
Compute a Java function's signature

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-20 10:22:52
问题 Is there a way to compute a Java class's method's signature? A signature like ([Ljava/lang/String;)V represents a function that takes a String[] as argument and returns void . What's the rule to compute the signature? 回答1: It's always a set of parentheses enclosing type signifiers for the arguments, one after the other with no commas or anything, followed by a type signifier for the return value after the closing paren. It's pretty straightforward. There's a table of type signatures on this

private static <T> T cloneX(T x) - What does the <T> signify here?

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-20 03:13:04
问题 In the above declaration, what is the <T> for? I would like to know the difference between having <T> and not having it? How does it affect the code? 回答1: <T> here indicates the type is implied from the arguments. So: public static <T> List<T> createList(T... args) { List<T> ret = new ArrayList<T>(Arrays.asList(args)); } can be used: List<String> list = createList("one", "two", "three"); or List<Integer> list2 = createList(1, 2, 3); 回答2: it just means that you will get the same class out of

How to specify any newable type in TypeScript?

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-19 03:18:13
问题 I tried with this but it doesn't work. Foo is just a test of what works. Bar is the real try, it should receive any newable type but subclasses of Object isn't valid for that purpose. class A { } class B { public Foo(newable: typeof A):void { } public Bar(newable: typeof Object):void { } } var b = new B(); b.Foo(A); b.Bar(A); // <- error here 回答1: You can use { new(...args: any[]): any; } to allow any object with a constructor with any arguments. class A { } class B { public Foo(newable:

Call function in c++ dll without header

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-18 03:15:19
问题 I would like to call a method from an dll, but i don't have the source neither the header file. I tried to use the dumpbin /exports to see the name of the method, but i can found the methods signature? Is there any way to call this method? Thanks, 回答1: It is possible to figure out a C function signature by analysing beginnig of its disassembly. The function arguments will be on the stack and the function will do some "pops" to read them in reverse order. You will not find the argument names,

Definition of a method signature?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-17 18:06:04
问题 What is the correct definition of a method signature (or a signature of a method)? On google, I find various definitions: It is the combination of the method name and the parameter list Does that mean method signature = method name + argument list ? Then I do not see difference between " method " and " method signature ". If I have a method: public void Foo(int x, int y) { ... } Would my method signature be one of the following, or neither? Foo Foo(int, int) Foo(int x, int y) Foo(34, 78) How

What is a method signature? [duplicate]

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-13 10:53:56
问题 This question already has answers here : Definition of a method signature? (7 answers) Closed 4 years ago . I read a book titled 'Object First with Java' and in page 7 the author mentioned that the method signature "provides information needed to invoke that method". And the the author gave the following example: void moveHorizontal(int distance) However, today when I was watching a video about C# on Pluralsight, the author said that "the return type of a method is not part of the method

Method call doesn't match method signature even though method is using more generic types [duplicate]

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-13 05:25:37
问题 This question already has answers here : Is List<Dog> a subclass of List<Animal>? Why are Java generics not implicitly polymorphic? (17 answers) Closed 5 years ago . The method: public static void incrementMapCounter( Map<Object,Number> tabulationMap, Object key ) { Number value = 0; if ( tabulationMap.containsKey(key) ) { value = tabulationMap.get(key); } value = value.doubleValue() + new Double(1); tabulationMap.put( key, value ); } Call to the method: Map<String,Long> counts = new HashMap<

Why does this NSInvocation raise an exception?

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-12 15:46:30
问题 I have a real head-scratcher right now. So, an NSTimer object, an NSMethodSignature object, and an NSInvocation object walk into a bar. Here's the rest of the joke: NSMethodSignature *methodSig = [NSMethodSignature methodSignatureForSelector:@selector(setAlphaValue:)]; NSInvocation *inv = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:methodSig]; CGFloat alphaVal = 1.f; [inv setSelector:@selector(setAlphaValue:)]; [inv setTarget:tabViewItem.view]; [inv setArgument:&alphaVal atIndex:2]; NSTimer

Best way to pass values to a function when there are many to send?

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-12 15:11:18
问题 What is the best way to define a method signature when you have to pass many values to a function and some of these may be optional. And in future, May be I have to pass more variables or subtract some passed values given to function. For example: (phone and address are optional) function addInfo( $name, $dob, $phone='', $address='' ) { // Store data } addInfo( 'username', '01-01-2000', '1111111' ); // address is not given OR function addInfo( $info ) { // Store data } $info = array( 'name'=>

What is the difference between the generic signifier ' and the symbol ^ In F# method signatures

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-12 11:14:44
问题 I understand the tick to signify a generic parameter, as in: Seq.append : seq<'T> -> seq<'T> -> seq<'T> but what does the caret signify, as in: Seq.average : seq<^T> -> ^T 回答1: The detailed signature is: Seq.average : seq<^T> -> ^T (requires ^T with static member (+) and ^T with static member DivideByInt and ^T with static member Zero) Unlike Seq.append , Seq.average needs some more constraints on type of elements. Particularly: _ DivideByInt (s1 + s2 + ... + sn) n where n <> 0 Seq.average