
Centering Text within a Multirow Cell in LaTex

旧时模样 提交于 2020-01-01 01:17:29
问题 This is probably best explained with an example. I have the following table, where the "A" cell spans two rows, and the "B" cell spans two columns. \begin{table}[htdp] \begin{tabular}{l|r|r} \multirow{2}{*}{A} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{B} \\ & B1 & B2 \\ a & b1 & b2 \\ a & b1 & b2 \\ \end{tabular} \end{table} _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |A |_ _ _ _B_ _ _ _| |_ _ _ _|_ _B1_ |_ _B2_ | |a | b1| b2| |a | b1| b2| |a | b1| b2| |_ _ _ _| _ _ _ |_ _ _ _| I would like to center the text in the "A" cell, only.

Latex Table multiple row and multiple column

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-31 12:55:12
问题 I'm trying to create a table in Latex but without success. I tried different solutions but no one solves my problem. I would like create a table like the picture below: Can anyone show how to do this in latex please? 回答1: One first sketch may be the following: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{multirow} \begin{document} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline \multirow{3}{*}{A} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{User B} & % \multicolumn{2}{c|}{User C} & \multirow{3}{*}{D}\\ \cline{2-5} & \multicolumn{2}{c

Hibernate multi row insert postgresql

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-24 14:28:08
问题 Now I have working batch inserts with hibernate ("hibernate.jdbc.batch_size = 50) but as far as i know hibernate generates single inserts in batches. I know that I can tell my db driver to create multi-row insert for every batch of inserts to speed up performance using rewriteBatchedStatements: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mydb?rewriteBatchedStatements=true But in db logs there are still single inserts. What am I doing wrong? Thanks. 回答1: This actually has nothing to do with Hibernate.


倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-20 20:26:50
问题 I am working on ORACLE STORED PROCEDURES and I have a doubt. I have a query which fetches more than 1 row and I want to store all those 3 row's values in 1 Variable. Can anybody please help me with this. My QUERY goes like this : SELECT STUDENT_NAME FROM STUDENT.STUDENT_DETAILS WHERE CLASS_ID= 'C'; Here this query fetches 3 names Jack, Jill, Bunny I want all those 3 names to be stored in 1 variable i.e C_NAMES. And after that I am using that variable in further steps of my procedure. Can

Codeigniter - Update Multiple Row With Select2

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-13 20:37:29
问题 When entering 2 values collecting_id attribute and 2 values nama_driver attribute, and in database successfully input 2 rows, INPUT--> RESULT but if inputting 2 values collecting_id and 1 value nama_driver , then only 1 row entered into database .. INPUT--> RESULT if I input 2 or more collecting_id and 1 nama_driver, only 1 row in database. I want 2 row or more in database with same nama_driver value Here is my CONTROLLER : $collecting_id = $this->input->post('collecting_id'); $nama_driver =

How to convert multiple rows to one row in SQL Server? [duplicate]

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-12 06:05:30
问题 This question already has answers here : Simulating group_concat MySQL function in Microsoft SQL Server 2005? (10 answers) Closed 4 years ago . I have a problem with a query. Let's say I have two tables named PersonInfo and PersonEducation . I applied join operation on these tables with StudentId and I have a result like that. StudentIdId Name University Department Status --------------------------------------------------------------- 1 John Cambridge Computer Graduated 1 John Berkeley

JQuery: How to drag multiple rows from one table to another?

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-11 07:23:08
问题 Here's the Fiddle I have a table with draggable rows that are multi-selectable, but I want to drag them en masse to another table and drop them there - not to be appended as additional elements to the other table, but to do some stuff with the information, i.e. form submission. My example is originally based on another demo I found here: multi drag demo Here is the HTML code for the basic example of this problem. <table class="DraggableThings"> <tr draggable='true'><td >Row 1</td></tr> <tr Lock/Freeze Multi Row Gridview Headers

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-08 12:43:57
问题 I've been giving the task of freezing the headers on my Gridview. The Gridview must also be scrollable. I have accomplished the scrolling feature. I can't get the lock header feature. I've tried various solutions including css styles and JQuery plugins but nothing seems to be working. I think the biggest is that my Gridview has a multi row header. I define one row header in the aspx, then I created the second row header in the Gridview row data bound event. Any useful solutions? Code Below

Oracle, insert multirows from subquery with more than one row

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-07 19:18:16
问题 Im trying to copy some field from a table to other, I want to do iy by using insert with a subquery like this: insert into sed_reporte_generico (srg_usuario, srg_nombres, srg_ape_paterno, srg_ape_materno, srg_objetivo, srg_peso_ob, srg_calf_ob) values ( (select us.su_st_usuario, us.su_st_nombres, us.su_st_ap_paterno, us.su_st_ap_materno, ob.soc_st_descripcion, ob.soc_nr_peso,ob.soc_nr_calificacion from sed_objetivo ob, sed_usuarios us, sed_evaluacion ev where ob.se_evaluacion_pk =

Oracle, insert multirows from subquery with more than one row

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-06 07:27:10
Im trying to copy some field from a table to other, I want to do iy by using insert with a subquery like this: insert into sed_reporte_generico (srg_usuario, srg_nombres, srg_ape_paterno, srg_ape_materno, srg_objetivo, srg_peso_ob, srg_calf_ob) values ( (select us.su_st_usuario, us.su_st_nombres, us.su_st_ap_paterno, us.su_st_ap_materno, ob.soc_st_descripcion, ob.soc_nr_peso,ob.soc_nr_calificacion from sed_objetivo ob, sed_usuarios us, sed_evaluacion ev where ob.se_evaluacion_pk = ev.se_evaluacion_pk and ev.su_colaborador_fk = us.su_usuarios_pk) ); but I got this error: 01427. 00000 - "single