
How to use KNPPaginatorBundle to paginate results using Doctrine Repository?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-31 22:09:11
问题 I'm working on a Symfony2 project and I decided to use KNPPaginatorBundle to build an easy pagination system. So I created a Product entity and I want to add the paginator to indexAction action (generated by CRUD command). // Retrieving products. $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); //$entities = $em->getRepository('LiveDataShopBundle:Product')->findAll(); $dql = "SELECT a FROM LiveDataShopBundle:Product a"; $entities = $em->createQuery($dql); // Creating pagnination $paginator = $this-

How to use KNPPaginatorBundle to paginate results using Doctrine Repository?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-31 22:09:09
问题 I'm working on a Symfony2 project and I decided to use KNPPaginatorBundle to build an easy pagination system. So I created a Product entity and I want to add the paginator to indexAction action (generated by CRUD command). // Retrieving products. $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); //$entities = $em->getRepository('LiveDataShopBundle:Product')->findAll(); $dql = "SELECT a FROM LiveDataShopBundle:Product a"; $entities = $em->createQuery($dql); // Creating pagnination $paginator = $this-

Paginate in KnpPager not work

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-25 18:54:15
问题 I have a problem with my paginate. My route : show_product_category: path: /{id}/{name} defaults: { _controller: ShopDesktopBundle:Category:showCategory} requirements: id: \d+ _method: GET In my controller : $aProducts = $repositoryProduct->getProductsOrderByDateDesc($id); $paginator = $this->get('knp_paginator'); $pagination = $paginator->paginate( $aProducts, $this->get('request')->query->get('page', 1), 3 ); return $this->render('ShopDesktopBundle:Category:category.html.twig',array(

Single id is not allowed on composite primary key in entity using knp paginator

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-25 07:25:09
问题 I have a question about knp paginator. I use Symfony 2.8. I made a table that has composite primary key, and corresponding list page using knp paginator. I'm receiving the exception when I try to show. "Single id is not allowed on composite primary key in entity" I tried to inspect source files of knp paginator and doctrine. So I found a workaround. 1)Set knp option "distinct" to false; 2)Set following hints to query. set "knp_paginator.count" to rows count of query result. set "knp_paginator

can't see pages with KnpPaginatorBundle

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-25 02:24:57
问题 I got a form, that send post request and show paginated results. There are problems, when i want to see pages number 2 and more, because there sended get request and controller doesn't see form to create query. Anyone know how to solve this problem? 回答1: I'm using symfony(1.4) and I dont know if there's a big difference between 2.x so let me discuss about it... creating url's you should use <?php url_for('page/view?num='.$page_num) ?> something like that, then you can now use the request of

Sorting not working in Knp paginator

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-10 17:38:03
问题 I am using the knp paginator bundle and i got this error There is no such field [catalogId] in the given Query component, aliased by [u] . Sorting works fine if i click in the title but it shows me an error if i click in the catalogid.CatalogId is of ManytoOne relationship.I have googled for answers but nothing seems to work for me.Can u tell me how to fix this?? this is my controller: public function indexAction(Request $request) { $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $postData =

Dynamic limit per page Knp Pagination

久未见 提交于 2019-12-07 15:24:19
问题 I need straightforward solution for dynamically set number of records per page with Knp Pagination Bundle. I read the this page records per page allow user to choose - codeigniter pagination about dynamically set per page limits and I know I need a drop down with hyperlink inside each item that send a request to server and server use parameter on this request to set limit per page on knp pagination bundle. But I don't know exactly how to handle this actions on server and also and more harder

Configure KnpPaginator to work with Twitter Bootstrap

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-04 12:25:57
问题 i'm trying to apply twitter bootstrap css style to my knp pagination without modifying the vendor. Is there a way to configure KnpPaginator so to detect existing bootstrap css style sheets?because as the screenshot shows, it is build to work with bootstrap. 回答1: @Derick F: thank you a lot, i found an other way : i just replaced: pagination: KnpPaginatorBundle:Pagination:sliding.html.twig with pagination: KnpPaginatorBundle:Pagination:twitter_bootstrap_v3_pagination.html.twig its the default

JMS Serializer ignores mappings for Knp Paginator

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-04 11:24:13
问题 I have problem with exclusion of some KNP Paginator properties with JMS Serializer. First, this is included in composer.json ... "jms/serializer-bundle": "~0.13", "knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle": "2.4.*@dev", ... I'm paginating CrmContacts entity and exclusion policy for that entity works well. I also added yml file for KNP Paginator like this: config.yml jms_serializer: metadata: directories: KNPPB: namespace_prefix: 'Knp\\Bundle\\PaginatorBundle' path: %kernel.root_dir%/Resources/serializer

Configure KnpPaginator to work with Twitter Bootstrap

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-03 08:11:20
i'm trying to apply twitter bootstrap css style to my knp pagination without modifying the vendor. Is there a way to configure KnpPaginator so to detect existing bootstrap css style sheets?because as the screenshot shows, it is build to work with bootstrap. @Derick F: thank you a lot, i found an other way : i just replaced: pagination: KnpPaginatorBundle:Pagination:sliding.html.twig with pagination: KnpPaginatorBundle:Pagination:twitter_bootstrap_v3_pagination.html.twig its the default template included in knp bundle. Derick F Yes, in your config.yml and your knp_paginator settings: knp