
How to print key and values in Meteor Template?

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-21 04:28:41
问题 I have JSON from helper { "Name": "abc", "Age": 24, "Address" { "street" : "xyz street", "city" : "zyz city", "country" : "XY" } } I want to print the address with key and values <template name="User"> {{#with user}} Name : {{Name}} Age : {{Age}} {{#each Address}} {{key}} : {{value}} //Here is my question {{/each}} {{/with}} </template> How to print key and values in a template? 回答1: The {{#each}} block helper only accepts cursors and arrays arguments. You could override the Address helper to

Meteor: Tracker.autorun / observeChanges & collections not working as expected

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-19 10:10:10
问题 I am new to using meteor, so I am hoping to receive a very basic explanation of how these functions work, and how I am supposed to be using them. Otherwise, if there is a method that would be better suited to what I am hoping to achieve, the knowledge would be appreciated. The functionality I was hoping to achieve: I have a Mongo collection that contains a number value within documents that are assigned to specific users. I will use the value that I get from the document to populate a width:

How do you call a Meteor template helper from the console or other JS code?

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-17 19:47:00
问题 I've defined a template helper in Meteor, say Template.postsList.helpers({ filteredPosts: function getPosts() { return Posts.find(...); } }); How can I debug that template helper from the console, and how can I reuse it from other code in the app? 回答1: Wanting to call the helper from elsewhere in the app suggests that you should factor it out in a function. To quickly debug the helper, evaluate this in the client console: Template.postsList.__helpers.get('filteredPosts')(...parameters); There

Filter and search using Textbox

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-13 07:25:07
问题 This question is a follow-up of My Previous Question on Filtering DropdownList I am adding an extra feature and for that I want to Filter values using a textbox. Here is the code for filter var filterAndLimitResults = function (cursor) { if (!cursor) { return []; } var raw = cursor.fetch(); var currentSearchTitle = searchTitle.get(); if(!(!currentSearchTitle || currentSearchTitle == "")) { filtered = _.filter(filtered, function (item) { return item.title === currentSearchTitle ; console.log

Meteorjs - Passing data context to Template Rendered function?

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-13 04:52:58
问题 I have these data context and I want to use JQuery to set the selected value in the tag based on the value. I am having problem passing the return data from the helpers into the Template.Rendered function. is there any way of doing that? Helpers Template.studentSetting.helpers({ values: function(){ return Basics.findOne({userId:Meteor.userId()}); } }); Rendered function Template.studentSetting.rendered = function(){ //I want to use the "values" helper data here and perform some jquery code

Using helper arguments and template keyword arguments at the same time

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-13 02:26:43
问题 I have a template taskList that receives a list of tasks and an options hash as arguments like this: {{> taskList tasks=taskHelper options=listOptions}} In this case, the taskHelper returns all existing tasks. Is it possible to pass arguments to the taskHelper in this scenario? For example, if I want to show only done tasks in the template, I would like to do something like this: {{> taskList tasks=taskHelper 'done' options=listOptions}} That won't work because the template compiler doesn't

How to add email template containing embed html code in meteor project

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-12 03:28:14
问题 I am new to meteor js. Could you please suggest me how to add email template containing embed html code in meteor project. I had tried few packages,but its not working.Could you please explain with a sample example. Note: When a user register into my site. Both of us (new user and me) have to get the email. Both contains different embed html content. 回答1: Here is a basic example assuming you use blaze: In your template events: var email = emailAddress; //define emailAddress var dataContext =

Meteor: collection helpers or transform on FS.Collection?

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-11 19:38:49
问题 With dburles:collection-helpers package you can add collection helpers on any Mongo.collection. But I can't do that on FS.Collection. I get TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'helpers' . Transform function doesn't work either. var createUploader = function(fileObj, readStream, writeStream) { fileObj.uploadedBy = Meteor.users.find({_id: fileObj.uploader}); readStream.pipe(writeStream); }; Photos = new FS.Collection("photos", { stores: [ new FS.Store.GridFS("photos",

How should I make sure that a reactive DOM element has been loaded?

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-11 08:58:11
问题 I have a template image where I display images. The image display toggles between canvas and img tags, depending on if the user just created the image or if it is already on server. I toogle between img and canvas using a reactive dictionary called pageSession where I store a boolean reactive variable called displayMode . I have an helper currentDisplayMode used to return displayMode value. So the helper looks like this: Template.image.helpers({ "currentDisplayMode" : function(){ return is undefined in events

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-09 08:39:55
问题 How can one use each input values in events ? Hope my below code will explain you well. HTML: <template name="UpdateAge"> {{#each Name}} <div data-action="showPrompt"> <div> Some content </div> <div> <div> Some content </div> </div> <div> Name : {{name}} Age : <input type="text" name="age" value="{{age}}"/> //I need to access age values in event </div> </div> {{/each}} <template> JS:{ 'click [data-action="showPrompt"]': function (event, template) { console.log(event