

匆匆过客 提交于 2021-02-17 08:12:38
MQTT百科 MQTT(消息队列遥测传输)是ISO 标准(ISO/IEC PRF 20922)下基于发布/订阅范式的消息协议。它工作在 TCP/IP协议族上,是为硬件性能低下的远程设备以及网络状况糟糕的情况下而设计的发布/订阅型消息协议,为此,它需要一个消息中间件 。 从危机百科可以看出,MQTT是一种协议,不是一种消息队列。尽管,它有消息队列的设计,但更侧重是一种网络 协议 。 一般推荐使用2014年10月30日发布的MQTT 3.1.1版本,关于MQTT3.1.1版本优势的 文章 。 几个概念 客户端(Client) MQTT客户端是运行MQTT客户端库并通过网络连接到MQTT中间件的任何设备(从嵌入式设备到服务器)。MQTT客户端库可由各种编程语言实现。 例如,Android,Arduino,C,C ++,C#,Go,iOS,Java,JavaScript和.NET。 中间件(Broker) MQTT中间件是MQTT协议的核心。负责接收所有消息,过滤消息,确定订阅每条消息的客户端,以及将消息发送给这些订阅的客户端。还包括对持久会话的管理,以及客户端的认证和授权等功能。例如:Mosquitto就是由Eclipse基金会维护开发的MQTT中间件。由Apache基金会维护开发的ActiveMQ消息中间件支持MQTT协议。 MQTT 连接 这里借用 hivemq 的几张图.


谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2021-02-17 07:59:08
MQTT百科 MQTT(消息队列遥测传输)是ISO 标准(ISO/IEC PRF 20922)下基于发布/订阅范式的消息协议。它工作在 TCP/IP协议族上,是为硬件性能低下的远程设备以及网络状况糟糕的情况下而设计的发布/订阅型消息协议,为此,它需要一个消息中间件 。 从危机百科可以看出,MQTT是一种协议,不是一种消息队列。尽管,它有消息队列的设计,但更侧重是一种网络 协议 。 一般推荐使用2014年10月30日发布的MQTT 3.1.1版本,关于MQTT3.1.1版本优势的 文章 。 几个概念 客户端(Client) MQTT客户端是运行MQTT客户端库并通过网络连接到MQTT中间件的任何设备(从嵌入式设备到服务器)。MQTT客户端库可由各种编程语言实现。 例如,Android,Arduino,C,C ++,C#,Go,iOS,Java,JavaScript和.NET。 中间件(Broker) MQTT中间件是MQTT协议的核心。负责接收所有消息,过滤消息,确定订阅每条消息的客户端,以及将消息发送给这些订阅的客户端。还包括对持久会话的管理,以及客户端的认证和授权等功能。例如:Mosquitto就是由Eclipse基金会维护开发的MQTT中间件。由Apache基金会维护开发的ActiveMQ消息中间件支持MQTT协议。 MQTT 连接 这里借用 hivemq 的几张图.

How to catch “access error” when publish inaccessible topic in mqtt.js?

可紊 提交于 2021-02-11 13:13:51
问题 I am creating a project using node.js with mqtt.js and mosquitto broker. In mosquitto config file, I have setup a pwfile, aclfile to control which topic can be accessed by which user. Everything works fine, if the username, password, publish topic and subscribe topic are correct. But if I change the publish topic to an inaccessible topic, it seems successfully publish the topic without any error in mqtt.js, but the message is never been publish. Is there anyway to catch error when publish or

How to catch “access error” when publish inaccessible topic in mqtt.js?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-02-11 13:07:54
问题 I am creating a project using node.js with mqtt.js and mosquitto broker. In mosquitto config file, I have setup a pwfile, aclfile to control which topic can be accessed by which user. Everything works fine, if the username, password, publish topic and subscribe topic are correct. But if I change the publish topic to an inaccessible topic, it seems successfully publish the topic without any error in mqtt.js, but the message is never been publish. Is there anyway to catch error when publish or

