

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2021-01-31 11:17:45
很多从事Java开发岗位的人,都期望努力成为一名优秀的架构师。薪资高,薪资范围高达30K——90K,社会认同感也极高。在国内,架构师 = 三分之二的工程能力 + 三分之一的规划能力。这就意味着一名Java开发工程师,成长为架构师需要具备以下能力: 要拥有坚实Java基础,深入理解操作系统、网络、数据库等基础原理,熟练掌握常用数据结构与算法,懂得常用设计模式。 其次,对高并发、分布式、微服务等领域要有深入研究。熟悉MySQL、NoSQL、Redis等数据中心建设方案,可以进行产品的独立部署,高可用架构和性能优化,熟悉开源社区解决方案。 重要的是,要具备一定的业务思维,深入到业务,从特定的业务场景出发,设计出高度可扩展性的系统架构...... 别小看这三条要求,阿里、腾讯、滴滴等很多互联网大厂在招聘中对于架构师的要求,来来回回也绕不过这些。因此,打好Java基础,提升技术能力真的尤为重要,坚实的基础和优秀的项目经历能让技术道路越走越宽。 今天就给大家推荐一门 【奈学教育】 携众多一线互联网大厂优秀架构师联合打造的课程 《Java资深开发工程师》 ,这门课程对标阿里P6+级别的资深研发工程师, 由前阿里巴巴架构师、前阿吉豆(AJIDOU)IT副总裁肖秋平主讲 ,旨在帮助在Java开发工程师岗位上遇到瓶颈的技术人员,为后期晋升架构师打下坚实的基础。 课程注重实战演练并深挖技术点的底层原理

pulsar standalone模式启动报错

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2021-01-30 18:13:01
12:10:11.305 [main] ERROR org.apache.pulsar.PulsarStandaloneStarter - Failed to start pulsar service. io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNAVAILABLE: io exception Caused by:$AnnotatedSocketException: Invalid argument: / Caused by: Invalid argument 原启动命令: cd /data/modules/pulsar/;nohup /data/modules/pulsar/bin/pulsar standalone >/dev/null 2>&1 & 加入-nss ,解决,之前也是挂了之后,重启失败,也是加上这个: cd /data/modules/pulsar/;nohup /data/modules/pulsar/bin/pulsar standalone -nss >/dev/null 2>&1 & 来源: oschina 链接:

Seata RPC 模块的重构之路

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-01-30 05:49:01
RPC 模块是我最初研究 Seata 源码开始的地方,因此我对 Seata 的 RPC 模块有过一些深刻研究,在我研究了一番后,发现 RPC 模块中的代码需要进行优化,使得代码更加优雅,交互逻辑更加清晰易懂,本着 “ 让天下没有难懂的 RPC 通信代码 ” 的初衷,我开始了 RPC 模块的重构之路。 这里建议想要深入了解 Seata 交互细节的,不妨从 RPC 模块的源码入手,RPC 模块相当于 Seata 的中枢,Seata 所有的交互逻辑在 RPC 模块中表现得淋漓尽致。 这次 RPC 模块的重构将会使得 Seata 的中枢变得更加健壮和易于解读。 重构继承关系 在 Seata 的旧版本中,RPC 模块的整体结构有点混乱,尤其是在各个类的继承关系上,主要体现在: 直接在 Remoting 类继承 Netty Handler,使得 Remoting 类与 Netty Handler 处理逻辑耦合在一起; 客户端和服务端的 Reomting 类继承关系不统一; RemotingClient 被 RpcClientBootstrap 实现,而 RemotingServer 却被 RpcServer 实现,没有一个独立的 ServerBootstrap,这个看起来关系非常混乱; 有些接口没必要抽取出来,比如 ClientMessageSender

