
List with checkbox using LWUIT

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-30 13:00:20
问题 I am using LWUIT for getting a search facility for selection in the List . Now I want to know how can I display the list with CheckBoxes ? list=new List(vector); cform.addComponent(list); cform.addComponent(t); cform.show(); 回答1: I don't know if there is a more simple solution then mine, but mine is highly customizable and can serve for a lot of purposes. List l = new List; Vector v = new Vector(); for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i){ v.addElement(new CheckItem("itemtekst")); } l.setListCellRenderer

Restore recordstore after exit application

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-11 16:19:56
问题 I have written a LWUIT application that involves two RecordStores recordStore and recordStore2 . Two methods method getRecordData for retriving all records of recordStore, method getRecordData2 for retriving all records of recordStore2 . two Radiobuttons rb and rb2 are added ButtonGroup called group A TextField called tf addition button for adding a record for either recordstore or recordstore2 after rb or rb2 is selected a text which must written into tf TextField as a record Two lists

List with checkbox using LWUIT

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-01 11:52:45
I am using LWUIT for getting a search facility for selection in the List . Now I want to know how can I display the list with CheckBoxes ? list=new List(vector); cform.addComponent(list); cform.addComponent(t); cform.show(); I don't know if there is a more simple solution then mine, but mine is highly customizable and can serve for a lot of purposes. List l = new List; Vector v = new Vector(); for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i){ v.addElement(new CheckItem("itemtekst")); } l.setListCellRenderer(new CheckItemRenderer()); l.setModel(new CheckItemModel(v)); the code above makes it work. As you can guess