
注册最新版Komodo, PDK , TDK

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2020-05-06 03:43:29
很久没踏足这了,懒得不行啊,也许不知道原来睡到现在才醒,这段时间都去研究数据挖掘,挺害人,频频见血。之前曾经也说过本文标题中的相关内容,详细见: http://my.oschina.net/huidate/blog/36661 ,现在出版本了: Komodo 7 , PDK 9 , TDK 5, 其实我也已经用了一段时间,老忘上来给大家说话注册,别打脸啊! !别跟我要这三个的下载网址这么吐血的问题(真的有人跟我要)。之前的博文提供的注册方法是需要些步骤和技巧,今天给大家的是懒人最流口水的注册东东,而且本次连同可注册 TDK ,可注册各新旧版,点一下会自动帮你一条龙注册完各新旧版Komodo, PDK , TDK ,当然包括目前最新版的:) 下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=80878&uk=3341307409 解压密码: komodo 需要说明的是,杀毒软件也许会认为病毒,将其删除, 而大家又怕真的是有病毒,大家可以下载类似金山安全沙箱来运行 该注册东东,使用完后不会让其留下东西,也即不会怕“中招”了。金山安全沙箱下载网址 : http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/23446004.html 老要贴上的一句话:只可研究,切莫用于商业用途,请24小时后删除。有钱的还是购买吧。 来源:

关于之前Komodo IDE、Perl Dev Kit注册问题补充

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-02-29 22:22:48
之前在 http://my.oschina.net/huidate/blog/36661 、http://my.oschina.net/huidate/blog/38198 中提及对Komodo IDE、Perl Dev Kit注册内容做些补充。大家有些会问 ,那些注册机都是exe程序,在windows运行获取注册文件的,而在Linux怎么办呢?如何在Linux一样可以获取注册文件?其中的解决办法是跟之前提及的没什么异样,将在Windows中注册成功的 ActiveState.lic 文件复制到Linux的 /home/username/.ActiveState下,试试运行linux下的Komodo IDE、Perl Dev Kit看看,注册成功了~~~ 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/93105/blog/39323

how to set and run different python3 environment versions from komodo edit while in anaconda\env?

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-25 01:37:58
问题 How do I set the command run tool for a second environment of python in Komodo Edit? By default the windows environmentals guide Komodo to X:\folder1\Anaconda\python.exe (py version 3.7.4, MKL 2019.10(service 2.3.0). Let say I have: X:\folder1\Anaconda\envs\MKL2018 and includes python version 3.6.4. and MKL 2018.0.2 (service 1.1.2) From below cmd-line instructions at the Anaconda command prompt I get the expected result: conda activate MKL2018 python X:\folder2\Examples\LookupTable.py File :

Python macros on Mac using Komodo

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-23 17:31:10
问题 I'm using Komodo IDE, version 6.1.1, build 61234, platform macosx-x86. I'm also using Python 3.2 and Python 2.7. I've just moved to using (my first) Mac. OS version 10.6.? On my Windows machines I had a couple of macros set up that I would like to continue to use: F2: save file and then run using Python 2.x, results in tab, start in current directory F3: save file and then run using Python 3.x, results in tab, start in current directory Any idea how to do this? I'm very new to using a Mac so

Komodo IDE 6's slow autocomplete problems with Javascript

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-22 05:54:41
问题 I've been trying out Komodo IDE 6 for the last few days. I've always liked Komodo but I'm starting to get annoyed by something: The autocomplete is way too slow/buggy. Certain variables just won't give any autocomplete tips. Sometimes you have to backspace the dot and try over and over again. It also has a hard time giving autocomplete info for an object that has been created using a class in a namespace. Has anyone else had any problems with these things? Are there any better alternatives?

How to integrate FileMerge with Komodo 6 IDE?

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-20 06:32:13
问题 After reading this post: http://community.activestate.com/forum/subversion-external-diff-tool I've tried using the following command in the "diff options" text box in preferences > source code control > Subversion but it does not work. --diff-cmd /Developer/Applications/Utilities/FileMerge.app 回答1: I figured it out. 1) Download/Install the fmdiff wrapper from here: http://www.defraine.net/~brunod/fmdiff/ 2) In Komodo IDE 6 ( Komodo Edit does not have source code control ): Preferences >

Advanced Find & Replace / Text Expand / Macros

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-20 04:52:44
问题 Hopefully a nice quick one for someone. I'm working on a project that requires a specific link being written around 400 or so locations. Each link is the same, except it has the town's name in it, such as: <li><a href="/contact-details.html?location=Andover">Andover</a></li> I'm currently using Komodo Edit to write my projects, and I have Zen Coding installed and a decent knowledge of the built-in Snippets functionality. I know that using Snippets, I could create the link above from the word

Advanced Find & Replace / Text Expand / Macros

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-20 04:51:05
问题 Hopefully a nice quick one for someone. I'm working on a project that requires a specific link being written around 400 or so locations. Each link is the same, except it has the town's name in it, such as: <li><a href="/contact-details.html?location=Andover">Andover</a></li> I'm currently using Komodo Edit to write my projects, and I have Zen Coding installed and a decent knowledge of the built-in Snippets functionality. I know that using Snippets, I could create the link above from the word

Komodo Edit autocompletion JS object literal

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-19 11:18:50
问题 The problem is Komodo intelli-sense doesn't see object methods defined this way: var App = window.App || { method: function() { ... } } Typing "App." gives no result. However, defining an object like below works fine: var App = { method: function(){ } } How to make autocompletion working at first example pattern? 回答1: Komodo has a macro API which can automate switching between the two patterns. Use the Add macro context menu option to create a new macro and paste the following code: komodo

Komodo Edit autocompletion JS object literal

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-19 11:16:12
问题 The problem is Komodo intelli-sense doesn't see object methods defined this way: var App = window.App || { method: function() { ... } } Typing "App." gives no result. However, defining an object like below works fine: var App = { method: function(){ } } How to make autocompletion working at first example pattern? 回答1: Komodo has a macro API which can automate switching between the two patterns. Use the Add macro context menu option to create a new macro and paste the following code: komodo