
Is MEF or MEF2 baked into the .NET Framework?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2021-02-17 21:58:22
问题 I am trying to understand MEF and I am seeing references to MEF and MEF 2. This site lists MEF2 as being much faster than MEF (4.0). I need to understand what I am talking about when most people say MEF. So which is in the .NET Framework 4.5? MEF or MEF2? 回答1: Well to make it even more confusing Microsoft released three versions of MEF using two only unique names: MEF and MEF2 System.ComponentModel.Composition.* MEF in .NET 4 (typically called just MEF), no support for CompositionScopes,

Is MEF or MEF2 baked into the .NET Framework?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2021-02-17 21:58:10
问题 I am trying to understand MEF and I am seeing references to MEF and MEF 2. This site lists MEF2 as being much faster than MEF (4.0). I need to understand what I am talking about when most people say MEF. So which is in the .NET Framework 4.5? MEF or MEF2? 回答1: Well to make it even more confusing Microsoft released three versions of MEF using two only unique names: MEF and MEF2 System.ComponentModel.Composition.* MEF in .NET 4 (typically called just MEF), no support for CompositionScopes,

MEF 基础简介 一

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2021-02-02 02:05:27
前言   小编菜鸟级别的程序员最近感慨颇多,经历了三五春秋深知程序路途遥远而我沧海一粟看不到的尽头到不了的终点何处是我停留的驿站。说了段废话下面进入正题吧! 什么是MEF? MEF:全称Managed Extensibility Framework(托管可扩展框架)。单从名字我们不难发现MEF是专门致力于解决扩展性问题的框架。 MSDN:MEF(Managed Extensibility Framework)是一个用于创建可扩展的轻型应用程序的库。 应用程序开发人员可利用该库发现并使用扩展,而无需进行配置。 扩展开发人员还可以利用该库轻松地封装代码,避免生成脆弱的硬依赖项。 通过 MEF,不仅可以在应用程序内重用扩展,还可以在应用程序之间重用扩展。 也有人把MEF解释为“依赖注入”的一种方式,那么什么是“依赖注入”? 其实依赖注入就是我们日常所说的IOC/DI也就是IOC控制反转,DI依赖注入这俩是一个概念不同的角度理解的意思,当然了IOC被称为是一种思想并不是技术的实现而本章讲解的MEF属于IOC的一种大家可以吧IOC看作为一种编程“语言” 在编程语言中有很多的种类例如:C#,JAVA,C++等等。MEF就属于IOC中的一种,还有很多其他的实现方式大家可以自行百度去找相关素材。 了解MEF只需要抓住以下几个关键点: (1)字面意思,可扩展的framework,或者叫可扩展的库

Annotated version of the MEF framework

一笑奈何 提交于 2021-02-02 01:44:12
MEF is a complement to the Unity Container, unlike the Unity Container, which is in fact a Object life cycle management framework, which coupled with other component, provides the object building, object lifecycle management, service registration and many others, and the MEF is a tool/libraries for Interface/service discovery, and objct composition, object discovery and examination by their metadata, it also provide certain means for the component to communicate with each other. The offical site for details on the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) is available at the location of http:/

Why is my MEF part not visible to plugin hosts?

江枫思渺然 提交于 2021-01-27 06:46:10
问题 I have a small class that performs a data import from a client. Each client has their own version of this class, so it is an MEF plugged in part: [Export(typeof(IXTImportEmployeePrePlugin))] public class PreEmployeeImport : XTImportEmployeePrePlugin Yet when I try and import the plugin, like so: var catalog = new DirectoryCatalog(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + PluginDir); The resultant catalog has 1 file and 0 parts, yet the part is in the file. I've checked with dotPeek. What could

Why is my MEF part not visible to plugin hosts?

自作多情 提交于 2021-01-27 06:45:14
问题 I have a small class that performs a data import from a client. Each client has their own version of this class, so it is an MEF plugged in part: [Export(typeof(IXTImportEmployeePrePlugin))] public class PreEmployeeImport : XTImportEmployeePrePlugin Yet when I try and import the plugin, like so: var catalog = new DirectoryCatalog(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + PluginDir); The resultant catalog has 1 file and 0 parts, yet the part is in the file. I've checked with dotPeek. What could

Why is my MEF part not visible to plugin hosts?

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2021-01-27 06:41:19
问题 I have a small class that performs a data import from a client. Each client has their own version of this class, so it is an MEF plugged in part: [Export(typeof(IXTImportEmployeePrePlugin))] public class PreEmployeeImport : XTImportEmployeePrePlugin Yet when I try and import the plugin, like so: var catalog = new DirectoryCatalog(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + PluginDir); The resultant catalog has 1 file and 0 parts, yet the part is in the file. I've checked with dotPeek. What could

PRISM + MEF — Import & ImportMany

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2021-01-27 06:15:09
问题 FooService.cs : public interface IFooService { int Foo(); } [Export("Foo1", typeof(IFooService))] public class Foo1 : IFooService { public int Foo() { return 1; } } [Export("Foo2", typeof(IFooService))] public class Foo2 : IFooService { public int Foo() { return 2; } } FooViewModel.cs : public class FooViewModel : NotificationObject { [ImportMany(typeof(IFooService))] public IEnumerable<IFooService> FooServices { get; private set; } [Import("Foo1")] public IFooService FirstFoo { get; private


ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2021-01-19 07:10:43
一:INV_MEP_MEF_PLS_PLF_MC_MCR 说明: 简单的顺控指令不做其他说明。 控制要求 :无 编程梯形图: 结构化编程ST语言: (*运算结果的反转INV(EN);*) M415:=inv(M16); (*运算结果的上升沿时为ON MEP(EN);*) SET(MEP(M17),M416); (*运算结果的下降沿时为ON MEF(EN);*) RST(MEF(M18),M416); (*上升沿的微分输出PLS(EN,d)*) PLS(M18,M417); (*下降沿的微分输出PLF(EN,d);*) PLF(M18,M418); (*主控指令MC/MCR*) MC(M19,0,M25); M28:=M20; MC(M21,1,M26); M29:=M22; MC(M23,2,M27); M30:=M24; MCR(TRUE,2); M32:=M31; MCR(TRUE,1); M34:=M33; MCR(TRUE,0); M36:=M35;    来源: oschina 链接:

How to get active IWpfTextView in VS2019 extension (MEF)

安稳与你 提交于 2021-01-07 03:07:27
问题 I'm trying to get the active C# Editor IWpfTextView in VS2019 extension. I'm using a small MEF service to inject a view into the VSAsyncPackage. But it is not very reliable - sometimes the injected view is wrong (e.g. from another view) or missing. Here is the service: public interface IActiveViewAccessor { IWpfTextView? ActiveView { get; } } [Export(typeof(IWpfTextViewConnectionListener))] [Export(typeof(IActiveViewAccessor))] [ContentType("text")] [TextViewRole(PredefinedTextViewRoles