
How to make SHDocVw.InternetExplorer fire events that get caught with JS addEventListener?

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-02-10 04:13:32
问题 The following problems: I need to simulate a double-click on a div element. I need to use/handle MS Internet Explorer 11. I cannot change the source code of the target site. My solution so far: I use C# and SHDocVw.InternetExplorer and mshtml I can fire "click" events al right, they show up in all handlers When trying to simulate the double-click: the "ondoubleclick" event gets triggered. the el.addEventListener('dblclick', handler); does NOT get triggered To reduce the complexity of the

jfreechart general issue on the possibility of interactlively modify a displayed curve dragging mouse

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-02-10 03:26:58
问题 I've never used JFreeChart before. It has been told me that it's a pretty good product for drawing charts in Java. I have a doubt, and I would like to have some advices by someone that has already some JFreeChart experience: is JFreeChart designed only for display static precomputed set of values? Or is there any "pretty easy" way to handle mouse event (possibly dragging) in order to dynamically change the displayed curves (and consequentely the associated data set)? With "pretty easy" I mean

jfreechart general issue on the possibility of interactlively modify a displayed curve dragging mouse

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-02-10 03:24:17
问题 I've never used JFreeChart before. It has been told me that it's a pretty good product for drawing charts in Java. I have a doubt, and I would like to have some advices by someone that has already some JFreeChart experience: is JFreeChart designed only for display static precomputed set of values? Or is there any "pretty easy" way to handle mouse event (possibly dragging) in order to dynamically change the displayed curves (and consequentely the associated data set)? With "pretty easy" I mean

jfreechart general issue on the possibility of interactlively modify a displayed curve dragging mouse

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-02-10 03:19:26
问题 I've never used JFreeChart before. It has been told me that it's a pretty good product for drawing charts in Java. I have a doubt, and I would like to have some advices by someone that has already some JFreeChart experience: is JFreeChart designed only for display static precomputed set of values? Or is there any "pretty easy" way to handle mouse event (possibly dragging) in order to dynamically change the displayed curves (and consequentely the associated data set)? With "pretty easy" I mean

matplotlib onclick event repeating

岁酱吖の 提交于 2021-02-08 11:29:19
问题 I want to use the onclick method to select a range of data on my matplotlib graph. But the thing is, I can't do that more than once and update the plot. I have some ideas to do this, one of them would be to make a list of plots where I jump to new indices after I appended the new picture ... but mostly I would like to be able to store the information from the click ( event.xdata ) two times to color the area under the graph in that section - but for starters it would already be an achievement

matplotlib onclick event repeating

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2021-02-08 11:28:25
问题 I want to use the onclick method to select a range of data on my matplotlib graph. But the thing is, I can't do that more than once and update the plot. I have some ideas to do this, one of them would be to make a list of plots where I jump to new indices after I appended the new picture ... but mostly I would like to be able to store the information from the click ( event.xdata ) two times to color the area under the graph in that section - but for starters it would already be an achievement

Mouse coordinates of pytqt graph line

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2021-02-07 20:28:38
问题 I am trying to get the (x,y) values of my random function plot whenever I move the moused on top of the graph. I am using pyqtgraph.SignalProxy and connect it to a callback mousedMoved. I am getting this as error: NameError: global name 'mouseMoved' is not defined Here is the code: import sys from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore import numpy as np import pyqtgraph as pg import time import random class TestClass(QtGui.QMainWindow): ##################################################### def _

Mouse coordinates of pytqt graph line

流过昼夜 提交于 2021-02-07 20:28:15
问题 I am trying to get the (x,y) values of my random function plot whenever I move the moused on top of the graph. I am using pyqtgraph.SignalProxy and connect it to a callback mousedMoved. I am getting this as error: NameError: global name 'mouseMoved' is not defined Here is the code: import sys from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore import numpy as np import pyqtgraph as pg import time import random class TestClass(QtGui.QMainWindow): ##################################################### def _

Move an image with Javascript using mouse events

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2021-02-07 10:28:40
问题 This should be simple enough, but every time I try I end up with a different issue. I am trying to move an image around the screen using mouse events such as mousedown, mouseup, mousemove, clientX and clientY. I am then trying to apply it to the image using absolute positioning. I thought the below code would work as I get the coordinates on the initial click, and then the idea was to update them with mouse movement, but this does not work. var image; var dog = document.getElementById("dogPic

matplotlib: How to pick up shift click on figure?

岁酱吖の 提交于 2021-02-07 06:57:16
问题 I have a matplotlib and I have created a button_press_event like this: self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.onClick) def onClick(self, event) if event.button == 1: # draw some artists on left click elif event.button == 2: # draw a vertical line on the mouse x location on wheel click elif event.button == 3: # clear artists on right click Now is it possible to modify the wheel click handler to something like this elif event.button == 2 or (event.button == 1 and event.key ==