
Convert an array to an array of objects

可紊 提交于 2019-12-28 02:05:13
问题 How I can convert an array to an array of JavaScript objects. For example I have an array as data = [ ["fruits","frozen","fresh","rotten"], ["apples",884,494,494], ["oranges",4848,494,4949], ["kiwi",848,33,33] ] I want to convert it to a name value pair. For example, first object in the resulting collection would be {"fruits": "apple", "frozen": 884, "fresh": 494, "rotten": 494} and so on for rest of the data. 回答1: DEMO Using your supplied data: var data = [ ["fruits","frozen","fresh","rotten

How to deal with name/value pairs of function arguments in MATLAB

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-27 18:20:56
问题 I have a function that takes optional arguments as name/value pairs. function example(varargin) % Lots of set up stuff vargs = varargin; nargs = length(vargs); names = vargs(1:2:nargs); values = vargs(2:2:nargs); validnames = {'foo', 'bar', 'baz'}; for name = names validatestring(name{:}, validnames); end % Do something ... foo = strmatch('foo', names); disp(values(foo)) end example('foo', 1:10, 'bar', 'qwerty') It seems that there is a lot of effort involved in extracting the appropriate

how get name-value pair when creating JSON string from using JSON boost serialization?

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-24 16:07:41
问题 Before answering this question I would request all you good people here to first take a look at this output that I am getting presently. The output is fetched from a sqlite3 table SiteCode which has two columns ID and Code . Although, I go the output but i still dont see the field name in the output. i mean I need an ouput which looks like the following (name-value pair) {"ID":"7","Code":"786","ID":"8","Code":"78","ID":"9","Code":"785","ID":"10","Code":"998","ID":"11","Code":"656"} So do I

Variable argument pairs in MATLAB functions

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-24 07:59:18
问题 I'm trying to develop a function that contains multiple arguments. To be as robust as possible, I want to be able to call my function as follows: foo( x, y, z, 'OptionalArg1', bar, 'OptionalArg2', blah, 'OptionalArg3', val ) I want my function to be robust enough to contain any combination of these arguments in any order. I also need to be able to set defaults if the argument is not provided. Is there a standard way to do this in MATLAB? 回答1: The best way would be to use the inputParser class

Sending Name Value Pair in POST using Jersey Client

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-12 15:45:06
问题 How can i pass name value pairs as body to a POST ReST Service in Jersey. Something similar to the code below using Apache Commons PostMethod final PostMethod post = new PostMethod(url); post.setRequestBody(new NameValuePair[] { new NameValuePair("loginId", userId), new NameValuePair("logonPassword", password), new NameValuePair("signature", signature), new NameValuePair("timestamp", timestamp), new NameValuePair("sourceSiteId", sourceSiteId) }); I'm porting this call to my application. The

Properties or Enums or static final

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-10 17:55:09
问题 When it comes to declare predefined constants in a name-value pair, I have been randomly choosing between 'java.util.Properties', 'enums' or a separate class with 'public static final' values. For future reference, I need some guidelines over which approach to take. Thanks! 回答1: It all depends of your constant lifecycle. Constant are by definition something that do not move. Choosing the right methods will be a question of the likely to change and the repackaging need. If you're really sure,

Improve querying fields exist in MongoDB

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-11-27 21:29:49
I'm in progress with estimation of MongoDB for our customers. Per requirements we need associate with some entity ent variable set of name-value pairs. db.ent.insert({'a':5775, 'b':'b1'}) db.ent.insert({'c':'its a c', 'b':'b2'}) db.ent.insert({'a':7557, 'c':'its a c'}) After this I need intensively query ent for presence of fields: db.ent.find({'a':{$exists:true}}) db.ent.find({'c':{$exists:false}}) Per MongoDB docs : $exists is not very efficient even with an index, and esp. with {$exists:true} since it will effectively have to scan all indexed values. Can experts there provide more efficient

Convert an array to an array of objects

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-11-27 04:40:51
How I can convert an array to an array of JavaScript objects. For example I have an array as data = [ ["fruits","frozen","fresh","rotten"], ["apples",884,494,494], ["oranges",4848,494,4949], ["kiwi",848,33,33] ] I want to convert it to a name value pair. For example, first object in the resulting collection would be {"fruits": "apple", "frozen": 884, "fresh": 494, "rotten": 494} and so on for rest of the data. DEMO Using your supplied data: var data = [ ["fruits","frozen","fresh","rotten"], ["apples",884,494,494], ["oranges",4848,494,4949], ["kiwi",848,33,33] ] The following function will

How to deal with name/value pairs of function arguments in MATLAB

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-11-26 23:31:40
I have a function that takes optional arguments as name/value pairs. function example(varargin) % Lots of set up stuff vargs = varargin; nargs = length(vargs); names = vargs(1:2:nargs); values = vargs(2:2:nargs); validnames = {'foo', 'bar', 'baz'}; for name = names validatestring(name{:}, validnames); end % Do something ... foo = strmatch('foo', names); disp(values(foo)) end example('foo', 1:10, 'bar', 'qwerty') It seems that there is a lot of effort involved in extracting the appropriate values (and it still isn't particularly robust again badly specified inputs). Is there a better way of

Improve querying fields exist in MongoDB

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-11-26 23:05:38
问题 I'm in progress with estimation of MongoDB for our customers. Per requirements we need associate with some entity ent variable set of name-value pairs. db.ent.insert({'a':5775, 'b':'b1'}) db.ent.insert({'c':'its a c', 'b':'b2'}) db.ent.insert({'a':7557, 'c':'its a c'}) After this I need intensively query ent for presence of fields: db.ent.find({'a':{$exists:true}}) db.ent.find({'c':{$exists:false}}) Per MongoDB docs: $exists is not very efficient even with an index, and esp. with {$exists