

醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-02-27 06:58:40
tags: multi-datasource java springboot 一句话概括:Spring Boot开发中连接多个数据库进行读写操作,使用多套数据源是最直接、简单的方式。 1. 引言 在开发过程中,避免不了需要同时操作多个数据库的情况,通常的应用场景如下 : 数据库高性能场景:主从,包括一主一从,一主多从等,在主库进行增删改操作,在从库进行读操作。 数据库高可用场景:主备,包括一往一备,多主多备等,在数据库无法访问时可以切换。 同构或异构数据的业务处理:需要处理的数据存储在不同的数据库中,包括同构(如都是 MySQL ),异构(如一个MySQL ,另外是 PG 或者 Oracle )。 使用 Spring Boot 该如何处理多个数据库的读写,一般有以下几种策略: 多套数据源:即针对一个数据库建立一套数据处理逻辑,每套数据库都包括数据源配置、会话工厂( sessionFactory )、连接、SQL 操作、实体。各套数据库相互独立。 动态数据源:确定数量的多个数据源共用一个会话工厂,根据条件动态选取数据源进行连接、SQL 操作。 参数化变更数据源:根据参数添加数据源,并进行数据源切换,数据源数量不确定。通常用于对多个数据库的管理工作。 本系列文章“搞定SpringBoot多数据源”将针对以上几个策略进行描述,本文是第一篇:“多套数据源”,主要以主从场景为实例,结合代码

Mason methods scope - override

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-23 12:26:27
问题 Using Mason2. Have 3 components. / /tmp/ /tmp/ The /tmp/ with a content: hello from <% $m->request_path %></br> <% $.Some %> the $.Some is an method defined in the / : <%augment wrap><% inner() %></%augment> <%method Some> The default "Some" method defined in the <% __PACKAGE__ %> </%method> the /tmp/ contains only <%augment wrap><% inner() %></%augment> Requesting /tmp/index prints: hello from /tmp/index The default "Some" method defined in the MC0

Accessing Perl Array in JavaScript

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-12-20 07:23:12
问题 I have an array of unknown size in perl generated by some other perl module. Now, precisely I want to find if a value passed to a jquery function exists in the perl array or not. Is there a way I can do an element by element comparison of the input value against each value in perl array? I looked around and looks like I can access perl array in jquery by providing the index but we don't know the size of the array. So I don't know when to stop. My mason code looks something similar to: <%perl>

Why second request do not finish output?

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-13 04:47:38
问题 The browser wait for some data from server and logging is done only after server restart. Also I see may childs are forked. $ah{ $r->hostname } ||= HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler->new ( .. ) sub handle{ eval{ $ah{ $r->hostname }->handle_request($r); }; if( $@ ) { $r->filename( $r->document_root . '/errors/500.html' ); $ah{ $r->hostname }->handle_request($r); }; $r->log_error( 'ERROR' ); } } What I do wrong so they are not finished? UPD I have found only one note about same problem: http:/

How to pass a a string variable as “query” for get Manager call?

可紊 提交于 2019-12-12 05:14:47
问题 I'm trying to make this simple call: DataB::testTable::Manager->get_testTable( query => [ id => $id, name => $name ] ) which works perfectly fine. But is it possible to pass a variable for the query. Something like: $query = "id => $id , name => $name"; DataB::testTable::Manager->get_testTable( query => [ $query ] ); or something similar. 回答1: Strings and complex data structures are completely different things. Strings are a sequence of codepoints/graphemes/bytes (depends how you're looking).

How do i pass a variable for the query in a get Manager call?

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-12 05:14:47
问题 I am trying to make a simple Rose DB call: $id = xyz; $name = "company"; DataB::testTable::Manager->get_testTable( query =>[ id => $id, name => $name ] ); in it possible to not have the whole query written every time, and declare it like a string variable such that i can just call DataB::testTable::Manager->get_testTable( query =>[ $query ] ); where $query = qq { id => $id , name => $name }; Please Help 回答1: By what I understood from your question, I am giving this answer. Try this one. my

Specify route rules, and route to different components

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-11 09:56:14
问题 I know how to to specify routes for page components using Mason::Plugin::RouterSimple, for example given a url of: /archives/2015/07 I can create a component as this: <%class> route "{year:[0-9]{4}}/{month:[0-9]{2}}"; </%class> Archives for the month of <% $.month %>/<% $.year %> and similarly I can create a component that will handle urls of: /news/2012/04 and that's fine (and very elegant!) but now what I want is to be able to handle urls like the following ones: /john

Get the return value of a HTML Form Post method

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-04 10:54:18
I have a HTML form in a Mason component(A.m) that uses the post method to call another Mason component(B.m). I want this Mason component(B.m) to return a value to the HTML form in the Mason component(A.m). Then I want to pass this returned value to a Javascript function. How can I do this? I'm new to web development. fthiella You need to make an AJAX request. Although not strictly necessary, I would suggest you to use jQuery , it will make things a lot easier. Please also have a look at this question: jQuery AJAX submit form Here's a little example in Mason, it's very simplified of course, you

Perl: Javascript::V8 templates - from the perl

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-03 12:49:41
问题 Looking for template engine like HTML::Mason (or Mason), so what "compiles" source components into perl code, but instead of perl-code will "compile" components into JavaScript code and after run/execute them with Javascript::V8 perl module. Motivation: Looking for solution for safe template language, what can edit users without compromising the server security . JavaScript is full featured language so using it is probably better/faster than some "mini languages" like TT or similar. The best

Perl: Javascript::V8 templates - from the perl

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-03 03:15:16
Looking for template engine like HTML::Mason (or Mason), so what "compiles" source components into perl code, but instead of perl-code will "compile" components into JavaScript code and after run/execute them with Javascript::V8 perl module. Motivation: Looking for solution for safe template language, what can edit users without compromising the server security . JavaScript is full featured language so using it is probably better/faster than some "mini languages" like TT or similar. The best for me would be an extension (rewrite) of Mason for compiling into Joose/JavaScript instead of Moose