
Is it possible to renice a subprocess?

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-11-30 18:54:33
I know about os.nice() it works perfect for parent process, but I need to do renice of my child subprocesses. I found way to do this, but it seems to be not very handy and too excessive: os.system("renice -n %d %d" % ( new_nice, ) ) And it isn't return resulting nice level after renicing. Is there more clean way to renice subprocesses in python? Nick Craig-Wood Use the preexec_fn parameter of subprocess.Popen : If preexec_fn is set to a callable object, this object will be called in the child process just before the child is executed. (Unix only) Example: >>> Popen(["nice"])

is nice() used to change the thread priority or the process priority?

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-11-30 11:37:51
The man page for nice says "nice() adds inc to the nice value for the calling process . So, can we use it to change the nice value for a thread created by pthread_create ? EDIT: It seems that we do can set the nice value per thread. I wrote a application ,setting different nice value for different thread, and observed that the "nicer" thread has been scheduled with lower priority. Checking the output, I found that the string "high priority ................" get outputted more frequently. void * thread_function1(void *arg) { pid_t tid = syscall(SYS_gettid); int ret = setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS,

Niceness and priority processes on Linux system

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-11-30 11:07:32
I am looking for a way to modify a process' priority through command line. I found the builtin (bash) nice and the command renice which allow to modify the niceness of the process, but not the actual priority which is calculated by the kernel. Is there a command which allows to set the priority? (Or am I confused between niceness and priority?) Turbo J The priority of a process in linux is dynamic: The longer it runs, the lower its priority will be. A process runs when its actually using the CPU - most processes on a typical Linux box just wait for I/O and thus do not count as running . The

Is it possible to renice a subprocess?

不问归期 提交于 2019-11-30 03:09:56
问题 I know about os.nice() it works perfect for parent process, but I need to do renice of my child subprocesses. I found way to do this, but it seems to be not very handy and too excessive: os.system("renice -n %d %d" % ( new_nice, ) ) And it isn't return resulting nice level after renicing. Is there more clean way to renice subprocesses in python? 回答1: Use the preexec_fn parameter of subprocess.Popen: If preexec_fn is set to a callable object, this object will be called in the

is nice() used to change the thread priority or the process priority?

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-11-29 16:57:10
问题 The man page for nice says "nice() adds inc to the nice value for the calling process . So, can we use it to change the nice value for a thread created by pthread_create ? EDIT: It seems that we do can set the nice value per thread. I wrote a application ,setting different nice value for different thread, and observed that the "nicer" thread has been scheduled with lower priority. Checking the output, I found that the string "high priority ................" get outputted more frequently. void

Niceness and priority processes on Linux system

可紊 提交于 2019-11-29 11:10:48
问题 I am looking for a way to modify a process' priority through command line. I found the builtin (bash) nice and the command renice which allow to modify the niceness of the process, but not the actual priority which is calculated by the kernel. Is there a command which allows to set the priority? (Or am I confused between niceness and priority?) 回答1: The priority of a process in linux is dynamic: The longer it runs, the lower its priority will be. A process runs when its actually using the CPU

Controlling scheduling priority of python threads?

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-11-29 01:23:40
I've written a script that uses two thread pools of ten threads each to pull in data from an API. The thread pool implements this code on ActiveState . Each thread pool is monitoring a Redis database via PubSub for new entries. When a new entry is published, python passes the data to a function that uses python's Subprocess.POpen to execute a PHP shell to do the actual work of calling the API. This system of launching PHP shells is necessary for functionality with my PHP web app, so launching PHP shells with Python can't be avoided. This script will only be running on Linux servers. How do I

Python: ulimit and nice for / subprocess.Popen?

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-11-28 15:39:47
I need to limit the amount of time and cpu taken by external command line apps I spawn from a python process using , mainly because sometimes the spawned process gets stuck and pins the cpu at 99%. nice and ulimit seem like reasonable ways to do this, but I'm not sure how they'd interact with subprocess. The limits look something like: Kill the process if it's taking more than 60 seconds Limit it to 20% of cpu I want to apply the resource limiting to the subprocess, not to the python process that's spawning the subprocesses. Is there a way to apply nice and ulimit to the

Python: ulimit and nice for / subprocess.Popen?

蓝咒 提交于 2019-11-27 09:19:15
问题 I need to limit the amount of time and cpu taken by external command line apps I spawn from a python process using , mainly because sometimes the spawned process gets stuck and pins the cpu at 99%. nice and ulimit seem like reasonable ways to do this, but I'm not sure how they'd interact with subprocess. The limits look something like: Kill the process if it's taking more than 60 seconds Limit it to 20% of cpu I want to apply the resource limiting to the subprocess, not to the

表单验证:nice Validator 与 jQuery Validation 对比

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-11-27 04:21:54
提要 最近,有人提到 jQuery Validation Plugin ,甚至有人怀疑 nice Validator 和 这个插件系同一个作者。我好想说,你太有想象力了 -。- !jQuery Validation全程的鹰文,nice Validator 全程的Chinese,一个在米国,一个在瓷国,挨不着边儿嘛。以前也接触了一下jQuery Validation,并没有对它的API及使用方式深究,今天脑子突然开了光,想去它官网一探究竟。这一探,于是就有了这篇文章。 在写这篇文章之前,首先做个声明:jQuery Validation是一个优秀的表单验证插件,这篇文章将要拿两款表单验证组件进行比较,旨在 加深理解 , 减少误解 ,因为我几乎没有使用过该款插件,完全是临时翻阅官方文档,下文中如果有描述不当的地方,欢迎佐证。 API排排站 以下表格中, 灰色背景为nice Validator的API ,红色背景的参数表示两个插件出现了 相同的命名 。 参数 debug , submitHandle, invalidHandler, ignore , rules , messages , groups , onsubmit, onfocusout, onkeyup, onclick, focusInvalid, focusCleanup, errorClass, validClass,