
find if `find` method returns `nothing` in excel vba

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-12-03 18:00:45
问题 I'm trying to find an id in a list and get it's address, but also deal with a situation if nothing is found. Here's what I have: Function find_in_two_ranges_two_sheets(ws1 As String, col1 As Integer) As Range Dim rows1 As Integer rows1 = Get_Rows_Generic(ws1, 1) Dim range1 As Range ' range of first search With Worksheets(ws1) Set range1 = .Range(.Cells(1, col1), .Cells(rows1, col1)) End With Dim found1 As Range Set found1 = range1.Find("test id", LookIn:=xlValues) If found1 = Nothing Then

Why doesn't Scala's implicit class work when one of the type parameters should be Nothing?

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2020-07-28 13:54:48
问题 Update: I modified the example so that can be compiled and tested. I have an implicit class that defines an enrichment method: case class Pipe[-I,+O,+R](f: I => (O, R)); object Pipe { // The problematic implicit class: implicit class PipeEnrich[I,O,R](val pipe: Pipe[I,O,R]) extends AnyVal { def >->[X](that: Pipe[O,X,R]): Pipe[I,X,R] = Pipe.fuse(pipe, that); def <-<[X](that: Pipe[X,I,R]): Pipe[X,O,R] = Pipe.fuse(that, pipe); } def fuse[I,O,X,R](i: Pipe[I,O,R], o: Pipe[O,X,R]): Pipe[I,X,R] =

Why doesn't Scala's implicit class work when one of the type parameters should be Nothing?

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2020-07-28 13:53:19
问题 Update: I modified the example so that can be compiled and tested. I have an implicit class that defines an enrichment method: case class Pipe[-I,+O,+R](f: I => (O, R)); object Pipe { // The problematic implicit class: implicit class PipeEnrich[I,O,R](val pipe: Pipe[I,O,R]) extends AnyVal { def >->[X](that: Pipe[O,X,R]): Pipe[I,X,R] = Pipe.fuse(pipe, that); def <-<[X](that: Pipe[X,I,R]): Pipe[X,O,R] = Pipe.fuse(that, pipe); } def fuse[I,O,X,R](i: Pipe[I,O,R], o: Pipe[O,X,R]): Pipe[I,X,R] =

Comparing Julia variable to `nothing` using !== or !=

别来无恙 提交于 2020-07-23 10:51:29
问题 In some Julia code when can see conditional expression such as if val !== nothing dosomething() end where val is a variable of type Union{Int,Nothing} What is the difference between conditons val !== nothing and val != nothing ? 回答1: First of all, it is generally advisable to use isnothing to compare if something is nothing . This particular function is efficient, as it is soley based on types ( @edit isnothing(nothing) ): isnothing(::Any) = false isnothing(::Nothing) = true (Note that

Comparing Julia variable to `nothing` using !== or !=

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-07-23 10:49:30
问题 In some Julia code when can see conditional expression such as if val !== nothing dosomething() end where val is a variable of type Union{Int,Nothing} What is the difference between conditons val !== nothing and val != nothing ? 回答1: First of all, it is generally advisable to use isnothing to compare if something is nothing . This particular function is efficient, as it is soley based on types ( @edit isnothing(nothing) ): isnothing(::Any) = false isnothing(::Nothing) = true (Note that

Understanding of scala.Nothing type

拥有回忆 提交于 2020-05-13 09:04:56
问题 According to the scala specification, scala.Nothing type - buttom for all types. Type "Nothing" exists but instance of Nothing does not exists. How it works: def ??? : Nothing = throw new NoImplementedError def sys.error(message: String): Nothing = throw new RuntimeException() def sys.exit(status: Int): Nothing = {...} But in fact, all of mentioned methods return exception. Excepted def sys.exit Could you please clarify more about type Nothing. Any examples, explanations. Thanks! 回答1: def ???

Understanding of scala.Nothing type

醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-05-13 09:04:44
问题 According to the scala specification, scala.Nothing type - buttom for all types. Type "Nothing" exists but instance of Nothing does not exists. How it works: def ??? : Nothing = throw new NoImplementedError def sys.error(message: String): Nothing = throw new RuntimeException() def sys.exit(status: Int): Nothing = {...} But in fact, all of mentioned methods return exception. Excepted def sys.exit Could you please clarify more about type Nothing. Any examples, explanations. Thanks! 回答1: def ???

Understanding of scala.Nothing type

可紊 提交于 2020-05-13 09:02:52
问题 According to the scala specification, scala.Nothing type - buttom for all types. Type "Nothing" exists but instance of Nothing does not exists. How it works: def ??? : Nothing = throw new NoImplementedError def sys.error(message: String): Nothing = throw new RuntimeException() def sys.exit(status: Int): Nothing = {...} But in fact, all of mentioned methods return exception. Excepted def sys.exit Could you please clarify more about type Nothing. Any examples, explanations. Thanks! 回答1: def ???


醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-03-02 17:50:42
笔者初学linux和python,vim又是linux下最优秀的编辑工具,当然要学习一下下了~~~ 首先看遇到的问题,我从终端输入:vi进入vi的欢迎界面,如图: 然后,笔者傻傻的看到了上面的help,就真想help一下vim的使用方式,于是键入:help,问题出现了: 终端左下角会提示E353:Nothing in register 拙计,度娘之(原谅谷歌老是间歇性失常),原来这不是什么问题,而是自己操作错误,这时候只要按【i】或者【a】进入vi的插入模式就可以进行编辑了。。。 最后再给和我一样小白的linux新手普及几种vi的基础概念: vi的工作模式: 1. 命令行模式:用光标在字符之间来回移动,进行删除、复制、移动字符等操作,按【i】或【a】进入插入模式,按【:】(冒号)进入末行模式 2. 插入模式:输入你要编辑的内容,按【ESC】返回命令行模式,按【:】(冒号)进入末行模式 3. 末行模式:保存文输入保存命令件或退出vi,输入:【wq】存盘并退出vi,输入【q!】不保存强制退出vi,输入【w:filename】,将文件保存为制定的文件名 来源: oschina 链接:

VB.NET - string of nulls

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-23 20:24:57
问题 I have a string value read in from a CSV file. The CSV file contains 7 NULL bytes, I have confirmed this by opening it in a hex editor and sure enought there are 7 0x0 bytes in there. This string is causing me pain. In when I check the strlen of this string it returns a value of 7 and if i do a String.IsNullOrWhitespace it returns false . I cannot understand why this is? I have split the string into a byte array and each byte is 0x0 , which is null/nothing. A string = Nothing