
How to search two tables sharing a foreign key (I think I'm asking this right…)?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2021-02-10 14:21:06
问题 Dog entity @Entity(tableName = "dog_table") public class DogEntity { private int mId; private String mName, mBreed; etc.. } Toy entity @Entity(tableName = "toy_table") public class ToyEntity { private int mId; private String mName, mBrand; etc.. } DogAndToy join table entity @Entity(tableName = "dog_and_toy_join_table", primaryKeys = {"mDogID", "mToyId"}, foreignKeys = { @ForeignKey( entity = DogEntity.class, parentColumns = "mId", childColumns = "mDogID", onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE,

EF 6, code first junction table name

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-10 10:56:32
问题 I am experimenting with custom naming convenctions in EF 6. I have 2 tables and one junction table (WebUser, UserRequest, WebUserUserRequest). I have written function that should be able to rename tables: from WebUser to web_user private string GetTableName(Type type) { var result = Regex.Replace(type.Name, ".[A-Z]", m => m.Value[0] + "_" + m.Value[1]); return result.ToLower(); } It is applied this way: modelBuilder.Types() .Configure(c => c.ToTable(GetTableName(c.ClrType))); The function is

EF 6, code first junction table name

霸气de小男生 提交于 2021-02-10 10:52:07
问题 I am experimenting with custom naming convenctions in EF 6. I have 2 tables and one junction table (WebUser, UserRequest, WebUserUserRequest). I have written function that should be able to rename tables: from WebUser to web_user private string GetTableName(Type type) { var result = Regex.Replace(type.Name, ".[A-Z]", m => m.Value[0] + "_" + m.Value[1]); return result.ToLower(); } It is applied this way: modelBuilder.Types() .Configure(c => c.ToTable(GetTableName(c.ClrType))); The function is

perl6 How to use junction inside regex interpolation?

血红的双手。 提交于 2021-02-08 13:14:41
问题 Sometimes I have a long list and I would like to check whether a string matches anything in the list. I am trying to interpolate a junction inside a regex. They are all errors. say "12345" ~~ m/ <{ (2,3,4).any }> / Cannot resolve caller MAKE_REGEX(Int, Bool, Bool, Int, PseudoStash); none of these signatures match: say "12345" ~~ m/ $( (2,3,4).any ) / This type cannot unbox to a native string: P6opaque, Junction Does this error message mean that junctions cannot be used inside regex

perl6 How to use junction inside regex interpolation?

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-02-08 13:14:28
问题 Sometimes I have a long list and I would like to check whether a string matches anything in the list. I am trying to interpolate a junction inside a regex. They are all errors. say "12345" ~~ m/ <{ (2,3,4).any }> / Cannot resolve caller MAKE_REGEX(Int, Bool, Bool, Int, PseudoStash); none of these signatures match: say "12345" ~~ m/ $( (2,3,4).any ) / This type cannot unbox to a native string: P6opaque, Junction Does this error message mean that junctions cannot be used inside regex

perl6 How to use junction inside regex interpolation?

拟墨画扇 提交于 2021-02-08 13:14:17
问题 Sometimes I have a long list and I would like to check whether a string matches anything in the list. I am trying to interpolate a junction inside a regex. They are all errors. say "12345" ~~ m/ <{ (2,3,4).any }> / Cannot resolve caller MAKE_REGEX(Int, Bool, Bool, Int, PseudoStash); none of these signatures match: say "12345" ~~ m/ $( (2,3,4).any ) / This type cannot unbox to a native string: P6opaque, Junction Does this error message mean that junctions cannot be used inside regex

