
Use jackson annotation JsonUnwrapped on a field with name different from its getter

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2021-02-19 01:26:07
问题 I have a class like: class Car { private Engine myEngine; @JsonProperty("color") private String myColor; @JsonProperty("maxspeed") private int myMaxspeed; @JsonGetter("color") public String getColor() { return myColor; } @JsonGetter("maxspeed") public String getMaxspeed() { return myMaxspeed; } public Engine getEngine() { return myEngine; } } and Engine class like class Engine { @JsonProperty("fueltype") private String myFueltype; @JsonProperty("enginetype") private String myEnginetype;

Comparing 2 JSONArray

北城以北 提交于 2021-02-18 19:27:28
问题 I have JSONArrays that needs to be compared which may have child entities inside it not in the same order though like this : [{ "A" : "IN", "B" : "DL"},{ "A" : "US", "B" : "KA"}] //JSONArray 1 [{ "A" : "US", "B" : "KA"},{ "A" : "IN", "B" : "DL"}] //JSONArray 2 Here is my code. Before calling JsonElemnt, I am converting both the JSONArray to String and then passing it to my function to compare : //Converting both JSONArray to String JsonArray1Str and JsonArray2Str JsonElement jsonElement1 =

Parsing an array of non-homogeneous JSON Objects with Jackson

梦想与她 提交于 2021-02-18 16:44:09
问题 I have a situation where I need to parse an array of JSON objects that are not identical. So for example: [ { "type": "type1", ..... type1 contents .... }, { "type": "type2", ..... type2 contents .... }, .... { "type": "type1", ..... type1 contents .... } ] The number of types is limited and the contents of each type are well can be defined but it is not possible to define a single type of object that will hold the contents. Is there a way to parse them with Jackson? P.S. I am trying to avoid

Parsing an array of non-homogeneous JSON Objects with Jackson

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2021-02-18 16:43:36
问题 I have a situation where I need to parse an array of JSON objects that are not identical. So for example: [ { "type": "type1", ..... type1 contents .... }, { "type": "type2", ..... type2 contents .... }, .... { "type": "type1", ..... type1 contents .... } ] The number of types is limited and the contents of each type are well can be defined but it is not possible to define a single type of object that will hold the contents. Is there a way to parse them with Jackson? P.S. I am trying to avoid

Parsing an array of non-homogeneous JSON Objects with Jackson

末鹿安然 提交于 2021-02-18 16:43:26
问题 I have a situation where I need to parse an array of JSON objects that are not identical. So for example: [ { "type": "type1", ..... type1 contents .... }, { "type": "type2", ..... type2 contents .... }, .... { "type": "type1", ..... type1 contents .... } ] The number of types is limited and the contents of each type are well can be defined but it is not possible to define a single type of object that will hold the contents. Is there a way to parse them with Jackson? P.S. I am trying to avoid

SpringBoot @RequestBody 报错 ('application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' not supported)

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2021-02-18 01:54:52
第一种:转 https://blog.csdn.net/chenfei2341/article/details/83652586 在Spring boot 中使用 @RequestBody 会报错,提示错误 Content type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' not supported ,代码如下: @RequestMapping(value = "/act/service/model/{modelId}/save", method = RequestMethod.POST) public void saveModel(@PathVariable String modelId, @RequestBody MultiValueMap<String, String> values) { // 具体代码 } 这个在传统 spring MVC 中是有效的,但是在 Spring boot 中会报错。 传统是 Spring MVC 有效,是因为有 <mvc:annotation-driven> 注解,查资料,<mvc:annotation-driven> 注解配置了如下的内容 spring 3.1 版本: <!-- 注解请求映射 --> <bean class ="org.springframework.web

One domain model, multiple json views

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-02-18 00:14:07
问题 We have a set of domain classes which are serialized to json via jackson using jersey services. We are currently annotating the classes with JAXB (although we're not tied to that). This works fine. But we want to offer different serializations of the classes for different use cases. Web site Mobile apps Admin tool Public API In each of these cases there are different fields which we may or may not want included in the json view. For example, the admin tool might need some parameters for

Configure Jackson to parse multiple date formats

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2021-02-17 21:57:28
问题 I am working on a project where the date formats returned in JSON payloads aren't consistent (that's another issue all together). The project I'm working on uses Jackson to parse the JSON responses. Right now I've written a few de/serializers to handle it but it's not elegant. I want to know whether there's a way to configure Jackson with a set of possible date formats to parse for a particular response rather than writing several separate deserializers for each format. Similar to how GSON

When using Jackson, System.out.println(new ObjectMapper().readTree(jsonStringObject)); prints the JSON with random spaces in between keys and values

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2021-02-17 05:15:32
问题 A very strange behavior. When I just print the System.out.println(jsonStringObject); it prints the JSON properly and well, but when I use Jackson's API, namely new ObjectMapper().readTree(jsonStringObject); it incorporates some random spaces. 回答1: A very strange behavior. Indeed. But see what the JsonNode class documentation says about the toString() method: Method that will produce developer-readable representation of the node; which may or may not be as valid JSON. If you want valid JSON

java 解析json超大文件(转)

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2021-02-16 16:40:35
https://www.yiibai.com/jackson/jackson_tree_model.html 从JSON创建树 ObjectMapper提供一个指针树的根节点在读取JSON之后。根节点可用于遍历完全树。考虑下面的代码片段获得提供JSON字符串的根节点。 //Create an ObjectMapper instance ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper (); String jsonString = "{\"name\":\"Mahesh Kumar\", \"age\":21,\"verified\":false,\"marks\": [100,90,85]}" ; //create tree from JSON JsonNode rootNode = mapper . readTree ( jsonString ); 遍历树模型 使用相对路径来根节点在遍历树,并处理该数据得到的每个节点。考虑下面的代码片段遍历提供的根节点的树。 JsonNode nameNode = rootNode . path ( "name" ); System . out . println ( "Name: " + nameNode . getTextValue ()); JsonNode marksNode = rootNode .