
How do I create a time-based Flutter App?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-02-19 02:54:33
问题 I need to create a login form. After user successfully login than I need to start some kind of timer (ex: 3 min), so if user has no reaction to app or other word if flutter app state is paused, suspended or inactive more than 3 min. the app will goto main login page. As long as user has interaction with app I need to cancel the timer and only I need to star timer app state is paused, suspended or inactive. How do I do that? I try to implement the "WidgetsBindingObserver" but its look like is

How do I create a time-based Flutter App?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2021-02-19 02:54:13
问题 I need to create a login form. After user successfully login than I need to start some kind of timer (ex: 3 min), so if user has no reaction to app or other word if flutter app state is paused, suspended or inactive more than 3 min. the app will goto main login page. As long as user has interaction with app I need to cancel the timer and only I need to star timer app state is paused, suspended or inactive. How do I do that? I try to implement the "WidgetsBindingObserver" but its look like is

Elastic Beanstalk Autoscaling Group Lifecycle Hooks

假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-01-29 17:32:19
问题 I would like to add lifecycle hooks to my Elastic Beanstalk's autoscaling group. I see how lifecycle hooks can be added to an autoscaling group through cloudformation, but I don't know how this can be done through Elastic Beanstalk. To create a lifecycle hook on an autoscaling group, you need the autoscaling group's name. This doesn't appear to be possible since the Elastic Beanstalk resource doesn't have an export for the ASG name. Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LifecycleHook Properties:

How does IOS manage memory of backgrounded apps?

a 夏天 提交于 2021-01-29 07:02:38
问题 I have an IOS app that during testing seems to work fine until... The app has been in the background for quite some time, say 24 hours... and meanwhile lots of activity has taken place in other apps (videos, audio, location... battery going low... lots of memory being used). Then when I bring my app back into the foreground, it acts glitchy such as having no audio... and then crashes after a short while. I KNOW this is not the best description, but it has only happened once and I'm not asking

How does IOS manage memory of backgrounded apps?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2021-01-29 06:55:28
问题 I have an IOS app that during testing seems to work fine until... The app has been in the background for quite some time, say 24 hours... and meanwhile lots of activity has taken place in other apps (videos, audio, location... battery going low... lots of memory being used). Then when I bring my app back into the foreground, it acts glitchy such as having no audio... and then crashes after a short while. I KNOW this is not the best description, but it has only happened once and I'm not asking

onResume does not worked in viewmodel

房东的猫 提交于 2021-01-20 13:11:20
问题 my data is fetched only when it is using viewmodel...when press back button it doesnt update the previous data..onresume is not working in this... i refered this but none of those helped--> Reacting to activity lifecycle in ViewModel i need help thanks in advance activity:-- class MyAccount : BaseClassActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.myaccount) var mActionBarToolbar = findViewById<androidx

onResume does not worked in viewmodel

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2021-01-20 13:09:42
问题 my data is fetched only when it is using viewmodel...when press back button it doesnt update the previous data..onresume is not working in this... i refered this but none of those helped--> Reacting to activity lifecycle in ViewModel i need help thanks in advance activity:-- class MyAccount : BaseClassActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.myaccount) var mActionBarToolbar = findViewById<androidx


时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-12-19 01:58:47
安卓开发中的activity是所有app的主体,一个app就是多个不同作用的activity之间的相互交互。其实activity的意思以及使用非常好理解。activity就是一个活动,你想做一件事,就让它去完成对应的任务,它的事做完了就可以让它退休也就是销毁了。因为安卓系统自身做了绝大部分的事情,实际上真正对于我们开发人员来说,需要重写的方法只有onCreate(),onStart()以及onSavedInstance()这几种方法。但是了解一个activity的生命周期以及一些方法还是很有必要的,如下来源于安卓开发官网的一张图,是一个activity的完整生命周期: 如图所示,当系统launch一个app时,它会首先调用该app的main activity,然后依次调用对应的方法,直至进入resumed状态,在此用户执行绝大部分主要操作。 onCreate()方法:相当于activity的入口,当一个新activity被实例化后首先进入该方法,在此初始化一些自定义的变量,设置所需要的布局,以及进行其他的一些操作,在这里也可以启动另一个activity onStart()方法:该方法紧随onCreate()调用,启动activity,同时使得activity可见 onResume()方法:该方法后使得activity可以接受用户操作 onPause()方法

Text is not changing on screen when using ipcRenderer.on() inside mounted() OR created() VueJs+Electron

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-12-15 04:31:05
问题 Hi i am using electron+vuejs and trying to receive data from electron's main process .That is some data is sent from main process to renderer process.And inside the renderer process i have ipcRenderer.on() in created() or mounted().But the data is not received there.And the text is not updated on the screen.My code is like shown below:Note even if i use mounted() it is not working .What am i doing wrong?How can i resolve this ? <div>{{logText}}</div> data(){ return { logText:'' } }, created()