

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2021-01-02 15:24:44
VPX技术基础概论 新型 VPX(VITA 46) 标准是自从 VME 引入后的 25 年来,对于 VME 总线架构的最重大也是最重要的改进。它将增加背板带宽,集成更多的 I/O ,扩展了格式布局。 目前, VME64x 已经不能满足国防和航空领域越来越高的性能要求和更为恶劣环境下的应用。许多应用,例如雷达,声纳,视频图像处理,智能信号处理等,由于受到 VME64x 传输带宽的限制,系统性能无法进一步提高。急需要一种新体制的总线,替代现有的 VME64x 总线,以提高系统传输带宽。 1. VPX标准概述 VITA 46 基础标准由 VITA46.0 (基础协议)和 VITA46.1 ( VME 连接)描述,也称为 VPX ,并成功地于 2006 年一月引入。这是一个里程碑,因为我们可以确信 VITA46 标准已经设计和实现出来了。下一步是完成最终文档,并且提交 ANSI (美国国家标准化组织)得到正式 ANSI 批准。 1.1 VPX高速串行总线 VPX 总线是 VME 技术的自然进化,它采用高速串行总线替代并行总线是其的最主要变化。 VPX 采用 RapidIO 和 Advanced Switching Interconnect 等现代的工业标准的串行交换结构,来支持更高的背板带宽。这些高速串行交换可以提供每个差分对儿 250MBytes/sec 的数据传输率。如果 4


▼魔方 西西 提交于 2020-11-18 20:08:41
FMC简介 FMC ( FPGA Mezzanine Card ) 简而言之,是具有特定功能的子卡模块。 Developed by a consortium of companies ranging from FPGA vendors to end users, the FPGA Mezzanine Card is an ANSI standard that provides a standard mezzanine card form factor, connectors, and modular interface to an FPGA located on a base board. Decoupling the I/O interfaces from the FPGA simplifies I/O interface module design while maximizing carrier card reuse. FPGA 夹层卡 (FMC) 标准由包括 FPGA 厂商和最终用户在内的公司联盟开发,属于 ANSI 标准,旨在为基础板(载卡)上的 FPGA 提供标准的夹层卡尺寸、连接器和模块接口。I/O 接口与 FPGA 分离,不仅简化了 I/O 接口模块设计,同时还能最大化载卡的重复使用率。 支持高达 10 Gb/s 的信号传输速率,夹层卡和载卡之间潜在总带宽达 40


醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-05-04 04:29:08
>>> from django.utils.regex_helper import normalize >>> bits=normalize(r ' ^static/(?P<path>.*)$ ' ) >>> bits [(u ' static/%(path)s ' , [u ' path ' ])] >>> bits=normalize(r ' ^static/(?P<path>.*)/(?P<order>.*)$ ' ) >>> bits [(u ' static/%(path)s/%(order)s ' , [u ' path ' , u ' order ' ])] normalize 函数返回列表,列表的元素是元组,元组的第一项是字符串,第二项是组名字。 django.conf.url可以导入include,patterns,url等函数 def include(arg, namespace=None, app_name= None): if app_name and not namespace: raise ValueError( ' Must specify a namespace if specifying app_name. ' ) if app_name: warnings.warn( ' The app_name argument to django.conf


不羁的心 提交于 2020-02-02 05:47:43
KeystoneJS 是一款基于 Express 和 MongoDB 的开源免费 Node.js CMS 网站开发框架。 一. 安装node.js,mongodb 二. 命令行安装KeystoneJS 1.安装生成器generator-keystone 你需要安装Yeoman的KeystoneJS生成器。 管理员身份打开命令行执行npm instal -g generator-keystone 2.创建项目文件夹myblog 3.运行生动器,确保mongodb已经启动 yo keystone 此处会询问一些配置 4.命令行运行 node keystone 然后在浏览器里打开 http://localhost:3000 就可以看到你刚才创建的博客网站。 mongodb启动: 1.启动mongodb之前,要为mongodb指定一个文件夹,用来存放mongodb的数据,如(e:database/mongodb/db) 2.进入mongodb安装路径(把路径添加到环境变量中的同学可以无视),打开命令行 运行mongod开启命令,同时用--dbpath指定数据存放路径'db'文件夹.运行mongod --dbpath=E:/database/mongodb/db 效果图: TIP: django也有一个CMD系统,做的很不错,也就是mezzanine。 基本命令: # Install

Openshift overrides email header 'from', 'reply-to' fields. How to send email without having to use SendGrid nor other paid email service.?

北城以北 提交于 2020-01-17 03:12:06
问题 I have django 1.6 and python 2.7 deployed on Openshift. I notice that when the application sends emails out, Openshift overrides the email header by changing the ' From ' field to ' ' and ignore all ' Reply-to ' field that has been set in the application. I have searched around and it seems like Openshift overrides the email header and recommendation is to use their email service partner which is NOT FREE. Is there any other way to avoid this ie. deploy Django application

Difficult time using Mezzanine on Heroku - issues with Procfile and dictionary Value Error

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-01-06 14:04:29
问题 Using the following tutorials and github templates here, here, and here , I've spent the better part of the evening wrestling with django and mezzanine. Right now I've got a mezzanine-project , called uccdev which is working nicely when I run python runserver . Now, I want to use gunicorn and foreman to get work with thing, so that I can later upload my projects to heroku. According to Josh Finnie, Adding the below Procfile got Mezzanine running on Gunicorn and successfully got

Difficult time using Mezzanine on Heroku - issues with Procfile and dictionary Value Error

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2020-01-06 14:03:01
问题 Using the following tutorials and github templates here, here, and here , I've spent the better part of the evening wrestling with django and mezzanine. Right now I've got a mezzanine-project , called uccdev which is working nicely when I run python runserver . Now, I want to use gunicorn and foreman to get work with thing, so that I can later upload my projects to heroku. According to Josh Finnie, Adding the below Procfile got Mezzanine running on Gunicorn and successfully got

How to set the permissions for admins of Django/Mezzanine sites

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2020-01-02 05:19:17
问题 I'm not sure what permissions I have to assign to a group so that users of that group can login to the admin area of the specific Mezzanine site that they are assigned to. The user have Staff status checked. I want the group to have limited access to settings such as: sites (all) redirects (all) core (all) auth | can add user auth | can delete user auth | permission (all) auth | group (all) I'm note sure what this permissions are suppost to do (but when adding them I can't login anyway):

Installing Pillow, getting -Wunused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-31 02:20:12
问题 I cannot get pillow installed. (env)noah:cupalensic2 broinjc$ which cc /usr/bin/cc (env)noah:cupalensic2 broinjc$ cc --version Apple LLVM version 5.1 (clang-503.0.40) (based on LLVM 3.4svn) Target: x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0 Thread model: posix I ran pip install mezzanine and when it got to satisfying pillow it screwed up... cc -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -dynamic -g -Os -pipe -fno-common -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mno-fused-madd -DENABLE_DTRACE -DMACOSX -DNDEBUG -Wall -Wstrict

django.db.utils.OperationalError no matter what I try

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-24 02:06:27
问题 OK, I'm stumped. I think I've tried everything. I created a model in an app's and also added some more fields to an existing model (all with default values). Then I ran makemigrations . The result: $ python3 makemigrations Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute return self.cursor.execute(sql, params) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/django/db/backends/sqlite3/",