Seata RPC 模块的重构之路

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2021-01-30 05:46:54
RPC 模块是我最初研究 Seata 源码开始的地方,因此我对 Seata 的 RPC 模块有过一些深刻研究,在我研究了一番后,发现 RPC 模块中的代码需要进行优化,使得代码更加优雅,交互逻辑更加清晰易懂,本着 “ 让天下没有难懂的 RPC 通信代码 ” 的初衷,我开始了 RPC 模块的重构之路。 这里建议想要深入了解 Seata 交互细节的,不妨从 RPC 模块的源码入手,RPC 模块相当于 Seata 的中枢,Seata 所有的交互逻辑在 RPC 模块中表现得淋漓尽致。 这次 RPC 模块的重构将会使得 Seata 的中枢变得更加健壮和易于解读。 重构继承关系 在 Seata 的旧版本中,RPC 模块的整体结构有点混乱,尤其是在各个类的继承关系上,主要体现在: 直接在 Remoting 类继承 Netty Handler,使得 Remoting 类与 Netty Handler 处理逻辑耦合在一起; 客户端和服务端的 Reomting 类继承关系不统一; RemotingClient 被 RpcClientBootstrap 实现,而 RemotingServer 却被 RpcServer 实现,没有一个独立的 ServerBootstrap,这个看起来关系非常混乱; 有些接口没必要抽取出来,比如 ClientMessageSender

Netty, concurrent writeAndFlush

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2021-01-29 12:31:33
问题 Lets say we have some kind of pub/sub protocol. When someone is connecting and subscribing, we can save channel in Map, List or ChannelGroup: @Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { super.channelActive(ctx); log.debug("Client connected: {}",; clients.add(ctx); } After that, when some message has come or some event has happened, I can notify clients: @Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg)

Netty, concurrent writeAndFlush

人走茶凉 提交于 2021-01-29 08:52:50
问题 Lets say we have some kind of pub/sub protocol. When someone is connecting and subscribing, we can save channel in Map, List or ChannelGroup: @Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { super.channelActive(ctx); log.debug("Client connected: {}",; clients.add(ctx); } After that, when some message has come or some event has happened, I can notify clients: @Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg)

Netty websocket and Rest in same Java application

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2021-01-28 12:25:36
问题 I have an exisiting Java application which is exposing REST services. I want to add a new feature in the same application to handle web socket requests (using netty) along with the exisiting REST services. How can I do that without changing my REST services? 回答1: There are two ways to do this without changing your REST service: I would suggest you setup a normal netty websocket server and run it parallel on another port (this can happen in the same application). A more complicated an

Netty websocket and Rest in same Java application

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2021-01-28 12:22:05
问题 I have an exisiting Java application which is exposing REST services. I want to add a new feature in the same application to handle web socket requests (using netty) along with the exisiting REST services. How can I do that without changing my REST services? 回答1: There are two ways to do this without changing your REST service: I would suggest you setup a normal netty websocket server and run it parallel on another port (this can happen in the same application). A more complicated an

Matching key value pairs in a request in a Karate Netty scenario

蓝咒 提交于 2021-01-28 08:07:24
问题 I'm writing features for a Karate Netty mock service and I'm trying to use the Scenario to match on a key value pair in the request. For example: In a request like this one that has a nested array of objects, I want this feature to fire when any of the Id values are null: { "Array": [ { "Id": "legitId" }, { "Id": null } ], } Scenario: pathMatches('path/to/my/endpoint') && methodIs('post') && request.Array.contains('Id': null) The documentation says I can use JS expressions in the scenario,

Memory-aware Channel handling with Netty 4.1

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2021-01-28 06:08:22
问题 In the versions of Netty prior to 4 (3.x), there was a way to make channel handling through an executor memory-aware and ordered using the OrderedMemoryAwareThreadPoolExecutor executor to execute the actions for a given Channel . This OrderedMemoryAwareThreadPoolExecutor in 3.x would take care of ordering the event-handling for a channel even though they could be executed by different threads, as well as provide for restricting the total memory used by the Channel . If the channel memory (due