
How to include Jooq Code generation in final build

梦想与她 提交于 2021-02-05 09:20:13
问题 I'm using Jooq code generation but I don't include all its java class in source control. That is when one of the developrts pull the code from get he has to run code generation to be up to date with the db schema But how to include it in the final jar? 回答1: There's no difference between that developer that has to run the code generation, and the build server producing the jar files that has to run code generation. Anyone building your application will need to generate code during the build if

How to include Jooq Code generation in final build

安稳与你 提交于 2021-02-05 09:19:07
问题 I'm using Jooq code generation but I don't include all its java class in source control. That is when one of the developrts pull the code from get he has to run code generation to be up to date with the db schema But how to include it in the final jar? 回答1: There's no difference between that developer that has to run the code generation, and the build server producing the jar files that has to run code generation. Anyone building your application will need to generate code during the build if

What's the usage of field's SQLDataType in JOOQ's auto generated classes

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2020-12-13 04:53:07
问题 When generating JOOQ classes via JOOQ code gen, for each field, there will be a SQLDataType associated with it like below. public final TableField<EventsRecord, LocalDateTime> CREATED_AT = createField("CREATED_AT"), SQLDataType.LOCALDATETIME(6).nullable(false), this, ""); What's the usage or purpose to have SQLDataType with each generated field? Since we already have a return type and client code is likely to use the this type to do the compile check. Why we still need to know the

How to fix generating proper value type for INPUT parameter in jOOQ for generated user-defined PL/pgSQL function using <forcedType> tag?

前提是你 提交于 2020-08-20 12:21:07
问题 I'm having an issue with resolving issue with <forcedType> for stored function written in PL/pgSQL in my generated Routines. This question is more specific for solving problem I had already asked in this question and answer is partially provided in this Q&A. This is ONE of my user-defined functions in PL/pgSQL which I'm having issue with (I'm displaying only one since both functions have same RETURN TYPE and INPUT parameter ): create or replace function public.get_order_by_order_id(o_id

How to fix generating proper value type for INPUT parameter in jOOQ for generated user-defined PL/pgSQL function using <forcedType> tag?

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2020-08-20 12:20:29
问题 I'm having an issue with resolving issue with <forcedType> for stored function written in PL/pgSQL in my generated Routines. This question is more specific for solving problem I had already asked in this question and answer is partially provided in this Q&A. This is ONE of my user-defined functions in PL/pgSQL which I'm having issue with (I'm displaying only one since both functions have same RETURN TYPE and INPUT parameter ): create or replace function public.get_order_by_order_id(o_id

How to perform SELECT query of PL/pgSQL user-defined function in jOOQ which returns JSON type?

人走茶凉 提交于 2020-07-10 10:27:06
问题 I'm having issue with finding right way to cast my user-defined function in PL/pgSQL into jOOQ code. My user-defined function in PL/pgSQL returns JSON type and I need to somehow adjust/cast it in jOOQ. I've Googled examples, but found none. Just in case here is my user-defined function in PL/pgSQL: create or replace function public.get_order_by_order_id(o_id bigint) returns json as $BODY$ DECLARE total_oi_price double precision; book_price double precision; total_price double precision; oi

How to access jOOQ generated Routine's field as value by using Custom Converter?

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-07-03 13:26:30
问题 I'm having an issue with accessing field of generated Routine from PL/pgSQL user-defined function (which returns JSON data type as a result) already mentioned in this question. This is my result of get_all_orders() function created in PL/pgSQL of JSON type: { "orders": [ { "order_id": 1, "total_price": 29.99, "order_date": "2019-08-22T10:06:33", "user": { "user_id": 1, "username": "test" }, "order_items": [ { "order_item_id": 1, "amount": 1, "book": { "book_id": 1, "title": "Harry Potter and