
KendoUI undefined Node issue when trying to add to root parent node

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-13 01:23:30
问题 I have seen other questions with the same issue , the data seems the be the issue most of the time. I did create a jsfiddle (always keep in mind that http has to be used, and not https ) that should demonstrate the problem I want to have whatever is typed into the text box to display as another named node of whatever name... The code I'm using seems to enforce me to selected an existing parent node and i do not want that. Its a bit annoying why it is saying

Get updated Kendo Tree View data source

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-12 19:45:05
问题 I am showing the tree view with a datasource but after dragging and dropping there will be changes and I have to get that changed new datasource . How do I do that? $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "TestMenu.aspx/GetMenuData", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function (data) { $("#treeview").kendoTreeView({ dragAndDrop: true, dataSource: $.parseJSON(data.d) }); } }); 回答1: So, I finally accomplished the task. Posting answer for anyone who's looking for the

Binding checkboxes in treeview with checkboxes that uses remote datasource

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-12 11:40:59
问题 Let me layout a situation here. I have a situation where I need to show several check boxes on a form that are hierarchical by nature in terms that some of them belong to one category and other belong to a second and so on. My first idea was to use KendoUI treeview with check boxes. I have several questions in relations to this: obviously there will be a situation where on a form load some check boxes need to be checked because they are coming like that from data source. When I define new

Kendo UI Treeview - Binding with Hierarchical data

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-12 04:19:34
问题 Sorry for asking basic question, I am using Kendo UI first time. My question is: I have hierarchical data returned from SQL Server Common Type Expression (CTE) in below format Id ParentId Name 1 0 Name-1 (Level 0) 2 0 Name-2 (Level 0) 3 1 Name-3 (Level 1) 4 3 Name-4 (Level 2) and so on... I need to bind this data to Kendo UI Tree View control. All the samples I saw in Kendo UI docs deals with hard coded data and then there is HierachicalDataSoruce examples but in those examples hierarchical

kendo treeview datasource not showing children items in javascript debug unless node is expanded

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-12 03:26:54
问题 I have a Kendo TreeView in which the parent nodes and children are all gotten at the same time. Previously I was having the separate calls of which unless a Parent node was expanded, it did not call a query and pull that data into the parent node as children Now that I have my data pulled all at once, I want to be able to do all sorts of CRUD operation in which if a node is created, deleted, sort order changed, then on Button click I want to send in all the data. PROBLEM : I noticed that in

Parent/child click relationships in AngularJS directives

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-12 03:07:53
问题 I have a custom directive placed on a Kendo UI treeview widget. It seems to be working fine side-by-side, except that I'm trying to simply display the custom icons next to the tree node which is clicked on (see sample image below). So my directive is data-toggle-me , placed next to the Kendo k-template directive as follows : <div class="reports-tree" kendo-tree-view="nav.treeview" k-options="nav.treeOptions" k-data-source="nav.reportsTreeDataSource" k-on-change="nav.onTreeSelect(dataItem)" >

kendo Treeview datasource binding

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-12 01:45:43
问题 I have main page: main.html In this page I have a viewmodel with a hierarchical datasource datasource: [{id:"", items:[{.....}]}]; In a modal window I have a Treeview. Treeview call a datasource in main page. In my datasource there is a variable check: true/false I want that when I check or uncheck a checkbox in the treeview this bind a datasource.. so when I close a modal window, and the I re-open it I will find the selected/unselected checkbox restored... 回答1: If you have an HTML like this:

Kendo UI treeview current datasource post

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-11 20:34:35
问题 I need to create a folder structure in FTP similar to that of the tree structure on my view. I want to allow the user to edit the tree structure before creating folders. I have a TreeView with server binding: @model IEnumerable<TreeViewItemModel> @(Html.Kendo().TreeView() .Name("PipelineStructureMajor") .BindTo(Model) .ExpandAll(true) .DragAndDrop(true) ) The binding is fine. With some client-side restructuring (appending/dragging/removing some nodes), I want to post the treeview (root node

Is there a way to union multiple nodes based on ID or Text when using Kendo tree view?

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-11 18:42:53
问题 I have 3 different object / node as below, and I am trying to form the finalObj / node which is the union (unique tree list) of the 3 nodes.. Is there a method in tree view with which I can union 3 objects (nodes) based on text or id ? First node: [ { text: "TreeRoot", items: [ { text: "Subgroup1" }, { text: "Subgroup2" } ]}] Second Node: [ { text: "TreeRoot", items: [ { text: "Subgroup3" } ]}] Third node: [{ text: "Subgroup3", items: [ { text: "subgroup5", items: [ { text: "subgroup6", items

kendo treeview multiple node drag and drop

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-11 18:40:07
问题 I have One Kendo Tree-view with check-box. I am able to drag and drop single item(node).Now I want to drag and drop multiple Item(node). only those nodes will be drag and drop which check-box are checked. Please help me out how can be i implement this functionality......... for single drag and drop i am following this example---- USER CAN ABLE TO DRAG AND DROP AS MANY NODES HE SELECTED IN CHECKBOX. According to MY RND Below code