
How can I optimize this Powershell script, converting JSON to CSV?

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2021-02-11 06:55:28
问题 I have a very large JSON Lines File with 4.000.000 Rows, and I need to convert several events from every row. The resulted CSV File contains 15.000.000 rows. How can I optimize this script? I'm using Powershell core 7 and it takes around 50 hours to complete the conversion. My Powershell script: $stopwatch = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew() $totalrows = 4000000 $encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 $i = 0 $ig = 0 $output = @() $Importfile = "C:\file.jsonl" $Exportfile = "C:\file

json format each object in a line

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-05-08 04:39:44
问题 cat 2.txt | ./jq '{(.id): .custom}' above command outputs { "1": { "results": "Success" } } { "2": { "input method": "touch", "from": "Prescription Center", } } { "3": { "entry point": "|All" } } Expected output : I want to print/save each object in a line. cat 2.txt | ./jq '{(.id): .custom}' { "1": { "results": "Success" } } { "2": { "input method": "touch", "from": "Prescription Center" } } { "3": { "entry point": "|All" } } will it be possible in shell script? 回答1: Per the jq manual -

Use jq to convert json array to jsonl format

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-03-19 05:16:51
问题 I have json like this: [ {"one": 1}, {"two": 2}] and wish to convert it to this format: {"one": 1} {"two": 2} to facilitate indexing it into ElasticSearch. (latter is called 'jsonl' format). JQ is my tool of preference but I can't figure out how to do this. Thanks 回答1: The key is the -c command-line option, which produces JSONL: jq -c '.[]' test_array.json 回答2: figured this out: cat test_array.json |jq '.[]' 回答3: var json=[ {"one": 1}, {"two": 2}]; for(var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) { var

Use jq to convert json array to jsonl format

前提是你 提交于 2020-03-19 05:16:27
问题 I have json like this: [ {"one": 1}, {"two": 2}] and wish to convert it to this format: {"one": 1} {"two": 2} to facilitate indexing it into ElasticSearch. (latter is called 'jsonl' format). JQ is my tool of preference but I can't figure out how to do this. Thanks 回答1: The key is the -c command-line option, which produces JSONL: jq -c '.[]' test_array.json 回答2: figured this out: cat test_array.json |jq '.[]' 回答3: var json=[ {"one": 1}, {"two": 2}]; for(var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) { var

Parsing JSON record-per-line with jq?

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-01-03 08:23:18
问题 I've got a tool that outputs a JSON record on each line, and I'd like to process it with jq . The output looks something like this: {"ts":"2017-08-15T21:20:47.029Z","id":"123","elapsed_ms":10} {"ts":"2017-08-15T21:20:47.044Z","id":"456","elapsed_ms":13} When I pass this to jq as follows: ./tool | jq 'group_by(.id)' ...it outputs an error: jq: error (at <stdin>:1): Cannot index string with string "id" How do I get jq to handle JSON-record-per-line data? 回答1: Use the --slurp (or -s ) switch: .

Parsing JSON record-per-line with jq?

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-01-03 08:23:16
问题 I've got a tool that outputs a JSON record on each line, and I'd like to process it with jq . The output looks something like this: {"ts":"2017-08-15T21:20:47.029Z","id":"123","elapsed_ms":10} {"ts":"2017-08-15T21:20:47.044Z","id":"456","elapsed_ms":13} When I pass this to jq as follows: ./tool | jq 'group_by(.id)' ...it outputs an error: jq: error (at <stdin>:1): Cannot index string with string "id" How do I get jq to handle JSON-record-per-line data? 回答1: Use the --slurp (or -s ) switch: .

How to extract elements from each line in a jsonline file?

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-23 23:24:52
问题 I have a jsonl file which contains per line both a sentence and the tokens that are found in that sentence. I wish to extract the tokens from each line in the JSON lines file, but my loop only returns the tokens from the last line. This is the input. {"text":"This is the first sentence.","_input_hash":2083129218,"_task_hash":-536378640,"spans":[],"meta":{"score":0.5,"pattern":65},"answer":"accept","tokens":[ {"text":"This","id":0}, {"text":"is","id":1}, {"text":"the","id":2}, {"text":"first",

How to solve CORS error consuming an API using oboe in Angular2 app?

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-14 03:06:25
问题 I have API that returns data like this: {"t":"point","id":817315,"tableid":141,"classid":142,"state":0,"loc":[6850735.34375,24501674.0039063]} {"t":"line","id":817314,"tableid":204,"classid":2102,"loc":[[6850335.8828125,24501476.50390625],[6850341.48828125,24501476.8828125],[6850362.171875,24501492.21484375],[6850387.4140625,24501508.86328125],[6850442.66796875,24501545.69921875],[6850502.34375,24501584.0078125],[6850558.3359375,24501619.37109375],[6850611.375,24501654.73046875],[6850671

Loading JSONL file as JSON objects

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-05 21:34:42
I want to load a JSONL file as JSON objects in python. Is there an easy way to do so? In general the code below shall work for you: import json result = [json.loads(jline) for jline in jsonl_content.split('\n')] If that's the response object the result would be: result = [json.loads(jline) for jline in response.read().split('\n')] Full steps including file operations for beginners like me Assuming you have a .jsonl file like: {"reviewerID": "A2IBPI20UZIR0U", "asin": "1384719342", "reviewerName": "cassandra tu \"Yeah, well, that's just like, u...", "helpful": [0, 0], "reviewText": "Not much to