
Help with Modal View Controller & Login

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-01-03 00:57:33
问题 I need some help with modal view controllers, as I have not used Modal View Controllers before... So this is how my application now is... - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { // Override point for customization after application launch. [_window addSubview:rootController.view]; rootController.selectedIndex =2; NSLog(@"Displaying the APP delegate"); [self.window makeKeyAndVisible]; return YES; } I have a view for Login,

Find control in loginview

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-17 09:59:32
问题 I have a masterpage with a loginview, in the loginview i have an asp login control. i also have a label that is NOT contained in a loginview. How do i access the username textbox control in the asp login control and display the text in a label. Please help! This is my code: Login lg = (Login)LoginView1.FindControl("Login1"); TextBox tb = (TextBox)lg.FindControl("UserName"); Label2.Text = tb.Text; ok this is what i need to do: A complainant can deactivate his account. A manager and technicians

Getting the name or ID of the User Name TextBox from an ASP.Net Login Control

久未见 提交于 2019-12-12 02:24:14
问题 In this ASP.Net Login Control can you tell me what ID or Name ASP.Net gives the User Name TextBox? <asp:LoginView ID="loginViewMain" runat="server"> <LoggedInTemplate> <asp:LoginName ID="loginName" runat="server" FormatString="Hello, {0}!<br/><br/> You have successfully<br/> logged onto the staff site." /> <br/> <br/> (<asp:LoginStatus ID="loginStatus" runat="server" />) <br/> <br/> </LoggedInTemplate> <AnonymousTemplate> <asp:LoginStatus ID="loginStatus" runat="server" /> </AnonymousTemplate

Handle windows authentication login popups Cancel click

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-12 01:52:55
问题 I have simple web application called App that is secured with Windows Authentication. I have set identity impersonate to true in web.config. There is only one page (Default.aspx) in App directory. When user enters the site ex.: http://localhost/App the login window pops up. When user clicks Cancel, IIS redirects to page with an error 401.2. I want to redirect to http://localhost/App/app_start/login.aspx. App_start is an aplication that is secured with Forms Authentication. I tried to handle

Facebook SDK: FBLoginView reauthorizating for publish stream

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-10 20:14:21
问题 I have a problem of reauthorizating the publish stream after calling the initWithReadPermission when using FBLoginView. I try to call inside the delegate function where i can get the user information. After the next dialog asking for publish stream permission, the application threw me an exception saying "'com.facebook.sdk:InvalidOperationException', reason: 'FBSession: It is not valid to reauthorize while a previous reauthorize call has not yet completed.' " I need to call after the read

Loginview control: how to reference server side controls inside loggedintemplate

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-05 00:05:31
问题 In PageLoad event of the form, I can not reference server side control within logged in template. What am I missing. So when I am logged in I will show text box control otherwise I will show text like "please login to do soso.." Please help .. 回答1: you can use the FindControl method on your loginview control to get them... TextBox t = (TextBox)LoginView2.FindControl("TextBox1"); string s = null; if (t != null) { // textbox is in the current scope of the LoginView s = t.text; } else { // the

Loginview control: how to reference server side controls inside loggedintemplate

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-03 15:33:07
In PageLoad event of the form, I can not reference server side control within logged in template. What am I missing. So when I am logged in I will show text box control otherwise I will show text like "please login to do soso.." Please help .. you can use the FindControl method on your loginview control to get them... TextBox t = (TextBox)LoginView2.FindControl("TextBox1"); string s = null; if (t != null) { // textbox is in the current scope of the LoginView s = t.text; } else { // the textbox is not in the current scope of the LoginView. } However, this will only work for the controls that

echo user in view from sessions code igniter

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-02 20:08:40
问题 I am new in codeigniter. I have implemented a simple login system. I want to print out a username on my view page which is stored in sessions. here is my controller class LoginController extends CI_Controller { function index(){ $new['main_content'] = 'loginView'; $this->load->view('loginTemplate/template', $new); } function verifyUser(){ //getting parameters from view $data = array( 'username' => $this->input->post('username'), 'password' => $this->input->post('password') ); $this->load-

echo user in view from sessions code igniter

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-02 12:43:38
I am new in codeigniter. I have implemented a simple login system. I want to print out a username on my view page which is stored in sessions. here is my controller class LoginController extends CI_Controller { function index(){ $new['main_content'] = 'loginView'; $this->load->view('loginTemplate/template', $new); } function verifyUser(){ //getting parameters from view $data = array( 'username' => $this->input->post('username'), 'password' => $this->input->post('password') ); $this->load->model('loginModel'); $query = $this->loginModel->validate($data); if ($query){ //if the user c validated /

Customize Login Screen Mac OSX (SFAuthorizationPluginView)

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-11-28 11:39:35
I'm trying to extend the login screen in MacOSX 10.9.1 (Mavericks). As I found out, this is possible by implementing a new authentication plugin and install it in to the authorization database . I've downloaded the NameAndPassword example which shows how to implement the interface and overwrite / extend the SFAuthorizationPluginView . But the problem is that I can't build it under Mavericks. So I decided to download the second example which is called NullAuthPlugin. This one compiles but I didn't find out how to install it. So my question one is, if there is a good and updated tutorial for