

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2020-03-16 11:55:31
某厂面试归来,发现自己落伍了!>>> 首先,LiveEdit是什么?有梯子的同学请看webstrom首页的视频: 只要在IDE里修改网页,浏览器里就会自动刷新。(类似的替代品应该有不少,只是没用过,不了解) 首先是安装IDEA的LiveEdit插件 根据提示重启IDEA,并确保LiveEdit已经启用。 然后安装Chrome插件 JetBrains IDE Support 具体步骤省略,安装成功后地址栏右侧会出现JB图标 最后在Chrome中打开正在编辑的网页,会看到如下内容: 这时候在IDEA中编辑页面,Chrome中会自动刷新。 (只可惜对Lift支持不好,修改页面的时候动态内容会失效) 来源: oschina 链接:

How to modify javascript code at run time?

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-01-22 05:19:19
问题 Is there a way to modify JavaScript code while debugging? Visual Studio has "Edit and Continue", and similar hot swapping of code can be done in Java and other languages. Can this be done with JavaScript, and if so, how? 回答1: Chrome, Safari, and some other WebKit-based browsers contain a feature in the Web Inspector known as Live Edit. If you go to the Scripts panel and are stopped on a breakpoint (or maybe even if not stopped on a breakpoint — I'm not sure), you can double click on a line

PhpStorm LiveEdit HTML works but CSS doesn't

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-09 00:44:13
问题 I just set up LiveEdit in PhpStorm 7.0 and downloaded the Chrome Extension "JetBrains IDE Support" v1.25. I also set up a Javascript Debug run configuration. When I run this configuration and edit an HTML file in PhpStorm the page in my Chrome browser reloads as expected. However, if I edit my CSS file the changes are not reflected in my browser unless I reload the page. Has anyone else had this issue? I've googled quite a bit but haven't come up with anything. I'm stumped because the HTML

Webstorm Live Edit not working for an external JavaScript file

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-07 13:51:41
问题 The Live Edit feature of Webstorm 8 doesn't seem to work when using an external JavaScript file (i.e. when included with <script src="script.js"></script> in my HTML). Changes in the external JavaScript file appear only after I refresh the page. Things work just fine for other scenarios - e.g. when I start debugging, the page in Chrome gets updated when I make changes to the HTML or CSS files, and things also work when I write some JavaScript code between <script> and </script> tags in the

Webstorm Live Edit not working for an external JavaScript file

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-05 19:30:45
The Live Edit feature of Webstorm 8 doesn't seem to work when using an external JavaScript file (i.e. when included with <script src="script.js"></script> in my HTML). Changes in the external JavaScript file appear only after I refresh the page. Things work just fine for other scenarios - e.g. when I start debugging, the page in Chrome gets updated when I make changes to the HTML or CSS files, and things also work when I write some JavaScript code between <script> and </script> tags in the HTML. What could the problem be? Actually Live Edit works in both cases. But changes in embedded

Why does WebStorm's LiveEdit not work in Chrome?

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-03 10:58:25
问题 I am exploring WebStorm's trial version and would like to use the LiveEdit features. I am not able to use the LiveEdit features after performing the following actions: Made sure that LiveEdit is turned on Installed the Chrome extension Restarted the browser after installing the extension (I still suspect it is not required) Run the HTML page in chrome When I modify the HTML body, I don't see the changes reflected in Chrome. I read on a forum that netty is not required. Do we need it? What

Why does WebStorm's LiveEdit not work in Chrome?

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-03 01:24:31
I am exploring WebStorm's trial version and would like to use the LiveEdit features. I am not able to use the LiveEdit features after performing the following actions: Made sure that LiveEdit is turned on Installed the Chrome extension Restarted the browser after installing the extension (I still suspect it is not required) Run the HTML page in chrome When I modify the HTML body, I don't see the changes reflected in Chrome. I read on a forum that netty is not required. Do we need it? What else do I need to configure so that I can use the LiveEdit feature? PS: I am using WebStorm 5.0. Do you

How to modify javascript code at run time?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-02 20:36:10
Is there a way to modify JavaScript code while debugging? Visual Studio has "Edit and Continue", and similar hot swapping of code can be done in Java and other languages. Can this be done with JavaScript, and if so, how? Chrome, Safari, and some other WebKit-based browsers contain a feature in the Web Inspector known as Live Edit. If you go to the Scripts panel and are stopped on a breakpoint (or maybe even if not stopped on a breakpoint — I'm not sure), you can double click on a line and start editing that line. The changes you make will take effect on the script. With Chrome Developer tools,

PhpStorm LiveEdit HTML works but CSS doesn't

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-11-30 22:13:29
I just set up LiveEdit in PhpStorm 7.0 and downloaded the Chrome Extension "JetBrains IDE Support" v1.25. I also set up a Javascript Debug run configuration. When I run this configuration and edit an HTML file in PhpStorm the page in my Chrome browser reloads as expected. However, if I edit my CSS file the changes are not reflected in my browser unless I reload the page. Has anyone else had this issue? I've googled quite a bit but haven't come up with anything. I'm stumped because the HTML edits are working fine... It has been a while since this question was asked, but I stumbled over the same

Change WebStorm LiveEdit Port (63342)

点点圈 提交于 2019-11-30 11:11:05
How can I change the port of the LiveEdit feature in WebStorm ? The default port is 63342, so i can run my project from : http://localhost:63342/PROJECT_NAME . but due to authentication issues I need to switch to another fixed port number. Help please, Thanks WebStorm 8 In WebStorm 8 follow menu (or press Shortcut Alt+F7): File -> Settings Category: IDE Settings -> Debugger -> JavaScript And there change " Built-in server port ". Hint: If you have a firewall warning when starting WebStorm then you must uncheck the checkbox " Can accept external connections " inside the settings window.