
How to automatically interpolate values for one data frame based on another lookup table/data frame?

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-01-24 18:00:22
问题 I have one data frame and one look up table. What I want is to compare df_dat$value with df_lookup$threshold . If the value falls into threshold range, then create a new column transfer in df_dat so that its values are linearly interpolated from the transfer column in df_lookup library(dplyr) df_lookup <- tribble( ~threshold, ~transfer, 0, 0, 100, 15, 200, 35 ) df_lookup #> # A tibble: 3 x 2 #> threshold transfer #> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 0 0 #> 2 100 15 #> 3 200 35 df_dat <- tribble( ~date, ~value

One function with different arguments to push certain bits of an input integer to the left

旧时模样 提交于 2020-01-23 03:59:08
问题 This question is related to this. Let x be an 8 bit integer. I will number bits from left to right because that's how we read. If I want to get the third and fifth bits and put them in the first and second bits, with everything else as zero, I can have f(x) = (5*x) & 0b11000000 . More concisely: 00a0b000 -> ab000000 | f_0b00101000(x) = (5*x) & 0b11000000 However if I want the fifth, sixth and eighth bits to be in the first three bits, f(x) is different: 000ab0cd -> abcd0000 | f_0b00011011(x)

How to get factorial<a>…factorial<b> at runtime?

Deadly 提交于 2020-01-15 03:16:10
问题 I want to fill a look up table with integers computed at compile time: #include <iostream> #include <type_traits> template <int x> using number = std::integral_constant<int,x>; template <int n> struct factorial : number<n * factorial<n-1>::value> {}; template <> struct factorial<0> : number<1> {}; int get_factorial(int x) { if (x < 1) return -1; if (x > 5) return -1; static constexpr int lookup_table[] = { factorial<1>::value, factorial<2>::value, factorial<3>::value, factorial<4>::value,

Mapping multiple IDs using R

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-01-07 06:32:08
问题 The idea is as follows. Every patient has a unique patient id, which we call hidenic_id . However this patient may be admitted to the hospital multiple times. On the other hand every entry has unique emtek_id . Patient 110380 was admitted to the hospital 4/14/2001 11:08 and then transferred through the hospital and discharged on 4/24/2001 18:16. Now this patient again admitted on 5/11/2001 23:24 because he has different emtek_id now. He is discharged from the hospital on 5/25/2001 16:26. So

How to find offset in a sine lookup table (LUT) using fixed point arithmetic

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2020-01-05 10:20:07
问题 I am generating a LUT dividing 0-2PI into 512 fragments and then finding sine of these values and storing them as Q1.31 values. Example: LUT[0] = 0 LUT[1] = sin((1/512) * 2*PI) * (2^31) .. .. LUT[511] = sin((511/512) * 2*PI) * (2^31) My inputs are also values in the Q1.31 format. My question is how do I go about using the LUT i.e. what is the algorithm to find the offset values in the table when I get a random value as an input to figure out the sine value Example: int sample_input = 0.125 *

Creating fast RGB look up tables in Python

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-01-05 05:55:33
问题 I have a function I will call 'rgb2something' that transforms RGB data [1x1x3] into a single value (a probability), looping over each pixel in the input RGB data turns out to be rather slow. I have tried the following approach to speed the conversion up. To generate the LUT (Look up table): import numpy as np levels = 256 levels2 = levels**2 lut = [0] * (levels ** 3) levels_range = range(0, levels) for r in levels_range: for g in levels_range: for b in levels_range: lut[r + (g * levels) + (b

Multiple-column based lookups in Excel

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-30 11:31:28
问题 A B C 1 PROD1 TYPE1 VAL1 2 PROD2 TYPE1 VAL2 3 PROD1 TYPE2 VAL3 4 PROD2 TYPE3 VAL2 In an empty cell I want to get the value in C column for the Prod Type= Prod2 and type = type3. I will appreciate any kind of help. 回答1: Have a look at using the DGET Excel function. Set A1 = ProdType B1 = Type C1 = Val Then your provided data in A2:C5 Then H1 = ProdType I1 = Type H2 = =PROD2 (Criteria 1) I2 = =TYPE3 (Criteria 2) And lastly, in H3: =DGET(A1:C5,"Val",H1:I2) That should get the value for you. 回答2:

Lookup Tables in Java?

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-30 09:44:17
问题 In my Computer Science course, we're learning about Lookup Tables. But our teacher did not provide any examples in the lesson pages he has posted, nor the videos he provided. All he did was tell us what it was but he wants us to use them in our next assignment. But he has failed to give us examples of how to do it. We were learning about Arrays before we got into Lookup Tables. Can someone Tell me what a Lookup Table is? (Lots of details please?) Provide some examples of a Lookup Table? We're

Lookup Tables in Java?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-30 09:44:04
问题 In my Computer Science course, we're learning about Lookup Tables. But our teacher did not provide any examples in the lesson pages he has posted, nor the videos he provided. All he did was tell us what it was but he wants us to use them in our next assignment. But he has failed to give us examples of how to do it. We were learning about Arrays before we got into Lookup Tables. Can someone Tell me what a Lookup Table is? (Lots of details please?) Provide some examples of a Lookup Table? We're

Look-up vs relationship Microsoft Access

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-29 05:32:06
问题 I'm developing a Microsoft Access 2013 based information system. One of the client's demands was to simplify the data entry process by using combo box with available values. For example, instead of entering agentID the client asked to let the user choose agent name from the combo box, the same logic with other similar fields. In brief: I need to avoid as much as possible the need to enter the values ID and let to user choose them from the combo box. Microsoft Access has a built-in lookup