
Swift - Execute code on LaunchScreen [duplicate]

半腔热情 提交于 2020-05-29 04:50:08
问题 This question already has answers here : iOS Launch screen code not running (2 answers) Closed 5 years ago . In iOS there is an LaunchScreen before you're app is ready. Can you add things to do (Code) to this? I want to execute a JSON request on LaunchScreen but have no idea where to put the code. Thanks In Advance, Kaaseter 回答1: As you wrote, LaunchScreen is there before your app is ready and it implies that you can't execute your code in this time. To achieve something similar, copy & paste

ngx-translate .instant returns key instead of value

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-05-10 07:34:08
问题 I am trying to make a method which would accept string key and return translated string value by using translate.instant(parameter). The problem is that it returns key(parameter). Usually this is returned if it doesn't find translation. I think the problem is that method gets called before loader loads translations. My app.module.ts imports: TranslateModule.forRoot({ loader: { provide: TranslateLoader, useFactory: (createTranslateLoader), deps: [HttpClient] } }) createTranslateLoader function

ngx-translate .instant returns key instead of value

戏子无情 提交于 2020-05-10 07:33:11
问题 I am trying to make a method which would accept string key and return translated string value by using translate.instant(parameter). The problem is that it returns key(parameter). Usually this is returned if it doesn't find translation. I think the problem is that method gets called before loader loads translations. My app.module.ts imports: TranslateModule.forRoot({ loader: { provide: TranslateLoader, useFactory: (createTranslateLoader), deps: [HttpClient] } }) createTranslateLoader function

android 1.6下使用 Loader示例

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-04-10 11:27:40
android 3.0 sdk,引入了很多新api,比如Loader。和Fragment类似( 编写兼容android1.6的fragment ),该api也可在android 1.6以上版本执行。 以下介绍如何编写Loader,实现对ListView的异步加载。效果如图: 示例中有一个后台线程每隔3秒更新数据库的长江记录,将记录改为“长江”或“Long River”。ListView无需监控数据库变化,基于Loader,会自动更新。实际上这里面是观察者模式,无非是系统自带了,只需调用即可,无需自己构造观察者。 这个示例也是完整的 sqlite+content provider+cursor adapter+listview+loader 组合示例。 编写前的准备类似 编写兼容android1.6的fragment ,需要导入jar包。 另外,2.3以前的Activity类没有提供一些Loader的帮助方法,需要让自己的Activity实现类继承FragmentActivity: public class ListViewActivity extends FragmentActivity 本示例是在 在视图显示中使用Theme 基础上实现的。 Activity类和RiverContentProvider类做了修改。 Activity类: public class

What is the appropriate replacement of deprecated getSupportLoaderManager()?

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-02-26 06:27:26
问题 I came to know that getSupportLoaderManager is deprecated. But I want to call: getSupportLoaderManager().initLoader(0, null, mRecipeLoaderManager); What should be an alternative to that call? Or can I still use getSupportLoaderManager without worrying? 回答1: As stated here: Loaders "Loaders have been deprecated as of Android P (API 28). The recommended option for dealing with loading data while handling the Activity and Fragment lifecycles is to use a combination of ViewModels and LiveData."

nvcc is picking wrong libcudart library

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-01-24 21:37:14
问题 This problem comes when, I try to import theano with gpu mode. While importing the theano, it tries to compile some code, make a shared library of it and tries to load it. Here is the command to make the so file. nvcc -shared -O3 -m64 -Xcompiler -DCUDA_NDARRAY_CUH=mc72d035fdf91890f3b36710688069b2e,\ -DNPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API=NPY_1_7_API_VERSION,-fPIC,-fvisibility=hidden -Xlinker \ -rpath,/home/jay/.theano/compiledir_Linux-4.8--ARCH-x86_64-with-arch-Arch-Linux--3.6.0-64/cuda_ndarray \ -I/usr/lib

nvcc is picking wrong libcudart library

偶尔善良 提交于 2020-01-24 21:37:07
问题 This problem comes when, I try to import theano with gpu mode. While importing the theano, it tries to compile some code, make a shared library of it and tries to load it. Here is the command to make the so file. nvcc -shared -O3 -m64 -Xcompiler -DCUDA_NDARRAY_CUH=mc72d035fdf91890f3b36710688069b2e,\ -DNPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API=NPY_1_7_API_VERSION,-fPIC,-fvisibility=hidden -Xlinker \ -rpath,/home/jay/.theano/compiledir_Linux-4.8--ARCH-x86_64-with-arch-Arch-Linux--3.6.0-64/cuda_ndarray \ -I/usr/lib

how to show loader on each service call in angular [duplicate]

亡梦爱人 提交于 2020-01-16 19:48:46
问题 This question already has answers here : Angular 2 loader on each http request (4 answers) Closed 2 years ago . I want to show loader on each service call in angular. I am using ngx-loading. I have tried below code but it works only on route change, not getting the way to get it solved. import { LoadingModule, ANIMATION_TYPES } from 'ngx-loading'; <router-outlet (activate)="onActivate($event)"></router-outlet> <ngx-loading [show]="loading" [config]="{ backdropBorderRadius: '14px' }"></ngx

How do i play a song from library when the preloader is a “x”% of total loaded?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-01-16 18:59:12
问题 I am currently undertaking a final exam based on the presentation of an offline portfolio and I need to make a preloader, where when the process of loading is 25% of total bytes, to play a sound that is imported into the library. I've tried several ways and can’t do it. I'll leave you the code for my preloader. //(also this code is a mouse loader in text form) this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS,checkingProgress); function checkingProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void{ var

How do I make an unreferenced object load in C++?

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-01-10 20:22:07
问题 I have a .cpp file (let's call it statinit.cpp ) compiled and linked into my executable using gcc . My main() function is not in statinit.cpp . statinit.cpp has some static initializations that I need running. However, I never explicitly reference anything from statinit.cpp in my main() , or in anything referenced by it. What happens (I suppose) is that the linked object created from statinit.cpp is never loaded on runtime, so my static initializations are never run, causing a problem