Exact Inference in Graphical Models

不羁的心 提交于 2021-01-05 23:51:36
独立(Independence) 统计独立(Statistical Independence) 两个随机变量X,Y统计独立的条件是当且仅当其联合概率分布等于边际概率分布之积: $$ X \perp Y \leftrightarrow P(X,Y)=P(Y) P(Y) $$ 思考:假设 $X \perp Y$,$Y \perp Z$,那么 $X$ 和 $Y$ 有没有独立关系呢? 举例:爸吃饭,奥巴马吃饭,妈吃饭 条件独立(Conditional Independence) 两个随机变量X,Y在Z的条件下独立的条件是当且仅当其条件联合概率分布等于条件边际概率分布之积: $$ X \perp Y | Z \leftrightarrow P(X, Y|Z)=P(X|Z)P(Y|Z) $$ 仅知道 Z 就能够决定 X ,此时 Y 与 X (条件)独立 概率图模型(Probabilistic Graphical Models) 预备知识 对于 D 个 K 项随机变量:$X_1, ..., X_D \quad X_i \in \left { 1, ..., K \right }$ 边际(Marginal): $$ P(X_{1:i-1,\ i+1:D})=\sum_{X_i}P(X_{1:D}) $$ 链式法则(Chain Rule)求联合分布 $$ P(X_{1:D})=P(X_1)\prod

什么是RNA-Seq (RNA Sequencing)

梦想与她 提交于 2020-11-27 01:46:08
什么是RNA-Seq (RNA Sequencing) 2011-07-14 ~ ADMIN 随着ome为词尾的各种组学的出现,转录组学已经成为了人们了解生物信息的一个重要组成部分。人们使用了许多办法来掌握转录组的情况,主要分为两类,一类是基于杂交,一类是基于下一代测序技术(Next Generation Sequencing, NGS)。 基于杂交的办法,主要是依靠印刷有荧光标记探针的基因芯片来实现。比如说基因组芯片,它高密度的集成了分辨率高达几bp~100bp的探针,通过与样品杂交荧光显色的办法来勾画转录组的情况。虽然基因芯片高度集成,并且易于应用,成本低,但是,这一手段高度地依赖已知信息,这不利于发现新知,同时,它还存在着高背噪,非特异杂交所带来的无法分辨弱信号和过饱和信号的问题。当然,在不同样品的比较当中,甚至在同一芯片内部,都存在杂交不均匀带来的各种问题,需要诸如标准化等统计学手段来分析结果。 随着下一代测序技术的成熟,它很快就被应用到转录组学的研究上来,并被寄以厚望。相比于杂交来说,测序技术直接针对的是cDNA进行测序,所以基分辩率在理论上可以达到单碱基的水平。然而这在高通量的要求之下变得比较困难。人们使用deep-sequencing技术来解决这一问题。深度测序,顾名思意,其是基于已有的基因组水平上的测序,也就是说它需要完整的参考序列。从这个意义上来说

About Thermal Models

心已入冬 提交于 2020-10-27 18:27:24
Among SPICE models, there are what are called thermal models and thermal dynamic models, which are used to perform simulations relating to heat. We first describe thermal models. We hope the reader will acquire a conceptual image of the general nature of thermal models. What is Thermal Model? A thermal model is a model of an electrical circuit that corresponds to transient thermal resistances, for use in calculations of the thermal circuit associated with the electrical circuit. Thermal resistances are represented by R, and thermal capacities by C. The interchange of thermal circuits and

MicroMEC现与Akraino R3共同发布!

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2020-10-03 09:07:12
作者:Tapio Tallgren, Technical Leader at Nokia Mobile Networks, Community Sub-Committee Chair of Akraino TSC; Ferenc Szekely, Program Manager, SUSE, Committer of Micro MEC blueprint of Akraino TSC; Tina Tsou, Enterprise Architect, Arm, Akraino TSC Co-Chair MicroMEC平台最初是作为在网络的最边缘运行应用程序的平台,就像在灯杆中一样。我们从一开始就加入了LF Edge的Akraino项目。 为了先找出哪些用例,我们在2019年参加了IoThon黑客马拉松,在那里我们建造了一个带有传感器、摄像机和小服务器(也被称为Raspberry Pis)的微型城市。我们的计划是,我们将提供API,使开发人员能够访问传感器、摄像机或其他连接到我们的小服务器上的独立硬件设备,也就是MicroMEC节点。很明显,我们希望将所有API和应用程序部署在容器中。我们需要一个像Kubernetes这样的工具来帮助我们构建和管理MicroMEC集群。因为我们的目标是拥有最大4GB内存和低功耗的“小型”设备,所以我们研究了k8s。这就是我们选择k3s的方式。