
What's the point of package modifiers?

本秂侑毒 提交于 2020-01-24 23:40:07
问题 I don't understand package modifiers (not annotations) like this: public package foo; public class Bar { } Do they have any meaning? 回答1: The only type of package modifier in the JLS is an annotation. From JLS 7.4.1: PackageDeclaration: {PackageModifier} package Identifier {. Identifier} ; PackageModifier: Annotation So public package foo; is invalid syntax. This compiles under some versions of Eclipse, due to a bug which has been fixed in some conditions, and will be fixed in all conditions

Custom Variable Declarations Using Metal With Scene Kit Shader Modifiers

假如想象 提交于 2020-01-05 04:58:53
问题 I am having difficulty passing uniforms to Scene Kit's shader modifiers. This seems to work fine when using OpenGL but not when using Metal. I have used SCNProgram successfully before but wanted to take advantage of SceneKit's tessellator instead of setting up compute shaders for tessellation. But I want to use the code I have already written in Metal rather than using OpenGL. There is unfortunately not a great deal of examples of how to do this. This Swift Playground illustrates how to do

Perl Regular Expression - What does gc modifier means?

馋奶兔 提交于 2020-01-01 01:57:26
问题 I have a regex which matches some text as: $text =~ m/$regex/gcxs Now I want to know what 'gc' modifier means: I have searched and found that gc means "Allow continued search after failed /g match" . This is not clear to me. What does continued search means? As far as I have understood, it means that start matching at the beginning if the /g search fails. But doesn't /g modififier matches the whole string? 回答1: The /g modifier is used to remember the "position in a string" so you can

new modifier in C#

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-29 09:32:51
问题 MSDN says: When used as a modifier, the new keyword explicitly hides a member inherited from a base class. When you hide an inherited member, the derived version of the member replaces the base-class version. Although you can hide members without the use of the new modifier, the result is a warning. If you use new to explicitly hide a member, it suppresses this warning and documents the fact that the derived version is intended as a replacement. Example: class Base { int value; virtual bool

new modifier in C#

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-29 09:32:22
问题 MSDN says: When used as a modifier, the new keyword explicitly hides a member inherited from a base class. When you hide an inherited member, the derived version of the member replaces the base-class version. Although you can hide members without the use of the new modifier, the result is a warning. If you use new to explicitly hide a member, it suppresses this warning and documents the fact that the derived version is intended as a replacement. Example: class Base { int value; virtual bool

Why make class members private?

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-29 06:30:14
问题 I've learn C++ for some time, however there is always this question which puzzles me (for years). In school, our lecturers like to declare class variables as private. In order to access it, we have to declare an accessor to access it. Sometimes we even have to make the different classes become "friends" into order to access its elements. My question is: Why make it so troublesome? What is the true rationale behind all the private and protected stuff when we can just make our life as a

Protection level (Modifiers) of controls change automaticlly in .Net

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-25 11:34:47
问题 My project is on .Net V2.0, some of controls are in public, when change form in design mode this controls changed to private. how can i fix this? thanks. When Modifier changed to private, in Property Tool Box Modifier property not show. many of controls go to below section of form in picture 2. 回答1: I assume you are making the controls public by editing the Designer.cs file, there is a reason they put the warning in there that your changes will be lost. The correct way is to mark the control

How can use “getModifierState” on focus event with JS?

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-25 08:58:07
问题 I'm trying to get caps lock status on focus event of input this is my code $('#Input')[0].addEventListener('focus', function (key) { if (key.originalEvent.getModifierState("CapsLock")) //do something... else { //do something.. } }); But i'm getting this error "Cannot read property 'getModifierState' of undefined", and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Some advice or link for to read thanks in advance. 回答1: There are different types of event object. getModifierState is only defined for

Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Unknown modifier 'v'

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-23 10:06:24
问题 I keep getting this error about 20 times in my wordpress blog about the same line of code. Here is the line of code that keeps getting the error. if ( preg_match( '/' . $id_base . '-([0-9]+)$/', $widget_id, $matches ) ) $number = max($number, $matches[1]); What could be wrong? 回答1: Your regex will break if the string $id_base has a / in it as you are using / as the regex delimiter. To fix this use preg_quote on $id_base as: if (preg_match('/'. preg_quote($id_base,'/').'-([0-9]+)$/', .....) {

Javascript console output before and after method call with AOP

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-22 13:49:11
问题 I would like to measure the computing time of methods. A nice way is (How do you performance test JavaScript code?) with console.time('Function #1'); and console.timeEnd('Function #1'); My idea is to add these console outputs on lifecycle-methods. In this case using SAPUI5 like createContent:funtion(){}; methods. This should be possible with AOP using before() and after() to runt the time counting. Which AOP framework would you suggest and how to implement it with the need of modifying the