
Is GenericObjectPools borrowObject Method thread safe?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2021-01-27 13:55:40
问题 In this question Is GenericObjectPool<T> from commons.apache.org thread safe? It is mentioned that its thread safe . Edited:But im having a situation in my multithreaded application that two threads are getting the same object from the pool at the same time.-This statement was wrong. I moved the borrowObject to synchronize block and it solved my issue. Has anyone faced this issue earlier? Here is my code: public static GenericObjectPool<IDocBuilderPool> documentBuilderPool = new


喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-17 20:21:30
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> Apache common-pool2提供了一个通用的对象池技术的实现。 common-pool2主要围绕三个接口来实现,ObjectPool、PooledObject、PooledObjectFactory。由 PooledObjectFactory创建的对象,经 PooledObject包装后放入 ObjectPool。 1.ObjectPool对象池 ObjectPool:对象池,负责存放管理对象. 官方例子: http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-pool/examples.html ReaderUtil readerUtil = new ReaderUtil(new GenericObjectPool<StringBuffer>(new StringBufferFactory())); 先从GenericObjectPool开始分析 成员变量: 重要的成员变量为: allObjects和idleObjects. /* * All of the objects currently associated with this pool in any state. It * excludes objects that have been destroyed. The

Boost Pool experience requested. Is it useful as allocator with preallocation?

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-17 20:14:54
问题 Recently i have been looking for a pool/allocator mechanism. Boost Pool seems to provide the solution, but there is still things, which it have not been able to deduce from the documentation. What need to be allocated Several small classes (~30 chars) std::map (i want to ensure it do not perform dynamic allocator by itself) allocation within pugi::xml std::strings How to control of address space for allocation (or just amount) The object_pool seem the to provide a good way for allocating need

Flyweight vs object pool patterns: When is each useful?

安稳与你 提交于 2019-11-30 06:13:21
As far as I know the object pool is a creational pattern and the flyweight is a structural pattern, but actually I can´t see very much difference between the two. Could someone please explain to me the difference and when each could be useful in an implementation? One difference in that flyweights are commonly immutable instances, while resources acquired from the pool usually are mutable. So you create flyweights to avoid the cost of repeatedly create multiple instances of objects containing the same state (because they are all the same, you just create only one and reuse it throughout all

Flyweight vs object pool patterns: When is each useful?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-11-29 05:54:09
问题 As far as I know the object pool is a creational pattern and the flyweight is a structural pattern, but actually I can´t see very much difference between the two. Could someone please explain to me the difference and when each could be useful in an implementation? 回答1: One difference in that flyweights are commonly immutable instances, while resources acquired from the pool usually are mutable. So you create flyweights to avoid the cost of repeatedly create multiple instances of objects

BlockingCollection(T) performance

假如想象 提交于 2019-11-28 18:45:11
For a while at my company we've used a home-grown ObjectPool<T> implementation that provides blocking access to its contents. It's pretty straightforward: a Queue<T> , an object to lock on, and an AutoResetEvent to signal to a "borrowing" thread when an item is added. The meat of the class is really these two methods: public T Borrow() { lock (_queueLock) { if (_queue.Count > 0) return _queue.Dequeue(); } _objectAvailableEvent.WaitOne(); return Borrow(); } public void Return(T obj) { lock (_queueLock) { _queue.Enqueue(obj); } _objectAvailableEvent.Set(); } We have been using this and a few

BlockingCollection(T) performance

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-11-27 11:39:40
问题 For a while at my company we've used a home-grown ObjectPool<T> implementation that provides blocking access to its contents. It's pretty straightforward: a Queue<T> , an object to lock on, and an AutoResetEvent to signal to a "borrowing" thread when an item is added. The meat of the class is really these two methods: public T Borrow() { lock (_queueLock) { if (_queue.Count > 0) return _queue.Dequeue(); } _objectAvailableEvent.WaitOne(); return Borrow(); } public void Return(T obj) { lock (