Yet the implementation didn't quite work for the Chrome Omnibox [TAB] feature.. Can you help me with that? My OSD.xml code: <OpenSearchDescription xmlns="" xmlns:moz="">

How to add google chrome omnibox-search support for your site?

房东的猫 提交于 2019-11-26 16:50:45
When I enter some of URLs in Google Chrome omnibox, I see message in it "Press TAB to search in $URL". For example, there are some russian sites or When you press TAB you'll be able to search in that site, not in your search engine. How to make my site to be able for it? Maybe, I need to write some special code in my site pages? element119 Chrome usually handles this through user preferences. (via chrome://settings/searchEngines ) However, if you'd like to implement this specifically for your users, you need to add a OSD (Open Search Description) to your site. Making