
How to combine two arrays (`keys` and `values`) into an object using JMESPath?

喜欢而已 提交于 2021-02-16 16:00:34
问题 I have a JSON object with two arrays — one keys array and one values array, both of the same length. Using jmespath, I want to construct a new object using the values of the keys array as the keys and the values of the values array as the values, like array_combine in PHP. For example, here's the input: { "keys": [ "a", "b", "c" ], "values": [ 1, 2, 3 ] } And here is the output I'm expecting: { "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3 } Is there any built-in function to achieve this? 回答1: Unfortunately, it

How to get all security groups through AWS CLI of an EC2 to show in a table

核能气质少年 提交于 2021-01-28 05:06:32
问题 I am trying to show all instances along with attached security groups, block device name and their deleteontermination status. I need to show this data in table format but I am continuously getting the below error. Kindly help me to understand what I am missing here. PR-MacBook-Pro:~ pr$ aws ec2 describe-instances --output table --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[InstanceId,SecurityGroups[].GroupName,Placement.AvailabilityZone,BlockDeviceMappings[].DeviceName, BlockDeviceMappings[].Ebs

Ansible : filter elements containing string with JMESPath

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2021-01-28 02:11:13
问题 I want to get a list of addresses of a defined interface type. I found some info here. Here is my playbook: - name: Test JMESPath hosts: localhost gather_facts: no vars: interfaces: - name: em0 address: - name: bge0 address: - name: bge1 address: - name: bge2 address: tasks: - name: JMESPath query set_fact: result: "{{ interfaces | json_query(query) }}" vars: query: "[?name.contains(@, 'bge')].address" - debug: var: result I'd

jmes path assertion failing in jmeter

为君一笑 提交于 2020-12-27 05:52:31
问题 In my jmeter test, the test receives the following json response. {"result":"success","additional-info":"{\"external-profile\":{\"email\":\"\",\"firstname\":\"fn\",\"lastname\":\"ln\",\"portfolio\":{\"tags-of-interest\":[],\"question-created-tags\":[{\"tag\":\"un2-new tag-empty\",\"count\":1},{\"tag\":\"un2-new tag2-empty\",\"count\":1}],\"question-answered-tags\":[]}}}"} I want to check that the message has path additional-info.exernal-profile.portfolio and that there are

JMESPath expression to flatten array of objects, each with nested arrays of objects

拟墨画扇 提交于 2020-12-10 09:31:56
问题 I have JSON containing an array of databases, each database has an array of users, e.g. {"databases": [ {"db": "db_a", "users": [{"name": "alice"}, {"name": "alex"}]}, {"db": "db_b", "users": [{"name": "bob"}, {"name": "brienne"}]} ]} I would like to produce a flat array of databases and users, i.e. [ {"db": "db_a", "name": "alice"}, {"db": "db_a", "name": "alex"}, {"db": "db_b", "name": "bob"}, {"db": "db_b", "name": "brienne"} ] In SQL terms this would be a cartesian join or cartesian

JMESPath expression to flatten array of objects, each with nested arrays of objects

折月煮酒 提交于 2020-12-10 09:28:49
问题 I have JSON containing an array of databases, each database has an array of users, e.g. {"databases": [ {"db": "db_a", "users": [{"name": "alice"}, {"name": "alex"}]}, {"db": "db_b", "users": [{"name": "bob"}, {"name": "brienne"}]} ]} I would like to produce a flat array of databases and users, i.e. [ {"db": "db_a", "name": "alice"}, {"db": "db_a", "name": "alex"}, {"db": "db_b", "name": "bob"}, {"db": "db_b", "name": "brienne"} ] In SQL terms this would be a cartesian join or cartesian

JMESPath expression to flatten array of objects, each with nested arrays of objects

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2020-12-10 09:27:02
问题 I have JSON containing an array of databases, each database has an array of users, e.g. {"databases": [ {"db": "db_a", "users": [{"name": "alice"}, {"name": "alex"}]}, {"db": "db_b", "users": [{"name": "bob"}, {"name": "brienne"}]} ]} I would like to produce a flat array of databases and users, i.e. [ {"db": "db_a", "name": "alice"}, {"db": "db_a", "name": "alex"}, {"db": "db_b", "name": "bob"}, {"db": "db_b", "name": "brienne"} ] In SQL terms this would be a cartesian join or cartesian

Querying multiple values

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-07-30 05:56:08
问题 I'm trying to filter by multiple values however I can't seem to get an and clause to work (e.g. filter1 and filter 2 ... etc.): Show me snapshots where the database name is 'testing' aws rds describe-db-snapshots --include-shared --query 'DBSnapshots[?DBInstanceIdentifier==`testing`].{DBNAME:DBInstanceIdentifier,SNAPSHOT:DBSnapshotIdentifier}' [ { "SNAPSHOT": "test1", "DBNAME": "testing" }, { "SNAPSHOT": "test2", "DBNAME": "testing" }, { "SNAPSHOT": "test3", "DBNAME": "testing" }, { "SNAPSHOT

Querying multiple values

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-07-30 05:54:05
问题 I'm trying to filter by multiple values however I can't seem to get an and clause to work (e.g. filter1 and filter 2 ... etc.): Show me snapshots where the database name is 'testing' aws rds describe-db-snapshots --include-shared --query 'DBSnapshots[?DBInstanceIdentifier==`testing`].{DBNAME:DBInstanceIdentifier,SNAPSHOT:DBSnapshotIdentifier}' [ { "SNAPSHOT": "test1", "DBNAME": "testing" }, { "SNAPSHOT": "test2", "DBNAME": "testing" }, { "SNAPSHOT": "test3", "DBNAME": "testing" }, { "SNAPSHOT

How to insert a attribute with a dynamic value in many object or add an element dynamically in many array?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-01-24 13:03:06
问题 I want to add an attribute in many object(situated in an array) and this value will be get dynamically. I use the JSON below, and I already made a query to extract what I want. We will start with th result of this query. First my entire JSON: [ { "Nature":"lol", "EV":"lol", "Moves":[ { "Move":"OHKOmove", "Max":100, "Min":15 }, { "Move":"cacaz", "Max":35, "Min":20 } ] }, { "Nature":"loi", "EV":"lal", "Moves":[ { "Move":"caca1", "Max":100, "Min":3 }, { "Move":"caca2", "Max":100, "Min":3 } ] },