
Job queue with job affinity

故事扮演 提交于 2021-02-18 10:08:31
问题 I am currently facing a problem for which I am pretty sure there is an official name, but I don't know what to search the web for. I hope that if I describe the problem and the solution I have in mind, somebody is able to tell me the name of the design pattern (if there is one that matches what I am going to describe). Basically, what I want to have is a job queue: I have multiple clients that create jobs (publishers), and a number of workers that process these jobs (consumers). Now I want to

Why does celery needs a message broker?

瘦欲@ 提交于 2020-12-01 09:38:09
问题 As celery is a job queue/task queue, name illustrates that it can maintain its tasks and process them. Then why does it needs a message broker like rabbitmq or redis? 回答1: Celery is a Distributed Task Queue that means that the system can reside across multiple computers across multiple locations the basic architecture is as follows: workers - processes that can take jobs from the bus (task queue) and process the data, it can put the result in the bus for farther processing by a different

How to use Jobqueue in Python-telegram-bot

邮差的信 提交于 2020-08-26 00:32:13
问题 I have able to make a bot very easily by reading the docs but Jobqueue is not working as per it is written. The run_daily method uses a datetime.time object to send the message at a particular time but this code neither does its job of sending a message nor shows any errors. It just keeps running import datetime from telegram import bot from telegram.ext import Updater def callback_minute(bot, job): bot.send_message(chat_id=475838704, text='PlEaSe wOrK!') def main(): updater = Updater() bot =

How to use Jobqueue in Python-telegram-bot

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-08-26 00:30:52
问题 I have able to make a bot very easily by reading the docs but Jobqueue is not working as per it is written. The run_daily method uses a datetime.time object to send the message at a particular time but this code neither does its job of sending a message nor shows any errors. It just keeps running import datetime from telegram import bot from telegram.ext import Updater def callback_minute(bot, job): bot.send_message(chat_id=475838704, text='PlEaSe wOrK!') def main(): updater = Updater() bot =

NodeJS Bull Stop the queue jobs on a job failed

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-05-17 06:17:08
问题 I have multiple Bull Queues in my NodeJS project which will run if previous queue is executed successfully. I'm trying to verify some email addresses here. Check the Email format (formatQueue) Email Existence using npm email-existence package (existenceQueue) The formatQueue is less time taking process, which wil run the RegEx and validate the Email format. but The email-existence package takes around 5-10 seconds to complete. formatQueue and existenceQueue works properly if there are less

NodeJS Bull Stop the queue jobs on a job failed

我的梦境 提交于 2020-05-17 06:17:04
问题 I have multiple Bull Queues in my NodeJS project which will run if previous queue is executed successfully. I'm trying to verify some email addresses here. Check the Email format (formatQueue) Email Existence using npm email-existence package (existenceQueue) The formatQueue is less time taking process, which wil run the RegEx and validate the Email format. but The email-existence package takes around 5-10 seconds to complete. formatQueue and existenceQueue works properly if there are less

What is a good Sidekiq-like job system for node.js?

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2020-04-12 09:41:13
问题 (Most of the questions asked here about this subject are a bit old, and I was wondering what had change in the Node ecosystem it all those years.) I'm basically looking to implement a job queue in an app of mine in node.js. I've heard about and seen Sidekiq in action in the Ruby world and how great of a job it does, and was wondering if something similar existed in node. Workers will be written in Javascript so it doesn't have to be polyglot (it's great if it is, but definitely not a