
C# Missing MSVCR100.dll

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-18 04:31:36
问题 I'm developing an app that execute another app and I received this error: the program can't start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer with my C# app, can I fix this problem copying this .dll into windows/system32 folder? Or exists another method to do this? 回答1: This links below point to the proper downloads for the MSVCRT100 installer. This is likely what you want your customers to run before installing your app. This will properly install the MSVCRT DLLs in the proper

error LNK2005: xxx already defined in MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR100.dll) C:\something\LIBCMT.lib(setlocal.obj)

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-17 07:04:41
问题 I'm using DCMTK library for reading Dicom files (Image format used in medical image processing.) I'm having a problem in compiling this DCMTK source code. DCMTK uses some additional external libraries (zlib, tiff, libpng, libxml2, libiconv). I know that all libraries should be generated with same Code Generation Options. I've downloaded the compiled versions of these support libraries which are compiled with "Multithreaded DLL" runtime options (/MD). In each project of DCMTK source code I

C++ executable - MSVCR100.dll not found error

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-09 13:07:23
问题 I've downloaded and compiled an open-source C++ application, Frhed. When I run the version I've compiled, it demands MSVCR100 and few other dll files (part of Visual C++ redistributable). However, when I run the original precompiled Frhed executable, it runs without any C++ redistributable package installed. Do I have to modify any compilation options in order to unlink the program from the C++ redistributable libraries? 回答1: The original program is probably statically linked , whereas you

Omit the msvcr100.dll when developing in C/C++ for windows?

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-04 04:20:42
Is it possible to develop in C/C++ for windows and not to link against the msvcr100.dll? I understand that this is the standard c library for windows, but I was wondering how all the programs on my computer could run if I hadn't Visual Studio or the Redistributable package installed? Right-click your project in the Solution Explorer window, Properties, C/C++, Code Generation, Runtime Library setting. Change it to /MTd. Repeat for the Release configuration, pick /MT You will now link the static version of the CRT, any functions you use get directly linked into your EXE instead of getting them


烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-01 10:45:59
问题: 在公司服务器上面安装绿色版mysql5.6的时候提示缺少msvcr100.dll 处理过程: 先找度娘吧,花了半天时间百度以及按照提供的方法进行操作,都没有成功。 最终快要放弃的时候,突然有个哥们说msvcr100.dll是Visual Studio 2010的一个动态链接库 到官方网站下载一个即可。我安装的程序是64位的所以下载的也是64位的。最终得以解决。 其他非官方网站的大都不能使用。下面是官方的地址: 来源: oschina 链接:


為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-01 10:45:46
出现问题的大部分原因是因该文件被木马病毒破坏导致系统找不到此文件,出现错误提示框,想要解决此问题只需找到专业的DLL文件下载网站,下载该文件,复制到相应目录。即可解决。 msvcr100.dll 为Visual Studio 2010的一个动态链接库,如果某程序是用它开发出来的,那么该程序的运行就有可能需要此动态链接库,有些程序直接将其打包到了安装目录,并注册,就不会出现缺失的问题;但有些程序则默认系统中有此动态链接库,没有进行处理,那就会出现缺失的问题。 修复方式 常规修复: 如果您的系统提示“没有找到找不到MSVCR100.dll”或者“MSVCR100.dll”等类似错误信息,请把MSVCR100.dll下载到本机。MSVCR100.dll有分32位和64位。 直接拷贝该文件到系统目录里: 1、如果下载的是32位 MSVCR100.dll ,系统也是32位,则复制到C:\Windows\System32目录下。如果是64位系统放到C:\Windows\SysWOW64。 2、如果下载的是64位 MSVCR100.dll ,系统是64位,则复制到C:\Windows\System32目录下。32位系统不兼容64位的MSVCR100.dll。 来源: oschina 链接:


笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-01 10:45:19
msvcr100.dll为Visual Studio 2010的一个动态链接库,如果某程序是用它开发出来的,那么该程序的运行就有可能需要此动态链接库。有些程序直接将其打包到了安装目录,并注册,就不会出现缺失的问题;但有些程序则默认系统中有此动态链接库,所以没有进行处理,因此就会出现缺失的问题 msvcr100.dll 是Visual Studio 2010的一个动态链接库,如果某程序是用它开发出来的,那么该程序的运行就有可能需要此动态链接库,有些程序直接将其打包到了安装目录,并注册,就不会出现缺失的问题;但有些程序则默认系统中有此动态链接库,没有进行处理,那就会出现缺失的问题。那么msvcr100.dll丢失的原因是什么呢? msvcr100.dll丢失原因:丢失msvcr100.dll文件是不少单机游戏尤其是绿色免安装版的游戏,常见问题, msvcr100.dll 为巫师2等游戏中常出现提示缺少的文件,缺少后无法启动游戏。或者是该文件被木马病毒破坏导致系统找不到此文件,出现错误提示框。 如果您的系统提示“没有找到msvcr100.dll”或者“缺少msvcr100.dll”等类似错误信息,直接下载到本机。 来源: oschina 链接: