
Validation of form layouts in ngx-admin angular project

和自甴很熟 提交于 2020-04-17 18:43:34
问题 With the help of forms of ngx-admin/forms/form layout. I made my own form. Now I want to apply validation to the form and send data to firebase. I tried using formgroup, ngmodel. Nothing works. Help me out. This is the link for formlayout - I had downloaded the template from here - <nb-card> <nb-card-header>Appointment form</nb-card-header> <nb-card-body> <form class="form-horizontal"> <div class="row">

How to append Angular component to JqGrid's cell?

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2020-02-23 04:01:50
问题 This is my first Angular project. I'm integrating JqGrid to ngx-admin template. I would like to append an Angular component to a JqGrid column/cell (editAction). I'm passing the component as a string along with data. However, the column appears to be blank. Is this even possible? Any help would be much appreciated! var compTypeJQGridDefaults = { colNames: ['Company Type Name', '', '',], colModel: [ { name: 'companyTypeName', index: 'companyTypeName', search: false, width: 100, searchoptions:

Angular keeps redirecting me to the login page even though I'm trying to access another page

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-17 23:19:10
问题 I have a website that it is divided into a normal pages that can be accessed by the user and another page that it is only accessible by admins(which is the ngx-admin). So to block users from being able to access the admin dashboard I have setup an auth guard which redirect the user to the login page and if they have the wrong credentials it'll redirect them to the home page of the website but for some reason whenever I try to access the home page or anything else I always get redirected the