
What Happened to ASP.Net Mobile Web Forms?

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-21 20:19:19
问题 Previously Visual Studio had templates for mobile web forms (not the mobile SDK). They appear to be gone in Visual Studio 2008 and the only solution I've seen is to download some templates from Omar here: Is this supported anymore and if so is this the supported solution? 回答1: I thought I'd come back to answer this. The mobile forms controls are still there and the templates

Mobile HTML pages basics

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-11-30 07:12:05
问题 What are the basics for creating a web page for a mobile device? I'm developing a simple page with a table and several links, but when I open it with my Android phone it is too small, and I have to zoom in to see it clearly. Normally when I access a page ready for mobile devices I can see it fairly clearly to begin with. How can I do that? Cheers. 回答1: You can start by adjusting your CSS rules and using the right meta tags: http:/