MQTT Broker mosquitto

眉间皱痕 提交于 2021-02-10 18:35:09
MQTT 全称 MQ Telemetry Transport 消息队列遥测传输协议 IBM 1994开发 MQTT v3.1.1 第4版 OASIS标准 1 to 0/1/N 简介 MQTT是一个TCP服务端,称为broker。 通过这个broker服务,我们可以作为发布者,发送一条主题消息给broker,然后其他订阅者通过消息订阅机制获得broker的主题消息推送。我们也可以作为订阅者,订阅其他发布者的主题消息。 对比MQ 消息队列存储消息,直到它们被消耗 消息队列中只有一个消费者处理消息,MQTT中订阅主题的每个订阅者都会收到消息 消息队列要提前并明确创建,MQTT中可以随时实时创建 议题 自动重连 Automatic Reconnect 离线缓存 Offline Buffering 消息持久化 Message Persistence 高可用 High Availability 安全 SSL/TLS websocket支持 连接 建立 broker开启一个host的TCP 1883端口 客户端连接Broker 如果是重连,需要带上上次ClientID 如果不是重连,可以指定CleanSession是否清空之前会话 可以指定两端之间心跳维持时间 服务端根据参数,重用或开启会话Session,绑定ClientID 一个会话,可以服务多个TCP连接,取决于是否CleanSession

mosquitto broker retain multiple messages

戏子无情 提交于 2021-02-08 10:20:18
问题 I am having mosquitto broker running on Ubuntu on EC2. Also I did a change max_queued_messages 1000 and max_inflight_messages 10 in /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf I am publishing to this broker with qos=2 and retain enabled . For publishing I am using mosquitto_pub -t 1 -m "{c:{d:\"pN\",m:\"Pr1\"}}" -r -q 2 . And subscriber side I am using library with same qos=2. and only providing single option by options.setMqttVersion(MqttConnectOptions.MQTT_VERSION_3

how to do reverse proxy on docker

流过昼夜 提交于 2021-02-05 11:13:07
问题 I have a server and I am using Ubuntu 20.04, nginx , mosquitto and node-red and docker , let's call the website . The problem that I am facing that I have created a client lets call it client1 in docker so the URL will be and I want to establish an MQTT connection via mosquitto and I'm sending the data on topic test The problem that on node red node of MQTT when I write the IP address of my mosquitto container it works But if I change the IP

how to do reverse proxy on docker

强颜欢笑 提交于 2021-02-05 11:12:55
问题 I have a server and I am using Ubuntu 20.04, nginx , mosquitto and node-red and docker , let's call the website . The problem that I am facing that I have created a client lets call it client1 in docker so the URL will be and I want to establish an MQTT connection via mosquitto and I'm sending the data on topic test The problem that on node red node of MQTT when I write the IP address of my mosquitto container it works But if I change the IP

Offline messages not being send to adafruit iot portal by mosquitto broker

旧巷老猫 提交于 2021-01-28 05:11:18
问题 I have a raspberry pi in which I have installed mosquitto broker and mqtt. Pi is connected to sensor and I need to send this data to adafruit IOT protal . I am able to send all the data when the pi is connected but when the pi goes offline, I am only able to transmit data for 20-30 sec. If the pi is offline for more than 2-3 mins then that data is not transmitted to portal. I have created a bridge.conf file and add all the configurations to be used my mosquitto. Here is the content:

Mosquitto-auth-plugin ACL for subscription

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2021-01-28 02:08:32
问题 I am currently using the mosquitto broker to see if I can build something interesting with it and I came across this plugin for authentication called mosquitto-auth-plugin. I followed the documentation of the plugin and I am using postgres as the back-end table. It seems to be working with respect to user authentication. When it comes to ACL I find the publish ACL is on spot but the subscription ACL is something I am not able to wrap my mind around. |-- GETTING USERS: karthik 1546887525: |--