
Mosquitto: Starting in local only mode

早过忘川 提交于 2021-01-16 04:13:37
问题 I have a virtual machine that is supposed to be the host, which can receive and send data. The first picture is the error that I'm getting on my main machine (from which I'm trying to send data from). The second picture is the mosquitto log on my virtual machine. Also I'm using the default config, which as far as I know can't cause these problems, at least from what I have seen from other examples. I have very little understanding on how all of this works, so any help is appreciated. What I

Mosquitto: Starting in local only mode

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2021-01-16 04:10:07
问题 I have a virtual machine that is supposed to be the host, which can receive and send data. The first picture is the error that I'm getting on my main machine (from which I'm trying to send data from). The second picture is the mosquitto log on my virtual machine. Also I'm using the default config, which as far as I know can't cause these problems, at least from what I have seen from other examples. I have very little understanding on how all of this works, so any help is appreciated. What I

address already in use error in mosquitto

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2020-12-02 07:17:11
问题 I have installed mosquitto server and client packages in my ubuntu machine. When I run command "mosquitto" to run the mosquitto server I am getting an error "Error:address already in use". Why am I getting this error? How can I resolve this? 回答1: I ran into the same problem, and resolved the situation by killing the process that was running mosquitto. First, locate the mosquitto process id: ps -ef | grep mosquitto This should reveal to you any mosquitto related process. Say for example the

address already in use error in mosquitto

随声附和 提交于 2020-12-02 07:15:15
问题 I have installed mosquitto server and client packages in my ubuntu machine. When I run command "mosquitto" to run the mosquitto server I am getting an error "Error:address already in use". Why am I getting this error? How can I resolve this? 回答1: I ran into the same problem, and resolved the situation by killing the process that was running mosquitto. First, locate the mosquitto process id: ps -ef | grep mosquitto This should reveal to you any mosquitto related process. Say for example the

MQTT入门1 -- mosquitto 安装

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-11-30 23:35:03
原文链接: MQTT入门1 -- mosquitto 安装 简介: MQTT(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport,消息队列遥测传输)是IBM开发的一个即时通讯协议,有可能成为物联网的重要组成部分。 MQTT服务器有好多种,mosquitto 是其中之一。由于mosquitto相对来说,教程比较多,对于初学者更容易入手。因此,我选择了mosquitto。 Mosquitto是一个实现了MQTT3.1协议的代理服务器,由MQTT协议创始人之一的Andy Stanford-Clark开发,它为我们提供了非常棒的轻量级数据交换的解决方案。本文的主旨在于记录Mosquitto服务的安装和使用,以备日后查阅。 安装依赖包 yum install gcc gcc-c++ libstdc++-devel yum install openssl-devel -y yum install c-ares-devel -y yum install uuid-devel -y yum install libuuid-devel -y 下载源代码: 解压,编译,安装 [nick@XQLY mqtt]$ tar

mqtt mosquitto 安装与使用

风格不统一 提交于 2020-11-30 23:24:40
1,安装服务端 mosquitto apt-get install mosquitto 2,安装客户端paho.mqtt.python pip install paho-mqtt 3, mqtt 应用在ubuntu上 import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt import time HOST=""//mosquitto 安装的主机ip, 表示与mosquitto在同一机器上 PORT=1883 client=mqtt.Client() def on_connect(client,userdata,msg): print("on_connect") pass def on_dis_connect(client,userdata,msg): print("on_dis_connect") pass def mqtt_sub(topic): client.subscribe(topic,1) def mqtt_pub(topic,payload): client.publish(topic,payload,1,1) def mqtt_init(on_message): client.connect(HOST,PORT,60) client.on_connect=on_connect client.on_disconnect=on


自作多情 提交于 2020-08-15 17:55:43
我们先看一下搭建mqtt的基本流程图吧(不是项目的流程图,我简单画的一个)。 关于调用mosquitto库中的函数的学习,可以参考一下我写的常见mosquitto库中函数的学习: 在写代码的时候,我用到了iniparser库和cJSON库,我们要先明白iniparser库以及cJSON库,为什么要学习这个呢?首先iniparser库可以对ini文件进行解析、设置、删除等操作,我们知道当我们与阿里云进行通信时,需要很多参数,比如要知道阿里云的域名,端口、以及username、passwd、客户端id以及发布的主题、服务质量都需要进行配置,所以使用iniparsesr库可以解决很多配置的问题。如下图是我写的ini文件 关于iniparser库的学习可以参考以下我之前写的博客,博客链接为: 那么我们为什么还需要学习cJSON库那,cJSON是一个超轻巧,携带方便,单文件,简答的可以作为ANSI-C标准的解析器。而json是一种在服务器端和客户端交换数据的轻量级数据格式,而对于阿里云的上报会比较严格,还需要相同的json格式发布阿里云平台才能收到


半世苍凉 提交于 2020-08-15 04:51:52
ubuntu下Mosquitto安装及配置 本文最近一次修改日期:2020-03-04 1:43 周三 Eclipse Mosquitto是一个开源消息代理,实现了MQTT协议版本3.1和3.1.1.Mosquitto轻量,适用于低功耗单板计算机到完整服务器的所有设备. Mosquitto项目还提供了用于实现MQTT客户端的C库以及非常受欢迎的mosquitto_pub和mosquitto_sub命令行MQTT客户端. 本文抄自:飞虎兄的文章 Mosquitto 搭建及配置 本文参考:清明-心若淡定的文章 订阅mosquitto服务器状态各主题 所超代码,均已在ubuntu server 18.04 LTS上测试, 订阅客户端数量 $SYS/broker/clients/active (1.4版本已取消 //经测试我用的1.6.8的客户端,这个命令并没有取消 修改为$SYS/broker/clients/expired (当前连接的客户端数量) //这个命令什么也没返回,这是为什么? 其他服务器代理实现: 各操作系统安装指引: Mosquitto安装 添加存储库 sudo apt-add-repository ppa


橙三吉。 提交于 2020-08-12 18:16:27
1) 开启一个终端用于订阅消息: ​​​​​​​mosquitto_sub -v -t "test/topic" 2) 开启另一个终端用于发布消息: mosquitto_pub -t "test/topic" -m 'hello world' 3) 发布消息后,可在订阅端看到已订阅成功的信息 : test/topic hello world mosquitto_sub 解析: mosquitto_sub 是订阅端终端运行的命令,-v是打印详细信息, -t 是需要订阅的主题,后面紧跟的参数就是主题,这里主题叫test/topic。 mosquitto_pub 是发布端终端运行的命令, -t 是需要发布的主题,后面紧跟的参数就是主题, -m 就是开始发布内容,后面紧跟的参数就是需要发布的内容,这里值为 hello world。 具体的 MQTT 命令实现方法,有兴趣的同学可以自己去查看源码,源码在 Mosquitto -1.4.5 / client 目录下面,其目录文件如下: client_shared.c CMakeLists.txt mosquitto_sub sub_client.c client_shared.h Makefile pub_client.c sub_client.o client_shared.o mosquitto_pub pub_client.o