
Inheritance best practice : *args, **kwargs or explicitly specifying parameters

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-02 15:27:51
I often find myself overwriting methods of a parent class, and can never decide if I should explicitly list given parameters or just use a blanket *args, **kwargs construct. Is one version better than the other? Is there a best practice? What (dis-)advantages am I missing? class Parent(object): def save(self, commit=True): # ... class Explicit(Parent): def save(self, commit=True): super(Explicit, self).save(commit=commit) # more logic class Blanket(Parent): def save(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Blanket, self).save(*args, **kwargs) # more logic Perceived benefits of explicit variant More

private static <T> T cloneX(T x) - What does the <T> signify here?

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-02 00:08:52
In the above declaration, what is the <T> for? I would like to know the difference between having <T> and not having it? How does it affect the code? <T> here indicates the type is implied from the arguments. So: public static <T> List<T> createList(T... args) { List<T> ret = new ArrayList<T>(Arrays.asList(args)); } can be used: List<String> list = createList("one", "two", "three"); or List<Integer> list2 = createList(1, 2, 3); it just means that you will get the same class out of that method that you're putting in, to save it being Object and you having to cast all the time. The <T> is the

Java Bytecode Signatures

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-01 18:17:23
As part of the compiler for the programming language I am working on, I came across generic signatures in the bytecode, which I am trying to parse and convert to an AST. The parsing algorithm mostly works, but there seems to be a special case in which the format of these signatures behaves a bit strangely. Here are a few of these cases: java.util.Arrays#parallelSort: <T::Ljava/lang/Comparable<-TT;>;>([TT;)V java.util.Arrays#parallelSort: <T::Ljava/lang/Comparable<-TT;>;>([TT;II)V java.lang.Class#getAnnotation: <A::Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation;>(Ljava/lang/Class<TA;>;)TA; java.lang.Class

Java Bytecode Signatures

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-01 18:08:39
问题 As part of the compiler for the programming language I am working on, I came across generic signatures in the bytecode, which I am trying to parse and convert to an AST. The parsing algorithm mostly works, but there seems to be a special case in which the format of these signatures behaves a bit strangely. Here are a few of these cases: java.util.Arrays#parallelSort: <T::Ljava/lang/Comparable<-TT;>;>([TT;)V java.util.Arrays#parallelSort: <T::Ljava/lang/Comparable<-TT;>;>([TT;II)V java.lang

Delegates and ParamArray - Workaround Suggestions?

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-01 17:53:58
Some predefined methods contain a ParamArray in their signature. Delegates, however, cannot contain a ParamArray in their signature. Question: Assume you wish to create a delegation mechanism for a specific method which requires a ParamArray. How would you work around this constraint? EDIT: just to make clear, assume you cannot change the method signatures themselves (pre-defined methods, defined by some 3rd party, be it Microsoft or not). EDIT2: The real deal here is keeping the syntax sugar , because the following code does work, but eliminates the sugar: Public Delegate Sub MyDelegate(ByVal

Java collections. add(E obj), but remove(Object obj) [duplicate]

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-01 07:54:16
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 7 years ago . Possible Duplicate: Why aren't Java Collections remove methods generic? I have a question about signature of java functions declared in Collection . The question is: why signature of add involves E (our type) but remove has parameter Object? I have seen one response in WWW of this question, but I'm not sure that reason "in remove we only need 1 operation: equals and Object provides it" is plausible. 回答1: I think it's left over from

Final keyword in method signatures [duplicate]

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-01 01:56:16
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 6 years ago . Possible Duplicate: Final arguments in interface methods - what’s the point? While trying to experiment a few things, I've ran into a problem that it's described in this page. interface B { public int something(final int a); } abstract class C { public int other(final int b); } class A extends C implements B { public int something(int a) { return a++; } public int other(int b) { return b++ } } Why is such feature possible? I don't

Delegate for any method type - C#

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-11-30 14:40:30
问题 I want to have a class that will execute any external method, like this: class CrazyClass { //other stuff public AnyReturnType Execute(AnyKindOfMethod Method, object[] ParametersForMethod) { //more stuff return Method(ParametersForMethod) //or something like that } } Is this possible? Is there a delegate that takes any method signature? 回答1: You can do this a different way by Func<T> and closures: public T Execute<T>(Func<T> method) { // stuff return method(); } The caller can then use

Is it possible to pass a method as an argument in Objective-C?

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-11-30 01:44:43
I have a method that varies by a single method call inside, and I'd like to pass the method/signature of the method that it varies by as an argument... is this possible in Objective C or is that too much to hope for? NSInvocation is a class for wrapping up a method calls in an object. You can set a selector (method signature), set arguments by index. You can then set a target and call invoke to trigger the call, or leave the target unset and use invokeWithTarget: in a loop of some sort to call this on many objects. I think it works a little like this: NSInvocation *inv = [[NSInvocation alloc]

C++ typedef member function signature syntax

不羁的心 提交于 2019-11-29 22:21:37
I want to declare type definition for a member function signature. Global function typedefs look like this: typedef int (function_signature)(int, int); typedef int (*function_pointer) (int, int); But I'm not able to the same thing for a member function: typedef int (foo::memberf_signature)(int, int); // memberf_pointer is not a member of foo typedef int (foo::*memberf_pointer)(int, int); It sounds logically to me, because "foo::" ist the syntax to access a member in the class foo. How can I typedef just the signature? For questions regarding the awkward function pointer syntax, I personally