
Is there a way to implement an array of LinkedHashMap?

感情迁移 提交于 2021-02-16 15:25:32
问题 I am trying to implement an array of LinkedHashMap but I don't know if it's possible... For the moment my code looks like as follows : public class LHMap { public static void main(String[] args) { LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>[] map = null; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { map[i] = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); } map[0].put("a", 0); System.out.println(map[0].get("a")); } } System.out.println(extracted(map)[0].get("a")); returns a "NullPointerException"... Have you got any idea how to

Sorting LinkedHashMap by value

柔情痞子 提交于 2021-02-05 04:57:49
问题 How can you sort a LinkedHashMap using the value ? Is there a way to insert entries into a LinkedHashMap so that they are inserted in order based on their value ? 回答1: How can you sort a LinkedHashMap using the value? LinkedHashMap is not sorted , it is ordered by order of insertion. If your goal is to reorder the Map, you might do something like static <K, V> void orderByValue( LinkedHashMap<K, V> m, final Comparator<? super V> c) { List<Map.Entry<K, V>> entries = new ArrayList<>(m.entrySet(

Sorting LinkedHashMap by value

亡梦爱人 提交于 2021-02-05 04:57:33
问题 How can you sort a LinkedHashMap using the value ? Is there a way to insert entries into a LinkedHashMap so that they are inserted in order based on their value ? 回答1: How can you sort a LinkedHashMap using the value? LinkedHashMap is not sorted , it is ordered by order of insertion. If your goal is to reorder the Map, you might do something like static <K, V> void orderByValue( LinkedHashMap<K, V> m, final Comparator<? super V> c) { List<Map.Entry<K, V>> entries = new ArrayList<>(m.entrySet(

returning LinkedHashMap from IntStream, Java 8

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-05-21 01:57:06
问题 I have this code. private static Map<Long, List<TimePitchValue>> alternativeMethod(AudioFormat audioformat, List<ChunkDTO> listChunkDTO, long index, int sizeChunk) { int numBytesPerSample = audioformat.getSampleSizeInBits() / 8; int quantitySamples = sizeChunk / numBytesPerSample; long baseTime = quantitySamples * index; Map<Long, List<TimePitchValue>> mapListTimePitchValue = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < quantitySamples; i++) { int time = i; List<TimePitchValue>

returning LinkedHashMap from IntStream, Java 8

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-05-21 01:56:13
问题 I have this code. private static Map<Long, List<TimePitchValue>> alternativeMethod(AudioFormat audioformat, List<ChunkDTO> listChunkDTO, long index, int sizeChunk) { int numBytesPerSample = audioformat.getSampleSizeInBits() / 8; int quantitySamples = sizeChunk / numBytesPerSample; long baseTime = quantitySamples * index; Map<Long, List<TimePitchValue>> mapListTimePitchValue = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < quantitySamples; i++) { int time = i; List<TimePitchValue>

equivalent LinkedHashmap in C++?

社会主义新天地 提交于 2020-04-08 09:25:13
问题 I have a Java program that I want to convert it to C++. So, there is a Linkedhashmap data structure used in the Java code and I want to convert it to C++. Is there an equivalent datatype for LinkedHashmap in C++? I tried to use std::unordered_map , however, it does not maintain the order of the insertion. 回答1: C++ does not offer a collection template with the behavior that would mimic Java's LinkedHashMap<K,V> , so you would need to maintain the order separately from the mapping. This can be


故事扮演 提交于 2020-03-08 11:12:06
一、HashMap 基于哈希表的 Map 接口的实现,允许存入 null 值和 null 键,无序存储且线程不同步; HashMap 初始容量默认为16,扩容一定是2的指数,加载因子默认值为0.75; HashMap采用Iterator方式迭代,可直接迭代键值对; 迭代 collection 视图所需的时间与 HashMap 实例的“容量”(桶的数量)及其大小(键-值映射关系数)成比例。所以,如果迭代性能很重要,则不要将初始容量设置得太高(或将加载因子设置得太低)。 建议多看源码,如果觉得晦涩可以戳 这里 看源码解析。 安利网址:,个人觉得分析的挺好 JDK1.8+HashMap的改进 JDK1.8以前是采用的数组+链表形式存储,JDK1.8+是采用的是数组+链表/红黑树 JDK1.8+,当bucket节点数小于等于6时,转换为链表形式;当节点数大于等于8时,转换为红黑树形式 JDK1.8以前,HashMap的put()方法、get()源码如下: put(): public V put(K key, V value) { // HashMap允许存放null键和null值。 // 当key为null时,调用putForNullKey方法,将value放置在数组第一个位置。 if (key ==


核能气质少年 提交于 2020-03-06 18:30:38
近期再做一个项目,是个网站管理系统,涉及多张记录表和栏目表,简单实现网站首页访问后发现速度很忧伤。仔细一想,每次访问,要查询各种表,访问数据库次数太多了,而且很多表里的数据其实在实际中不常改变,所以想到读取后存储在内存中,下次直接返回。 于是问题来了,不可能每个网站都存在内存里啊,虽然现在开发阶段没几个网站。这就需要在存新网站数据时清除内存中某些网站的数据,清除谁?我想到了操作系统中的一种页面置换算法——LRU(Least Recently Used)近期最少使用算法。 显然HashMap不够用了,我能想到最简单的方法就是用LinkedHashMap,他的一个构造函数: LinkedHashMap<K, V>(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor, boolean accessOrder) Constructs an empty LinkedHashMap instance with the specified initial capacity, load factor and ordering mode. Parameters: initialCapacity the initial capacity loadFactor the load factor accessOrder the ordering mode - true for

Why does specifying Map's initial capacity cause subsequent serializations to give different results?

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-02-03 10:08:11
问题 I am trying to compare 2 byte[] which are the results of serialization of the same object: 1 byte[] is created by serializing the object the other by deserializing the 1st byte[] and then serializing it again. I do not understand how these 2 arrays can be different. Deserializing the first byte[] should reconstruct the original object, and serializing that object is the same as serializing the original one. So, the 2 byte[] should be the same. However, under certain circumstances they can be

serialize/deserialize a LinkedHashMap (android) java

一笑奈何 提交于 2020-01-23 07:35:29
问题 So i want to pass a LinkedHashMap to an intent. //SEND THE MAP Intent singlechannel = new Intent(getBaseContext(),singlechannel.class); singlechannel.putExtra("db",shows1);//perase to startActivity(singlechannel); //GET THE MAP LinkedHashMap<String,String> db = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>(); db=(LinkedHashMap<String,String>) getIntent().getSerializableExtra("db"); This one Worked Like a charm with HashMap. But with LinkedHashMap i got a problem i got a runtime error here db=