
Where do stdout and stderr go when in curses mode?

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2021-02-08 14:21:25
问题 Where do stdout and stderr go when curses is active? import curses, sys def test_streams(): print "stdout" print >>sys.stderr, "stderr" def curses_mode(stdscr): test_streams() test_streams() curses.wrapper(curses_mode) Actual output is stdout stderr Update0 Expected output is stdout stderr stdout stderr entering, and then exiting curses mode with no change to the final text shown in the terminal. 回答1: Activating curses saves the terminal text screen's current contents and clears said screen;


我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-08 09:51:22
安装mysql依赖程序 提示:先保证网络畅通,虚拟机则选择nat模式,不同情况安装的linux系统,需要的依赖包数量版本不一样,最小安装的依赖包就需要多装一些,您的系统版本老可能依赖包版本也不能过高,否则不兼容。 cmake 提示:这些依赖包,也有自己需要的依赖包,先安装它所需依赖包再安装cmake,顺序不能变,否则会缓存错误信息即便清除缓存正确安装也无法解决, cmake包可以下载好挂载,也可以执行此命令在线下载wget 1、 安装或升级依赖包 用yum联网自动安装依赖包:yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ make libtool zlib zlib-devel pcre pcre-devel openssl openssl-devel 2、 解压、 bootstrap编译 3、 编译并安装 以上步骤不报错,下面很容易执行:gmake && gmake install 和女朋友出去逛逛街再回来,这个操作需要30分钟。查看版本即可。 安装boost 提示:也是要先安装它所需要的依赖包(奇妙吧,依赖包也有依赖包要预先安装) 1、解压 tar zxf /mnt/boost_1_59_0.tar.gz -C /usr

output string overwrite last string on terminal in Linux with c++

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2021-02-08 02:14:40
问题 Say I have a command line program. Is there a way so that when I say std::cout << stuff if I don't do a std::cout << '\n' in between another std::cout << stuff , another output of stuff will overwrite the last stuff on the same line (cleaning the line) starting at the leftmost column? I think ncurses has the ability to do this? If possible, it would be great if I could say std::cout << std::overwrite << stuff Where std::overwrite is some sort of iomanip. 回答1: Have you tried carriage returns

output string overwrite last string on terminal in Linux with c++

心已入冬 提交于 2021-02-08 02:14:18
问题 Say I have a command line program. Is there a way so that when I say std::cout << stuff if I don't do a std::cout << '\n' in between another std::cout << stuff , another output of stuff will overwrite the last stuff on the same line (cleaning the line) starting at the leftmost column? I think ncurses has the ability to do this? If possible, it would be great if I could say std::cout << std::overwrite << stuff Where std::overwrite is some sort of iomanip. 回答1: Have you tried carriage returns

Valgrind shows memory leaks from ncurses commands after using appropriate free() and end()

南楼画角 提交于 2021-02-05 09:12:14
问题 I have a program I'm writing to better understand ncurses, and when I push it through valgrind , it outputs many leaks associated with ncurses commands. However, I only use stdscr , and call endwin() at the end of main() . I have user options set by using menu.h, and use free_item and free_menu at the end: menuChoice(WINDOW* scr, std::vector<std::string> *choices, std::string desc) { //create the menu and the item pointer vector MENU* my_menu; std::vector<ITEM*> my_items; ITEM* cur = NULL;

Valgrind shows memory leaks from ncurses commands after using appropriate free() and end()

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2021-02-05 09:12:03
问题 I have a program I'm writing to better understand ncurses, and when I push it through valgrind , it outputs many leaks associated with ncurses commands. However, I only use stdscr , and call endwin() at the end of main() . I have user options set by using menu.h, and use free_item and free_menu at the end: menuChoice(WINDOW* scr, std::vector<std::string> *choices, std::string desc) { //create the menu and the item pointer vector MENU* my_menu; std::vector<ITEM*> my_items; ITEM* cur = NULL;

attach a terminal to a process running as a daemon (to run an ncurses UI)

落花浮王杯 提交于 2021-02-02 10:00:41
问题 I have a (legacy) program which acts as a daemon (in the sense it runs forever waiting for requests to service) but which has an ncurses based user interface which runs on the host. I would like to alter the program such that if I connect to the host via ssh I can enable the user interface on demand. I know there is at least one way using pseudo-terminals but I'm not quite sure how to achieve it. There are two application behaviours I consider interesting: Run the UI only if the application

attach a terminal to a process running as a daemon (to run an ncurses UI)

眉间皱痕 提交于 2021-02-02 10:00:01
问题 I have a (legacy) program which acts as a daemon (in the sense it runs forever waiting for requests to service) but which has an ncurses based user interface which runs on the host. I would like to alter the program such that if I connect to the host via ssh I can enable the user interface on demand. I know there is at least one way using pseudo-terminals but I'm not quite sure how to achieve it. There are two application behaviours I consider interesting: Run the UI only if the application


无人久伴 提交于 2021-01-30 08:51:35
由于官网已失效,所以cmatrix软件的下载地址 链接: 提取码:e06k 1、sz 上传到虚拟机 2、tar xvf cmatrix- 1.2a .tar .gz 3、cd cmatrix- 1.2a 4、yum install ncurses-devel 5、/configure && make && make install 使用方法:[]里是附带的选项 cmatrix [-abBflohnsVx] [-C color] 例如 cmatrix –b效果如下: 在运行的时候按下面这些键会有意外的收获哦! a B b n 1~9 ! @ # $ # sudo yum install sl 直接输入 # sl: 来源: oschina 链接:

What is the difference between nodelay() and cbreak() in ncurses?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2021-01-29 03:12:05
问题 What is the difference between nodelay() and cbreak() in ncurses ? And why use these functions because we have getch() ! If i have understand getch() permits to get the key directly just after the user hit the key. So nodelay and cbreak is useless isn't it ? 回答1: They are two completely different functions. From the documentation: Normally, the tty driver buffers typed characters until a newline or carriage return is typed. The cbreak routine disables line buffering and erase/kill character