
Can not connect slave to master

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-07 13:18:48
问题 I set up Jenkins on a Windows 7 64 bit PC, and installed a Jenkins slave service on another Win7 64 PC. The master PC gives this error: Connection was broken Connection reset at Source) at Source) at Source) at$PeekInputStream.peek(Unknown Source) at$BlockDataInputStream.peek(Unknown Source) at

Rails Octopus Gem - Master-Slave Replication connection behaviour when slave is down

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-07 02:35:47
问题 I'm testing this great gem Octopus with Rails 4.0.2 in development. I created a Slave db and configured octopus as follows (config>shards.yml) : octopus: environments: - development replicated: true fully_replicated: true verify_connection: true development: slave1: host: adapter: mysql2 username: slave_reader password: my_password database: my_server_development reconnect: true It works very nice, reading from the Slave and writing to the Master, however if My Slave server is

Snapshot of EBS volume used for replication

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-06 09:12:16
I setup an EC2 instance with MySQL on EBS volume and setup another instance which acts as Slave for Replication. The replication set up was fine. My question is about taking snapshots of these volumes. I noticed that the tables need to be locked for the snapshot process which may cause inconvenience for the users. So, my idea is to leave the Master instance alone and take a snapshot of instance acting as slave. Is this a good idea? Is there anyone out with a similar setup and could guide me in a right way? Also, taking snapshot of slave instance would require locking of tables. Would that mean

What is the difference between binlog-do-db and replicate-do-db?

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-06 07:41:23
问题 I'm a beginner for MySQL Master-Slave . and I have read two tutorials . How to Setup MariaDB (Master-Slave) Replication Setup MariaDB Master-Slave Replication In first tutorial. It make me that [mysqld] Master section log-bin server_id=1 replicate-do-db=employees bind-address= [mysqld] SLAVE Section server_id=2 replicate-do-db=employees But in the second tutorial, it show me that [mysqld] Master server_id=1 log-basename=master log-bin binlog-format=row binlog-do-db=unixmen [mysqld

Is it possible to control order of replication?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-06 06:59:49
问题 I have a huge master CouchDB database and slave read-only CouchDB database, that synchronizes with master database. Because rate of changes is quick, and channel between servers is slow and unstable, I want to set order/priority to define what documents come first. I need to ensure that the documents with highest priority are definitely of the latest version, and I can ignore documents in the end of list. SORTING, not FILTERING If it is not possible, what solution could be? Resource I have

SPI Slave setup on STM32F4 board

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-06 02:30:01
问题 I am trying to communicate between two STM32F4 discovery boards via SPI in Master & Slave configuration. I already have the code for the master but I am a bit confused on the changes I need to make on the SPI initialisation for the slave. I would also like to implement an interrupt whenever the master is sending data, rather than having the slave poll the RXNE register all the time. However, I am unsure of the exact configurations for the NVIC for the SPI. Below is the master's configuration

Slave cannot connect to Master

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-06 02:17:04
I'm trying to configure my laptop as a slave, my master would be a server where Jenkins is installed. I've followed these instructions . However, when it comes to access http://master:8080/ from my slave's browser, internet cannot display the webpage. So I tried the second way, by writing javaws http://master:8080/computer/Slave/slave-agent.jnlp in the cmd prompt and this time I have this error: Could not load file/URL specified: http://master:8080/computer/Slave/slave-agent.jnlp I am new to stuff with network etc so can you enlighten me? EDIT: I manage to reach the page, instead of user

Rails Octopus Gem - Master-Slave Replication connection behaviour when slave is down

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-05 07:31:10
I'm testing this great gem Octopus with Rails 4.0.2 in development. I created a Slave db and configured octopus as follows (config>shards.yml) : octopus: environments: - development replicated: true fully_replicated: true verify_connection: true development: slave1: host: adapter: mysql2 username: slave_reader password: my_password database: my_server_development reconnect: true It works very nice, reading from the Slave and writing to the Master, however if My Slave server is down, I would expect it to redirect to the Master db and get the content, but after some time trying, it

Infinispan distributed cluster with shared index

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-04 20:33:19
Does anybody have a working example of how to configure a cluster of nodes to share an index using the infinispan directory provider? All the documentation on Infinispan (the documentation is seriously lacking btw) implies that it should be as easy as having some properties set but no matter how I try I cannot get it to work. The nodes in the cluster find eachother fine and I can do get operations on one node and get object that were put on another. But as soon as I do queries (use the index) it just starts to fail. My infinispan config: <global> <transport clusterName="SomeCluster">

Restart Jenkins slave from master

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-04 17:35:54
问题 I use jenkins master-slave configuration for capturing Performance metrics of a product. We have observed that jenkins-slave tends to accumulate memory and thus influences the Performance metrics being captured. To ensure consistency of the metrics being captured, we are thinking of restarting jenkins slave every day from the master, when there are no jobs running on the slave. Is this feasible? How can we accomplish it? Note: Using jenkins-slave as a service is not an option because we are